Download it, save it, distribute it etc.
Download it, save it, distribute it etc.
Holy fuck.
You're a big guy
It's like you want to be put on a list.
My life is basically worthless anyway Comrade!
I have to take a shitload of drugs just to be able to walk around and drink lots of coffee all day under crapitalism
What happened user
u cut me off mid sentence
Oh I'm sorry user just read it weird. I thought you meant you have to take meds just to walk and that you drink lots of coffee. Nevermind then, I'm gonna assume you mean SSRIs or some shit like most people.
yes some shit like most people, seems reasonable
Almost everyone I know takes some form of antidepressant.
It's so sad really.
Well, let's rev up those gulags and party like it's 1917 chaps.
do you live in the most free and democratic country on Earth?
good one, he most likely does
Cuba? No.
dont u mean the free domokratik sosiety of the ubungan states of amurCIA?
excuse me for being a normalfag, but what's skurt?
Having excess HDD space is wrong as so many of our comrades don't have enough HDD space. You need to send your hard drives to us sufferers. Sharing is Communist, comrade.
Yes I do. Even my parents are on antidepressants and they're pretty normal people, just stressed out by work and "a dissapointing life" as my mom puts it.
"a dissapointing life"
Worst analysis of capitalist realism I've heard for months Comrade
Yeah you can thank my mom for her amazing analysis on capitalist realism.
Thank you mom
Why I'm asking it that I know a girl who works in a call center. They recruit (ex)cancer patients in the land of the free for clinical trials. 100% of them are on antidepressants, even those that were cured and didn't have any relapses.
I think antidepressants are a bretty big business in the greatest country on Earth, and most physicians just prescribe them to anyone who feels slightly sressed
If you don't live in the most free and democratic country on earth you might not know it first hand, but the pushing of antidepressants is fucking insane. I've had to turn down antidepressants several times after mentioning that I felt sad, dissapointed, or anything negative involving my mood. They immediately ask if you want to try antidepressants and so many people get onboard without fully understanding the consequences. I was on Zoloft for about 2 years and they were the most emotionally unfulfilling years of my life, the usual way people explain it is as if you were 'a zombie' and I agree. Flat affect all around and I started to try to make myself depressed again while on them to feel anything again. This is just my own experience and the experience of everyone I've known that's taken it, I've never heard of a successful antidepressant trial in person. I'm sure it's out there, but as it stands I think it's ridiculous that I don't bother mentioning anything related to mood around my doctor anymore because I'm tired of turning down the same prescription over and over.
wow there's more shit on than I thought
What about when the feds take it down in the next red scare? Then you'll wish you had a hard drive dedicated to Marxism.
Lol go back under your rock filthy centralist. As long as people aren't starving peasants your ideology will never take root.
I fuckiin need does doe at least untill we get like half way to communism
There's literally a virus in that.
World's richest 10% own 90% of HDD space. Think about that!
nod32 says it's cool.
24 comrades downloading, well done!
From TPB. I have to agree with this, why should I bother downloading and seeding this OP?
Decentralizing Important knowledge which might be censored in for example the US any day now.
But you'll do as you please. I figure that it's worthwhile for me personally. But I guess it's not for everyone.
It's aight I guess. I am seeding to 30 people right now. But I am chatting with another comrade and I am not seeding to him so there is probably more people downloading than that.
Why does the MIA take so much space though? Did you save all the background images separately or something?
it's most likely a zip fille.
It's pdfs and images. I've not even managed to open the whole file myself yet. It supposed to take 11 fucking HOURS HAHah
SSo yeah this is relevant
If someone wants to reupload it later unarchived feel free
You haven't responded at all to the main criticism of this torrent. If you care so much about "Decentralizing Important knowledge" I don't understand why you don't give a fuck about itemizing or making it accessible/appealing for people to torrent and seed.
I am a lazy slob. Fight me.
Then fuck off with this kind of thing, pitch it someone who isn't a lazy piece of shit.
Are you a lazy piece of shit?
Because if you are going to answer no…
I got some news for you.
no u
yes, I understand that it's some kind of archive, that's exactly the problem
instead of looking through the torrent and picking and choosing what you want you must download the whole fucking thing (~190 gigabytes)
no u
Everyone chill out. If you want to let of some steam go troll >>>Zig Forums
It's all or nothing. You can't be a little bit pregnant communist. You download and read everything, comrade!
I'll agree to this.
I just thought it was way too much fun to reply no u like I was more retarded than I am.
However, the point is kind of that this is meant for people who appriciate the school of marxism and therefore want to seed even it's worst parts.
Otherwise who would download stuff from your least favorite leftist figure
I consider it all to be gold, even the parts i dislike.
* reads all 194 GB *
* Transcends humanity *
Never take medications from doctors if you can avoid it. Be it antidepressants or sleep meds-that shit turns us into mindless zombies. I learnt the hard way after I asked doc for some sleeping pills (I specifically said I didn't want anything addictive). Doc gave me the most addictive sleep aid possible. It was fun to get high on those, but I realized how bad things could get if I got hooked, so I dumped that shit. No anti-depressants, pain or sleep pills. I have gone through some of the most painful shit ever, without any form of pain pills…just makes me a stronger person. If depressed, there are ways to cope without meds. Here are a few:
1. Find a hobby that requires physical exercise and force yourself to do the hobby regularly, but initially only for 15-30 min at a time.
