What are some ways socialism could put an end to the degeneration of culture which we see today? I'm all for proletarian culture, but creating our own isn't enough. Something MUST be done about the mindless bullshit which continues to plague our culture. How would a DoP uproot it? Pic very related.
Cultural Revolution
Re-education camps obviously.
That are paid by Sorosbucks.
I like this very much.
that's a whole lot of boons
They need zoos where they have nice peaceful idyllic life where they eat bananas and mangos all day and nice wypipo keep their cages nice and cleam
bye bye
The "mindless bullshit" culture of later stage capitalism will shift into something else accordingly once, and if, we transition into that dreamed of world of freedom.
Culture not so much degenerates but evolves.
SoundCloud needs to be shit down and south Florida should just be carpet bombed TBH fam.
Culture doesn't just "shift". Socialists have a responsibility to cleanse out all the garbage.
um this thread is anti baboon as fuck
who are you to criticize baboon culture?
communist are the real racists
I agree. Soundcloud and Instagram are the two biggest offenders.
See, we Socialists (like the Frankfurt School) believe that all culture after the 1920's is consumer trash, also Jazz is Fascist.
Soundcloud and Instagram are Fascist.
Reactionary bullshit. Leave cultural development to the artists and the educators.
They aren't communists.
boons are fascists? fucking based
hello boons!
What would Adorno and Benjamin say about SC and Insta?
Jazz is musical dadA-ism. Futurism is more related to fascism, but it's pretty salvageable
Benjamin would be a fan of the "woke" rappers on Soundcloud and would insist on using the platform to spread communist propaganda, whereas Adorno would say, "fuck it I'm out."
Not fascist, just brainless.
Why would any rational political actor want to do this?
I know "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" but you must be a hemophiliac!
Read Gramsci. Hegemony is hella important.
He said woke rappers dumbfuck
Is leftypol actually for proletarian culture. From my understanding most of you guys are weirdo nerds who like weirdo nerd stuff, sort of like Zig Forums and the rest of imageboard culture. Hardly normal working class stuff.
Star Wars is fascist, Harry Potter is fascist neo-feudal dreck, selfie-obsession is fascist, British soap-operas are fascist, sci-fi is generally fascist, ironic detachment is fascist, porn is fascist. Masscult under imperialism is inherently fascistic. Sorry to spoil your ‘fun’.
J.K. Rowling is a Zionist so yes she is fascist by default.
What's Zig Forums's SoundCloud name?
I fail to see how any of those specific examples are fascist since their general narrative usually falls for some kind of liberal conclusions. Their moral conclusion is certainly not pro-fascist.
Where do you draw such conclusion from I was clearly referring to the Gramsci`s theory regarding the cultural hegemony. Or do you disagree with his theorem in regards to relation between economic base and cultural hegemony?
explain to me how fascism and liberalism are different?
I don't mean to leave everything as is, of course
I mean leave them alone in a post-revolutionary world. The tanky state had to censor the same as this oligarchy. The free society should not follow their leads.
Star Wars is Republican, spiritualist, but also balances its collectivism with individualism, so neo-romantic sci-fi
I dunno about Star Wars, but both sides of the war in Harry Potter are fascist. One faction is merely more liberal than the other.
Lil $talean
Fascism ends up with command economy, liberalism does not.
On one side of Harry potter you have an despotic dictatorship of sorts versus a irenic bureaucracy. I would hardly consider neither in terms of economics fascistic, ableit the prior does have some similarities with fascist offshoots when it comes to eugenics. Regardless of the factions however the moral conclusion of the narrative is definitely not fascist.
Kid Tanks
Did you not understand george designed the rebels after the vietcong and the empire after american imperialism?
I-i-is that pic real?
Yes user, young ethnic children enjoying the current devil musak. So terrifying…
It is terrifying. Terrifying how so many young impressionable kids could be turned on by the trash "music" of a known woman-beater.
Is the older generation any better with kavanuagh?
You want to know the funny thing? Denzel Curry (the "woke" SoundCloud rapper discussed in this thread: 8ch.net
This whole fucking story is Sophocles-tier shit. Pure modern-day Greek tragedy.
Thanks for reminding me never to move to Florida.
Thats was a little dash of whataboutism wasnt it? But anyway, it seems like you fear seems a little reactionary.
There is no excuse for abuse. Kids who celebrate a piece of shit like X deserve to be gulaged.
Good talk user.
