What is your view on Expulsion of Germans from european countries in 1945? What was it? Was it crime ? Or just revenge?
Expulsion of Germans 1945
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This basically saves Germany from extinction and reboots its genetic stock.
It damaged the DDR's prospects. A DDR with Silesia and Pomerania would have done a lot better economically.
Poland without Silesia and Pomerania would have done worse economically.
Poland was less important to the Eastern Bloc. The DDR was on the frontline of the Cold War and it consequently suffered from braindrain to the BRD, which was held up as superior to it and therefore evidence of the superiority of capitalism. Also the DDR was the most successful of the Eastern Bloc states and it would have made better use of that territory.
This especially with the Polish Peoples Republics absolutely trash tier history of economic Management
Doubtful, Warsaw and Krakow were already major industrial centres, and its economy was mostly agrarian regardless. Also Poland was so fucked from the war that the economy could be completely restructured anyways, whereas the regions that existed in the RL DDR were effectively geared for the Nazi War economy.
On the expulsions in general, I think the expulsion of Germans from Germany proper was an immense mistake: one agreed to by all the allies btw so don't let no wank tell you it was the ebul soviets Churchill pushed for it also. On example is Konigsburg, the effective depopulation of the city was caused as a result of the conflict in it yes, but it should have either enetered the USSR as a OstPrussen German Soviet Republic or as a part of the DDR. As for the German minorities in eastern Europe on the other hand, that is a different question. By the end of the war the nature of the German occupation in many of these areas and the fascist regimes that had supported by Germany that ensured the Germans were protected (like Iron Guard Romania) were gone. Long term would the Germans have been better off in Transylvania under Casueascseauaseaucuasucaseau? I doubt it. As such, creating a proper DDR with Pommern and Deutsch Silesian that had a policy of accepting all the Sudeternlander, Danube Saxons et al would have been a better decision for all of the eastern bloc. However it happened, and we must live with what we have.
The DDR while strong in the early cold-war had much like Poland / Rest of the WP / USSR its economy had continued to stagnate
The only Socialist Republic showing any Economic Promise at the time was Kadar's Hungary and that was only because of him following the Cuban / Mao's China Model
Which is why Andropov attempted to Re-Orient the System towards Hungary's Model during his Tenure
DDR had the potential for Cybersyn, it was just never realised.
I agree with Kadarism to an extent, Hungary's self management worked better than Yugoslavia's (and I am a Tito fan).
ALso there were plans for botha Cybersyn AND Kadarist reforms in the late 60s initiated by Cornholio, but Eyebrow ditched them both.
Andropov Proposed a Plan whih would have essentially made the USSR Kadar Model but he died before it could be implemented on any real scale
And BirthMark then promptly used Andropovs ideas as a Launchpad for his Dismantling of socialism
Probably, but let's get this straight: If the GDR were more prosperous, it would have attracted way more defectors, it would have been more of a showcase, and it would not have had the need to re-industrialize (which were costing the GDR important years in comparison to West Germany), as their only industrial center was Dresden which was bombed to shreds. Meanwhile the FRG had access to the Ruhrgebiet, which was the biggest industrial center of the world, and which was left relatively unharmed.
This map makes me horny. Imagine the powerhouse the GDR could have been. This would also have left a different historic footprint of socialism.
To be fair, after the GDR and Czechoslovakia and some Soviet regions like Estonia Poland had the highest living standard of the Eastern Bloc.
GDR went further than any state in history in implementing Cybersyn. Ulbrich created the NÖS and NÖSPL, which was supposed to end up in a cybernetically directed economy. He founded the Akademie für Marxistisch-Leninistische Organisationswissenschaften (AMLO) to school cadres in cybernetics and heuritistic. There was actually quite a Sci-Fi enthusiasm in the GDR during that time, living standard peaked (no commieblocks at that time, but great alleys with pretty houses), and the GDR produced movies like The Silent Star which was one of the main influences for the Roddenberry's Star Trek later. Interviews with people from that time also confirm they literally thought in 50 years, they had fully automated space communism.
Honecker is to blame for dismantling both the NÖSPL and closing down of the AMLO. He's the German Brezhnev.
People should stop sucking gdr dick. Poland should have annexed all of East Germany and Soviet Union more of Poland.
Germans got of to easy for all the suffering they caused.
That's incorrect. Estonian Socialist Republic inside Soviet Union was.
How? Any reading on that?