2. Identify thoughts that trigger depression and find a balancing thought…"my life sucks" may be balanced by "life is good when I'm beating off" (insert something, anything positive here). This works well for me and I developed this response when getting stuck in traffic, which triggered xtreme road rage…"this cunt cut me off" balanced by "maybe her kid got hurt and is in the hospital"…regardless of the validity of whether or not she was just a cunt or had a decent reason for cunting through traffic, this is for MY emotional balance/control.
3. Set simple, doable goals…start small. One of mine was to just do 10 pushups every morning and maybe ramp up to 50-80 (10 is way too little for me, but the point is to accomplish some simple goal regularly…build from there to accomplish more difficult goals that may be further away.
4. Know your enemy- we have enemies, out to ruin us. IDing them is useful. Many people will try to get us to believe that we are responsible for how we feel, but this is not true much of the time, though, we can take control and not let these joo-fucks spoil our days.
5. Drink distilled water, eat a variety of good quality foods and get plenty of sleep.
The order is inconsequential, you will have to shuffle things around to fit your specific needs. Also, don't bite off more than you can chew, so to speak. Focus on improving one-or two area of your life at a time and keep track of your progress, then reward yourself for making life suck less.
That's the idea.
> I have gone through some of the most painful shit ever
Let's not do this please?
no u
me after not reading this whole thing
Do you distil the water yourself or what?
Time to convert some dirty capitalists
I don't agree on forcing yourself to do it, since I think you should try to find something that's naturally fun, but I do agree with this first point as a whole. My physical hobby is skateboarding. You get to be a part of a community at your local park, meet people, get fit, stay hydrated, and look good while you're doing it.
Definitely go do something outside anons, but have fun and don't burn out.
I fucking fucked myself up so bad at the park a few weeks ago. I fucking SUCK ASS at skating, but It's a lot of fun.
I can also assure you I look like shit while doing it.
Here are links to Imgur albums with evidence that Holocaust happened and some nazi myths are also debunked.
Well, this is off topic like everything else here.
If you aren't already on at least a couple of lists you're living your life incorrectly.
Torrenting is the most communist way of distributing information.
Lmao no. I have to torrent blurays
Name another platform then faggot
Here's a few:
how are you unaware of these and post on imageboards?
pic obviously unrelated
Yes. I'm the most normalfag 25 years old boomer who post on these sites.
Thank you btw. What's the difference between these and torrent?
Well, since you're new, I'll tell you.
Utorrent isn't torrenting as a sharing platform. It's just a torrent client. It's a notoriously shit one too, loaded with ads, closed source, probably snooping on all that hentai you download, etc:
My examples are far better torrent clients. They're lighter, have no ads, and are open source. They're good shit. I'd highly suggest them. So, you'd basically do the same thing you do with uTorrent, except without all the fucking bullshit uTorrent has.
Wow. Ok thanks man I'll try them out
I've had issues with seeding using qbit…
Kim is dilf
If you are so weird that you would have an issue with some random bloke somewhere looking at your porn you need to take a porn break of aprox 200 years.
I really think being a zombie is better then the shitshow my life is on depression
fugg :DDDD
38 people downloading. Well done, comrades!!
I agree to this!
Take all the antidepressants you want as long as you are able to partake in the workers struggle.
I am currently in the process of starting up a new online newspaper with some friends. We've fucking had enough of the rights online dominance. This shit needs to end before they fuck up every bit of progress that has been made the last 100 years…
45 downloads, great job comrades!
you sound like a fun person, I would drink some vodka with you
Deluge is my personal favorite
bruh you have no idea
Deluge is what I use myself, yeah.
I can't handle vodka, I can't even handle beer. I'll end up killing myself or someone else eventually if I start drinking again.
And also it would kill me within hours due to the cocktail of meds I'm on. (it's a nice safety feature!)
See you later, I'm off to the pub. (im not even kidding)
Thats because the Godzilla movies are professionally and efficiently compressed unless you downloaded a shitty rip (we all know you did), while the OP is just another lazy bum who feels like he accomplished something throwing all of his downloads together into an inconvenient oversized bundle of who knows what random shit, impressing only drooling retards with hundreds of gigabytes of redundant data.
Your typical 5 Megabyte le marrgsisd lidderature PDF contains really only 500kb of richtext
Your typical 50 Megabyte le marrgsisd redpillz video contains really only 1.5MB worth of low ress image and videocontent and less than 1kb worth of narrated text
What's in the megapack, thought?
Well that sucks :DDDD For me on the contrary, I would kill myself without alcohol. Take care comrade :DD
194GB of Spurdo pics :DDDDDDDDDDD
IT's only spurdo rly
posting in CIA thread
stop living in this
This is going good
44 people downloading. I am wondering how many people have downloaded so far?
At least un-archive it, for fuck's sake, I'm not going to download all of 200GB, I don't need revisionist shit.
Your revisionists are going to thank you when you are the only one who have their revisionist shit before the censorship begin. They might even be so thankful that they agree to fight on your terms.
this is why y'all fuckers need all of it.
Irrelevant to the point made by ⛏️rotskyist Scum.
Single archive makes torrent unusable for those who can't download all of it and/or unpack it.