Not an Adornotard, but I truly believe there was something deeply fascistic about X. His entire persona was pure sadomasochism: the yelling, sporadic violence, the mindless self-indulgence which morphed into destruction of himself and others, least of all the rapidly insane online cult-following which he controlled through the aura of his personality alone. He was an untouchable autocrat who styled himself almost as someone halfway between military dictator and cult leader.
If Denzel is the "Baudelaire" of trap, then X was definitely its de Sade.
Anyone with face tattoos and colored braids needs to spend some time in a labor camp.
Hardly. It's trash people behaving like trash
MMmmh yeah I want his thug BBC deep in my little boipucci. For the revolution comrade.
This is probably really accurate, except I doubt Benjamin would appreciate the existing rappers but still he'd be enthusiastic about the potential of Soundcloud and the internet in general, while Adorno would indeed only whine
How is jazz "musical dadaism"? Wouldn't that rather be something like spoken word, noise etc
Face tattoos = "you're paying for my food because I certainly ain't getting hired with these"
Denzel’s too based.
You bring up a good point tho
I think, in general, the lives of these sort of proto-fascist figures, the ones who attempt to take power but fail miserably, are perfect material for great tragedy. Men alienated, the playthings of Capital, that without the light of the left, turn to insanity and reactionary self-destructive behavior. What’s X except for a modern, black Travis Bickle?
Or some such avant-garde. It's all barrier pushing for the sake of experimentation. Fine if you don't like the comparison. Like dancing about architecture
Liberalism is bourgeois hegemony. Fascism is bourgeois dictatorship. Proles can and do exercise a degree of political power under liberalism. That isn’t the case under fascism.
The failrues of liberalism are the backbone of fascism.
Are these all taken from Phil Greaves Twitter lmfao?
Carpet bomb the retirement homes, 'just like what they did to Hanoi'
"Lole, if you seriously analyze the material conditions, cultural products are made, your just like phil greaves, xdddd"
It literally is a copy-paste from his Twitter tho
You still haven't made an argument.
Kill all the proles
The kids in the pic are suburbanites from Miami.
Still kill them. They are Reactionary.
I agree. South Florida is a living hellhole.
Who fucking cares? Lumpens may lack class consciousness, but that doesn't mean they are generally bad people. Some people will always make questionable use of their lives, and that is a simple fact of life in a society that respects social liberty. It is a price that people are usually willing to pay to live in that society.
Let's be honest here, most concern with "degenerate culture" is just cloistered closet-liberals that want more excuses to be offended by bullshit that really doesn't matter. It is the condescending, holier-than-thou mentality that defines idealism and rejection of rational self-interest, a one-way slippery slope to the abandonment of left wing ideology as soon as they realize how useful private property and class oppression can be if you feel like you are entitled to arbitrarily dictate everything people do in their lives.
I wasn't referring to them, my post was an answer to:
>>>Zig Forums
In these scenarios, ask yourself: what would Mao do? How did the (real) Cultural Revolution handle "degenerates"? They conducted struggle sessions, had students challenge their teachers, stopped work for impromptu theory sessions, etc. THAT'S the real solution.
This doesn’t really disprove or go against what he said
Fuxk culture. People who give a shit about it & aren't actively iconoclasts are spooked retards.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Mao's cultural revolution failed miserably.
I'll put it to you like this: I'm female, so I can't speak for males, but I was heavily abused as a kid. My father emotionally abused me all the time, but I was tormented all the time by bullies at school. By the time I entered high school I had so much built-up rage from years of abuse that I could have killed someone or myself. Instead, I channeled all of my anger towards militant political activism by the time I became an adult. But then, when I re-entered "civilian" life after graduating from college I found out that others laughed off my political activism as well.
This kind of shit is what causes many to hit rock bottom.
no it didn't
How did it succeed?
No. Lenin warned us against such magical thinking of inevitability. More must be done.
No such thing. This will always be a world of struggle. You can always struggle for greater freedom. Freedom is a relative notion.
Is that you Fichte?
culture is a spook
bickle was working class and X is a product of the for-profit prison system.
both are just characters cooked up by record labels or hollywood to try and sell you a product though.
