Why can't liberals tell the difference between democratic socialists and social Democrats?

Why can't liberals tell the difference between democratic socialists and social Democrats?

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There isn't one.

No one can my nig.

There actually is, but this problem is getting worse because succdems are identifying as demsoc now.

Because social democrats can't tell the difference either and call themselves socialist.

DSA isn't like Salvador Allende, you're not getting elected and you're not going to implement cybernetics, elections in the US are as ornamental as elections in Mexico during the Porfiriato. Your efforts are better spent building the idea of politics outside of elections and the illegitimacy of all bourgeois institutions and elections.

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Democratic Socialism is the biggest meme in the history of this planet. I'm not going to take the ultra-left position and completely reject the utility of participating in elections, but elections are almost worthless outside of getting a tribune to propagandize your positions from. If a genuine socialist got elected to president, especially in America, it would result in an Allende-style bloodbath. Getting a mere foothold in the bourgeois state and thinking you'll be able to upturn the establishment and capitalism itself is delusional. Elections alone accomplish nothing, you need to do things outside of that and its not going to align with the law.

Because of pic related.

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Idk but why can't liberals tell the difference between Not Socialists and Socialists (Globalists)

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You can't even win street brawls anymore

Zig Forums needs you back nigger

Imagine thinking that it is not capitalism that is driving globalization and things like the EU

Because they're trying to deflect from the fact that nazis are liberals too to make themselves look better.

Imagine being this stupid

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I can't?

Socialists aren't globalists? News to me. Explain if you even can.

Fuck capitalism and the EU.

Solid reply.

Your meme sucks more than your reply. Get fucked

Oohh watch out guys, this fascist doesn't like capitalism! It's almost as if all fascists that have ever existed have spoken against capitalism but go full capitalist when they're in power either way. Really makes you think, you know? Almost as if they do it on purpose, mmh.

nice jpeg nigger
couldn't even pick an image that doesn't look like a goldsrc texture no wonder fascists can't succeed in making an ethnostate

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You say this, but what is at the root of your opposition to capitalism? What do you replace it with. Nazis always say this but then maintain capitalism completely under a slightly different guise and name.
I am of the belief that globalization in one way or another is inevitable due in one part to the rise of global capitalism and on the other hand better means of communication, transportation and technology. There is nothing wrong with globalization in itself but the form of globalization under capitalism is the main problem. It should benefit the working people, not imperialists and capitalists. Socialists are internationalists. We believe that the proletarian class, all around the world, have the same interest, the same struggle and the same enemy. Class struggle is first and foremost a national struggle, but it goes far beyond that. The proletariat, wherever they live and from whatever race, gender or religion has a common interest independent of national identity or any form of identity politics.

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pic related I know that the image sucks but still

I hope so

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Because we're kind of shit at naming things and the two terms sound too similar.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. What's your reasoning behind this claim?

To put it simply: traditionalism, anti-materialism, and anti-consumerism.
Yes and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧who🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 do you think is behind these pushes for capitalism/globalism?
And in your eyes, who is that enemy? Genuinely curious, not trying to troll

Nazis were true Socialists. Not the Jewish perversion of global Socialism.

Name one fascist that hasn't actively sided with the bourgeoise.

Lmao why does your board put UK flags instead of parentheses for naming the jew?

Literally all of them dude. Fascists hate the Jews (bourgeoisie)

Why are traditions inherently worth maintaining? I'm not saying all traditions are bad or need thrown out but times and culture change. To follow a tradition merely because it is something people have done for ages seems silly to me.
Do you mean this in the philosophical sense or the sense that people like material goods over stuff like community, family, race.
I hate this too
People. It's not a "push", it naturally emerged from earlier modes of production until it evolved to what it has become today - global capitalism. Socialism likewise will be the product of capitalism and emerge from it.
The bourgeoisie, those who own the means of production and exploit the working people, wage war across the globe for economic interests.

The Nazis destroyed the German labor movement, privatized formerly state-owned firms and put real socialists in concentration camps while gearing up to wage an imperialist war in the East. And who profited? The bourgeoisie profited while the working people suffered. They were not socialist in any sense of the term.

