Open offices have driven Panasonic to make horse blinders for wagies to keep them from "getting distracted"

Open offices have driven Panasonic to make horse blinders for wagies to keep them from "getting distracted"

Well, office wagies? How do you feel about your new mandatory "gadget"?

Attached: wagie blinder.png (654x768, 519.35K)

I love how they like to imply that contract work is some kind of adventure.

lmao haha just turn your head around lmao hahahaha

How about, we give people their own personal space again? Study after study proves that open office does not improve productivity.

Oh but wait this is a DotB, nvm.

I would actually use this when trying to read in public.

The perfect accessory for your wagie's cagies. Buy one this Christmas season and get 50% off of your Apple Electrostim Butt Plug

Attached: get in cagie.png (837x501, 155.65K)

Uwuaugh theres more

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I would actually use it while trying to get work done in my office lmao

I would use it while running on the track. I get frightened and distracted easily.

Wearing that mask and the VR headset with headphones would look so cyberpunk dytopian though. But it's okay because private property n' shit.

Fuck open office plans.

Digital nomads are people who work remotely and travel around, rather than work in an office. They dont neccecarily have to do contract work.

Has this been posted to 4/g/? People came up with pretty god memes over there back when the wage-cage became the talk of the town.

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I've stopped going there since 2015. The website is absolutely pozzed over there now.

Is that fucking nujak on the second pic.

Prole Peripheral

My office just went through a redesign and they're absolutely horrible. Not only do I have to do soul crushing office work but now I have to sit in a fucking panopticon.

Put tall plants everywhere if you can. Make an office jungle.

did a horse post this

That's pretty funny, must have been written by a gentile, white person.

jesus christ how horrifying

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Some of that virtual office stuff seems super useful actual. This is one of those rare cases where the stock photo is accurate. You really do sit in a big empty space while things pop up around you. You can click on windows and it transports you directly into the window. It's fuckin nuts.

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the blinders seem useless when you're using a VR headset anyway