I have no idea how anyone still thinks X was someone worth sympathizing with. Not to go all moralfaggy here, but a genuinely good person doesn't weasel out of personal responsibility, beat his gf nearly to death and then deny it, brainwash his fans to harass the judge proceeding over his case, get a 16-year old girl's parents to send her over to him on booty call through lying and then refuse to tell her parents what happened to her after she killed herself in the hotel room, hold fans emotionally hostage, punch random people at shows, beat a queer man nearly to death in prison, get into multiple violent beefs with former friends over stupid shit, the list goes on. "Sadomasochistic" is way too soft of a word to describe X. Kid was a full-blown psychopath. Yes, the prison system is fucked up and needs to be abolished but there's a limit to how much you should be willing to concede.
X also faked his depression which is another telltale sign of a manipulator. People who are legit suffering from depression don't walk around like an archetypal "emo" kid repeating LiveJournal copypastas from 2005.
All of you are delusional.
SoundCloud rap is literally the biggest threat to porky right now. This genre of music uses Soviet-designed binaural beats technology to reverse-program the youth against their capitalist oligarchs. These SoundCloud rappers may look like typical urban youth degenerates, but they're basically just a trojan horse who's trying to blow up the neoliberal world order from the inside. In order to gain traction online they need to pose as a deviant so they throw money at him. Porky youtube algorithms only promote the most degenerate music so they're playing 4-D chess.
All the talk of flexing, doing xans, and stealing your girl is just a machiavellian smokescreen they've ingeniously created to fly under the radar. It's in our best interest to promote SoundCloud rap and unveil the truth behind the lyrics.
Rap was originally a proletarian genre created by young, impoverished proles who used it to express their feelings about their struggles against poverty, racism etc. Nowadays much of it has become commercialized and used to reinforce bourgeoisie culture, as it is fixated on wealth and possessions. SoundCloud rap democratizes music and allows artists to succeed without conforming to creative restrictions enforced by corporations for marketing purposes.
X was a bad guy but some of his music was good, separated from him. Even at least some of the emo shit.
The lyrics to 'I spoke to the devil in miami' are arguably fake deep but the barebones instrumental combined with the lyrics general tone and mood actually did a really good job evoking the sorts of feelings I had when I was depressed, the intense near religious moments in between the numbness.
Music doesnt need a substantive message to be good. It can just use tone and aesthetics to convey a vague idea and feeling, maybe carried by a very basic subject. Fuck, look at rock. Or consider anything instrumental that doesn't even have lyrics.
you dont have to choose between blaming the prison system and poverty and his responsibility for his own actions, you dont need to pick someone to blame.
It should be obvious how his circumstances could produce someone like him, it doesn't excuse what he did either though.
no it doesn't, it spreads them.
It only failed because Mao ended up selling out to the West.
Unironically XXXTentacion's latest album was very good and rooted in proletarian struggle you fucking idiot. Taking a mass picture in front of his tomb or whatever is kind of tasteless, IMO, but the dude had a lot of dedicated fans. Is it just the pic you're upset at or are you one of the so-called leftists that for some reason thinks any kind of typically proletarian music like blues, country, rap, etc is 'bougiouse decadence', especially when its a local artist that's consumed entirely by the proletariat
Everyone is "local" to somewhere.
Culture is somewhat a sum-total of all society's features, like economic system, education, religion, and history.
What you see as degeneration is a reflection of an unhealthy society (but also, you're posting on an image board, so what does that make you?) Teens connect to sad rappers in a culture where you feel pressured to only be happy on social media, it makes sense. As much as a non-problem as it is, culture will change as society changes. Look how a person changes as they are educated or pursue self education.
That's not to say that only the fine arts are the best, but that under socialism I think people will be able to appreciate both prol art and fine art. Maybe there will even be a synthesis of the two. I think there's a lot of life in prol culture that people disregard, like have you ever seen a folk dance vs a formal dance? Both have their own advantages but damn is a folk dance fun.
Promoting a proletarian cultural apparatus, including takeover of any and all media, educational institutions, etc. Also, a total re-vamping of the family unit, from the nuclear family to communal/communist family. Get rid of the love of the material world and move instead towards love of other people as people.
The only way to fix it is to stabilize the family. Which means and end of divorce, and earlier marriage. I don't know if the left is really ready to accept this though.
It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But what it will result in is a minority of men having sex with the majority of women. It'll be sea lion harem culture. Informal, not intentional, and with everything by choice.
Not at all. Hunter gatherers do not have this problem. Either way, there's currently a surplus of males.
In Zig Forums's cultural revolution, does this kind of music survive or get dumped to the Memory Hole?
What is "proletarian culture"?