So there we go, the guy that specializes in Jungian voodoo and alcoholism treatment is going to make a lecture series about the "sacred icons" of the left. Surely we can expect a penetrating critique of Marx's economic theories.
"a lecture series about the sacred icons of the left. (Marx, Foucault, Derrida)"
Other urls found in this thread:
Gotta love how he puts Marx and Foucault in the same category, as if they are in any way compatible. Might as well make a series on the "sacred icons" of the right and include Thomas Jefferson alongside Nietzsche.
IIRC, he literally claims that post-modernism is Marxist conspiracy or something.
Ive never even read anything by Focault or Derrida and i honestly have no idea what they even write about. Would anyone mind filling me in?
Foucault's whole deal is effectively trying to make use of Nietzsche's analysis of power and meaning towards progressive/emancipatory ends. This is sort of the backbone of postmodern thinking, that by deconstructing the socially imposed meaning expressed in culture and politics, we can gain a better understanding of the power structures of our society, and how they control us through language, culture, etc. However its fundamentally at odds with Marxism, because postmodernism essentially sees culture as taking on a life of its own, rather than being tied to material conditions. It sees power as some nebulous, incomprehensible thing endemic to all human relations, that shifts and evolves almost randomly, gives rise to an imposed meaning, which in turn gives rise to new power relations. The irony of Peterson's whole bullshit is that Nietzsche, who he admires, is basically the founder of postmodernism.
Does this really need a thread?
They are a phenomenon restricted entirely to children of yuppies who study non-STEMM garbage in Western Europe and the US (and who are very eager to pick up modes of expression that seem to have the main function of distinguishing themselves) and almost orthogonal to the left.
He kinda has a point when he talks about egalitarianism, but the point of Marx is thinking about the disconnect between the utility of an object and its price. He just hoped the production of goods would be more efficient than it is now, but in terms of how much time and effort of our lives we have to spend to produce them, and the side-effect of that would be a more-efficient allocation of resources, in effect lowering inequality and making society more equal overall.
Leftists tend to forget this too, and that's when all the idpol and activist-fueled cancer starts infecting your brain. That's why the average far-leftist looks a bit ridiculous to the average normalfag. The latter doesn't care about people dying in far-away lands they never visited. However they care about their workweek (or the absence of one in their life), and that's the case for people all across the world. That's why third-worldism is retarded.
You should be weary that he is communicating with Peter Thiel
You recall correctly. He says that the marxists couldn't call themselves marxists in public after muh gorillions under Stalin so they rebranded as pomos.
I already know what it will look like:
Basically, Rothbard figured out he could speak with a tone of authority and make a bunch smart sounding, but totally irrelevant connections most people wont understand, and that would convice a fair number of clueless readers that Marx was being refuted in the article.
Anyone who actually understands Marx will at once be confused at what they're reading. Marx sees alienation as cosmic? That's funny, I thought he had a fairly well define and objective definition. in the next paragraph many marxists will wonder how Marx was influenced in any way by Plotinus, and some intrepid readers may even search to see if any work in their database contains a mention of Plotinus, and be rather disappointed.
I wonder when Peterson is going to drop the facade and go full fash.
Imagine being this fucking contrived that the philosophical phenomena of late capitalism become """communist"""
His audience are hogs dude, the most effort they would put into research and critical thought is to go on Foucault's wiki page, see the name Althusser, click on his page and scream Liberty Prime lines into their pillows
How did he even get this popular
There are fucking Peterson fans in fucking Serbia
Sometimes I really hate the internet
People who say that it's good all the factories closed down in this country when they were going through privatization, because IF those factories worked well, they wouldn't have shut down after privatization.
It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the hype was the project of some kid at a Koch fueled think tank
Didn't Serbia privatise shit in the 90s cuz the IMF told Slobadan that it would solve Muh debt crisis (that became 3x worse because of the privatisation) and then it made the economy implode?
Well, he does do videos for PragerU.
It's the intentionally confusing way he talks, which even leads atheists to start believing in the premises of religious doctrine.
JBP is just a Jungian fanboy religious fanatic with a larger vocabulary and a propensity to get people to project onto him.
Yeah, we had mobsters (family and friends of our politicians) buying off factories for nothing and just shutting them down and selling off the machines.
To this day Serbia doesn't really have a stable industry.
American Hegemony. That's pretty much it. Get rid of America and you eliminate the centralized platforms it subsidizes in order maximize the reach of its propaganda.
We should absolutely keep the centralized platform though, it's indispensable for the movement
Isn't he Canadian though ?
His talking point are still by far shaped by American hegemony. He is basically a lobster man still living in American Cold War climate of the 60s.
The difference being that in the actual cold war all these figures were alive and would rightly call him out as a fraud and have it stick
It's almost like unipolarity (with a capitalist state as the hegemonic power) is a bad thing or something.
literally 5 minutes in. he's not even a sophist…
Wow, this old lie is still being trotted out? I thought they quietly retired it after the market reforms in the 90s exposed it as complete bullshit.
What cracks me up about those “muh pomo” guys is that academically, Derrida really isn’t relevant anymore
He probably would put those two on the right considering he respects a lot of the notions of Jeffersonian ideology and considers Nietzsche to be one of his major influences after Jung, Campbell, and I think Frankl
Laissez-faire economics are essentially a religion at this point, so evidence doesn't matter much to them. You'd be surprised how willing they are to consciously delude themselves whenever reality fails to confirm to their holy scripture.
He looks like a loobster
…… i really think so
…………… snibby snabby he said …….
…. snibby snabby…….
…snibby snabby…….
then here
look up…………
you look down you failed