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Because the perfidious anglo is in more places than the jew

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Are you a Marxist that participates in elections?
Then call yourself that, or an "electoral Marxist", idk. There's no need for any more of a special logo for it. You'll get co-opted by liberals too easily.

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The white babies are getting raped, pol needs you little downie friendo!

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All these Jewish ideologies are man made. Fascism is the closest there is to Truth.

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Nice esoterism faggot

Imagine actually believing this bunk

Someone educate me. I though succ Dems are still capitalist with some socialist elements. But aren't democratic socialists actual socialists who believe in democracy in government and the workplace?

What's wrong with democracy? And what's the alternative?

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Funny because this is a libertarian board.

Socialists believe in democracy, period. The distinction you're missing is bourgeois democracy versus proletarian democracy. Democratic socialists denounce illegal work and think they can win power and make changes within the bourgeois state, essentially denouncing revolutionary work for mere day-to-day reforms.
Destroying bourgeois democracy, arming the people and creating a dictatorship of the proletariat (proletarian democracy) with more participatory elements, organs of people's power, etc

No no you have the definition mixed up. I mean traditionalism in the original definition of it which means truth. Perennial wisdom. I do not mean what is customary or old fashioned. I mean the all encompassing truth.

I believe they go hand in hand. There is no separation.

Fuck ya

So you say people but you don't think it's a certain group of people? You just think it's random people that took over?

Again, who are these people? We always hear bourgeoisie bourgeoisie but who are they? How did they come to be the bourgeoisie?

Maybe not in the distorted sense that you have of Socialism. Why do you think they put these "real Socialists" in "concentration camps"?

Then why are people against democratic socialism here?

Explain more if you don't mind bro

Extremely messy pics that veer me away. What points are you trying to make?

because people falsely believe it's an oxymoron because socialism = gubbermint

Haha now this is interesting. Haven't heard this one. Explain your claim if you don't mind. What evidence do you have for this claim?

Thanks bitch.

It's truly enlightening.

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Apart leftists no one does, and if they would understand that, they would be leftist.

Because denouncing revolution and illegality for working exclusively in the domain of the bourgeois state is not the way to win power and history has shown us time and time again that socialism will not originate from within the bourgeois state. Just look at what happened with Allende when the UP got a foothold in Chile's executive branch. Marx and Lenin made it very clear that the bourgeois state machine needs to be destroyed.

It's true. The left really can't meme

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Oy vey

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You'll find that it's largely an argument over terminology. There are people anywhere from straight up Marxists to straight up neoliberals who describe themselves either as demsocs or socdems. This is an issue, which is why I advocate using the term "electoral Marxist" or something similar here if you are engaging in bourgeois electoral politics.
On the other hand, some entryism can be beneficial for moving the public left, so I see no issue in joining organizations like the D..SA which use this sort of co-optable language if you are able to get them to in fact move to Marxism.

Pic related

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It's kind of hard to when your ideologies are convoluted and boring instead of retarded and emotionally gratifying.


Sooooo I'm guessing this is a kike board? Are there any other goys in here?

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With a country as dumb as yours there clearly isn't, when even the most basic social safety nets expected from a functioning state can't be rolled out without the trailer trash getting outraged about someone standing up for their rights. But whatever, enjoy subsidizing the least effective and most expensive healthcare system in the world and paying $10,000 for an ambulance ride.

this board is unironically more white european than Zig Forums is

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So the whole "no private property" thing… You don't want the privacy to be able to own your own land and do as you please on it? You are comfy with the state always having its hand in your business? Explain this to me if you don't mind.

big brain

Not what I said but hey nice twist! I smell a kike, I'll preheat the oven bud

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Why are pinoshit stains so fucking retarded?

I'm kinda dissapointed in you Billy. You know, your german heritage should've given you a much higher I Q than a primitive 125 I Q southamerican like me. Those aryan genes should be worth at least 150 I Q points but it surprises me this rudimentary negro is capable of reading and understanding these pics but you can't. You need to read Mein Kampf again to refresh your memory and reactivate your spine bulb so those german genes become active once again.