Yeah, fuck off. Stalin himself said that the fascist ruling class was the enemy, the German worker was not. Soviets also didn't do carpet bombing of civilians that the Western allies did because the recognized the class nature of WWII, unlike muh Bomber Harris Antideutsche jerk off to today.
Yes it did
but it would suffer "Crashes" in the Economic political Social and Living standards sense on multiple occasions for decades usually caused by a Commodity shortage (usually food) which was caused by the governments Disastrous Price control programs
Cockshott actually explains this at the ten minute mark here :
But essentially
This map has good insight, I don't know any English sources but I have seen multiple Russian videos about technological advancements inside Baltic Republics, including very automated farms..
I was referring to state of Germany. Germans could just hod citizenship of Poland while living in PPL.
This is very true. Poland had the highest caloric intake of any Warsaw Pact country and very high population growth.
Also, Poland still has multiple good things going on, thanks to socialism. As many other former countries of east block.
Estonia was known to have the highest living standard inside the USSR, but I don't see anything similar to NÖSPL or AMLO in the GDR.
But that would be shitty realpolitik. First off, Poles were just as nationalist dicks than Germans, the difference was that Germany was more powerful. To create a "Greater Poland" westwards (which would have been a historical novelty, because Poles always thirst for Ukraine, the Smolensk region and Belarus) would have alienated the entire German population. I approve the creation of a socialist, anti-fascist German state.
It reminds me one video by,Allah forgive me for uttering his name, stefan molyneux, where he claims that if prices are to high it creates black market, if prices are to low it leads to deficit. Does Paul Cockshott offers solution?
I've never seen Molyneux citing any economic paper or source for his claims, the guy is a trained personal counselor for family issues. I would take every take of Molyneux on economics with a truckload of salt.
It seems you are right. It was a situation without clear answer, and I guess Soviets picked middle by creating GDR, but giving parts of Germany to Poland.
Still, we must look at today's world. How evil would be modern Germany with Silesia and Pomerania ? It would have already destroyed Europe, with it's parasitic economic policies.
Broken clock is correct twice a day.
Well Stalin's original plan was a reunified neutral Germany. If that would have happened, Germany would have very well went DemSoc and being very sceptical of NATO. There was another chance to pull this off in 1989, but the West German government just ignored the West German constitution and didn't initiate a constitutional assembly.
Yeah but Poland flipping to the Capitalist west was inevitable.
Should have given all of Europe to Bulgaria.
Estonia has highest PISA ratings in Europe. Russia has higher school rating than USA.
n 2014 the Pearson/Economist Intelligence Unit rated Russia's education as the 8th-best in Europe and the 13th-best in the world;[9] Russia's educational attainment was rated as the 21st-highest in the world, and the students' cognitive skills as the 9th-highest.[10]
In 2015 the OECD ranked Russian students' mathematics and science skills as the 34th-best in the world, between Sweden and Iceland.[11]
In 2016 the US company Bloomberg rated Russia's higher education as the third-best in the world, measuring the percentage of high-school graduates who go on to attend college, the annual science and engineering graduates as a percentage of all college graduates, and science and engineering graduates as a percentage of the labor force.[12]
These articles and arbitrary, but it's good for converting normies.
I refer to the Kosygin reforms and OGAS. I don't think Andropov introducing Kadarism in 1985 would have saved the USSR tbh
I don't understand why under-pricing food creates food shortages. Cockshott says economic planners can't shift production if prices are skewed because 'the shift in labour required becomes impossible'. What does this mean?
Comment under his most recent video. He will answer.
Only OGAS with a HARD crackdown on managers and bureaucrats in the Party would save it. The reason the USSR feel is because of the Managers. To save socialism they need to go.
not cool.
The Germans should have been able to stay.
Should've annexed Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Poland into a Sorb state
Sadly this isn't for long, Russia is switching to the US method of education and the results are terrible. Can't find an english version of this documentary, so use CC
Wut, I mean it ain't perfect but how is a plan directed by bureaucrats fine but workers engaging in autonomous management of the MoP is not revisionism: unless De Leon is a revisionist now.
I hate pootin so much.
The “self management” Kosygin and Kadar advocated for involved different state enterprises competing against each other and managers getting paid more than workers.
tfw the Soviet Union probably birthed the greatest mind that has done work in cognitive development surpassing Piaget by a long run
They implemented his system to some extent, and instead of progressing, they degenerate.
DDR & Poland should have become proper Soviet republics instead.
Fucking genius