Good thing I hate all that faggotry. Fuck Trump and fuck pepe. You use the kiked elements of the right to pin me as being kiked when you're probably the kike anyway. Fuck off shlomo

That's personal property. Private property is means of production

Personal and private property aren't the same thing.
What is "The State"? Some metaphysical entity? We want to be the government, not to plead to it.

Further proof that these reactionaries are amerifat boomers or amerifat suburbanite children with little to no experience with the real world.

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I don't see anything wrong with identifying as something that is technically correct but sounds less scary to the general public.

Democratic socialists don't necessarily believe that they can win power through democracy, just that people should have a say in the hierarchy that they are a part of.

Lmao is this real? Funny as fuck if true. But alright, if you guys are not actually kikes, then you have some serious brain pollution going on

What is there to explain? the anglo created our the global financial system and the anglo runs it, the jew acts as a mere pawn to them. The anglo gives israel all it's weapons so that they can control the middle east in favor of the anglo.

What an absolute vulgarization of Marx's teachings

Because capitalism is just a stepping stone prerequisite to communism! They are of the same force! The kikes! Fuck all that shit

fuck off, my name's not Billy

It's funnier to me that nazis worship a man who overthrew a democratically elected president to invite Austrian School kikes over and sell his country out to internationals. Not that I should be surprised

The Jewish question is a deus ex machina, the only reason it exists is to be a convenient excuse for anything that idealist lunatics feel like doing.

But then, if I produce food on my land it's not personal property, it's private? You kikes and your word play…

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But how can you expect to be the government when the kikes that control it all, won't allow organics?

I'm calling you Billy from now on, my german freund.


No no no, the Anglo did not create this shit. The kikes have. The shabbos goys have been pawns. You've got it so backwards

So your opinion of the Jews is? You don't care that they push all forms of fun and are responsible for all the wars since Napoleon?

I don't give a fuck about Jews and only the mentally ill think they hiding in every shadow. Not worth my time

Not big words, word play. Learn what phrases mean bro, it'll benefit you in the long run

Of course they fucking did, the anglos control all of the financial centers of the world. How the fuck are they not in control?

Owning land for your own use, and not charging others to use, is absolutely personal property.

No, it's still personal property. It only becomes private when your ownership of it is not for the purpose of use, but for denying it to others so that you can charge them to use it.

Uh who are the Rothschilds? Are they Anglos? No. They're kikes. The Rothschilds control all the financial centers of the world.

Thanks for the informative reply user

The rotschilds(anglofied jews) are not alone. Who are the bildenberg group? A majority of anglos. Unironically read On the Jewish Question.

You're really hard to take serious because your spelling is utter trash. But I'll keep trying… The Bilderberg Group is of Jewish origin. Not Anglos. Stop trolling faggot

Hmm lets see steered by a dutch person, an anglo, a german, an anglo, another anglo, a belgian and a french. Where are the jews billy?

Serious question here, are you really this schizophrenic or just larping for a lark?

Ben Shalom Bernanke: Chairman of the privately held US Federal Reserve Bank.

James Wolfensohn: International Jewish financier. Chairman of Wolfensohn & Company Investments. A former World Bank President, this Jew has more than 140 employees and offices in London, Tokyo and Moscow. Wolfensohn also has a banking partnership with Fuji Bank of Japan and Jacob Rothschild of Britain.

Robert Zoellick: Chairman of the US World Bank Group a covert subsidiary of the Rothschild run International Monetary Fund.

Why do you keep saying bildenberg when it's Bilderberg?

How does this make me a schizo lol

So just three members in a group of some 150 and none of them are in leading roles.

Of the thirty-five(35) Bilberberg Steering Committee members, sixteen(16) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 46%. Jews are approximately 1% of the population of the Western world.* Therefore Jews are over-represented on the Bilberberg Steering Committee by a factor of 46 times(4,600 percent).

Mods, please anchor this thread. This shit got derailed to hell, so for the sake of people who value their braincells, lock it, anchor it, idgaf.

wow you're really trying hard to nudge the numbers in your favor there buddy.