Hey guys, lets smear Marx's ideas for the next 200 years

Hey guys, why don't we help porky destroy the idea of communism and make workers afraid of communism. That will surely help our cause of world revolution and destroying porky, won't it?

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“In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” Do you hear that? An association! Do they understand the objective of Communism? Freedom of the individual! To develop himself, herself, as a compassionate human being. Do they think that someone who calls himself a Communist or a socialist and acts like a gangster understands what Communism is? To shoot those who disagree with you — can that be the Communism that I gave my life for? That BRAINLET who took all power for himself in Russia—and who insisted on interpreting my ideas like a religious fanatic—when he was putting his old comrades up against the wall before firing squads, did he allow his citizens to read that letter I wrote to the New York Tribune in which I said that capital punishment could not be justified in any society calling itself civilized?
Socialism is not supposed to reproduce the stupidities of capitalism!

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yes let's blame Stalin for myths spread by the very bourgeoisie he fought. fuck off.

Yes lets blame the bourgeoisie for making Stalin kill fellow communists.


Lenin ordered the fucking execution of a lot of people it's just using the state machine and the organised proletariat as an armed force to defend the proletariat interests; the same case is for the killing of the Czar family or any other fucking execution. The only thing is that parallel measures in a burgeois and a proletarians state are treated and seen differently by the fucking burgeoisie; being any action of a burgeois state justifiable and any measure taken by a proletarian state criminalised. This should be evident for any fucking communist (except for fucking trots I guess)

this but unironically, those "fellow communists" actually conspired to restore capitalism or collaborated with the nazis

OP, you are an idealistic liberal brainlet who thinks we can just skip the revolutionary period with all its hardships and necessary terror, and go directly to smelling roses and singing kumbayah without passing go

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Lenin ordered executions of people that were an actual threat to the revolution. Stalin just killed comrades that were trying to have a debate about the future of socialism in the USSR.

Yes. Rykov, Zinoviev, Radek, Maksakovsky, Pashunakis, Rubin et al were conspirators trying to restore capitalism. You absolute motherfucking brainlet.

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When has non-violence, especially against other competing violent forces, ever worked?

I didn't realise Stalin was personally responsible for U.S. propagandists, famines, Hitler's invasion and purposefully ignoring the legacy he KNEW he was leaving for communism being the omniscient God that he is.

That's giving him a lot of credit. Although you have to hand it to the guy, I wouldn't really care too much either if I saw the legacy of Winston "sorry India, this is our food now" Churchill or John "I'm literally a mafia plant" Kennedy by hero worshipping capitalists.

Stalin was supposed to help the proletariat not terrorize them!

Yup exactly what happened
You really don't realize how much damage revisionism can do
In Romania for example Marxism Leninism wasn't implanted well; teachings from revolutionary experiences were ignored, the way of organising the production in the factories was done in a way that permitted the re-bureocratization of the state machine which just perfected it and turned it into what we have today and left all that for the burgeoisie to point at and say that was socialism. The same reason the west "loved Ceausescu" and supported him and other such revisionist leaders from his time it's because willingly or not, revisionism does serve the burgeoisie; they don't even have to be CIA agents or shit like that but just ignore aspects of communist practice and theory extracted from experiences that have happened and which Marx and lenin closely analysed and extracted applicable stuff for revolution from.
It's not about taking muh leninism as a religious cult; that's the easiest dumbest and most superficial analysis you could make about all of Lenin's analysis on the evolution of capitalism and on the revolutionary experiences of 1905…etc
If you even consider yourself a Marxist that same argument could be applied to anything Marx said and just discredit all of his analysis like that

Yes, it is easy for revisionism to spread when you exterminate comrades. Not because they did anything particular, but simply because you want absolute power like a god.

And Churchill was supposed to preserve the divinity of the British empire. According to the modern interpretation, he did just that. Weird how propaganda works huh?

Yeah "comrade" lol

> According to the modern interpretation, he did just that.

Oh, which modern interpretation is that? The one made by some British imperialist? Lmao.

Stalin tried to get out 4 times

Yes, bud. All of the 1917 politburo (except STALIN) were counter-revolutionary capitalist puppets scumsters, trying to destroy the socialist state …

Good job, I am proud of you

Wouldn't that just be the current institution of the British government?It's not taboo in England to get on your knees and worship the Queen bro.

Damn, so many Stalinist and ☭TANKIE☭ scum here. The revolution is still at least 200 years away, but probably we'll all be extinct before that.

Thanks uncle Joe.

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This is yout brain on idealism

Remember that time a socialist country became a leading industrial power after having it's economy destroyed by bourgeois-reactionary forces then saved Europe from a social catastrophe at the hands of it's leading economic power and after all that constructed the largest, most extensive and successful welfare-state in history providing previously-unheard of services and extending these same benefits and developments worldwide and communists in the West didn't even give a fuck?

Remember when that country entered a period of nothingness after Stalin's death because every capable communist was murdered during Stalin's lifetime, so only incompetent "yes men" were left standing? Remember how is became a toothless tiger and crumbled, the capitalists didn't even have to raise a finger.

After what, 3 decades? Last time anyone checked they were considered a super power at the time.

except, you know, introducing massive liberalisation and market reforms, and then having to suppress the population violently.

I do, actually. But I fail to see your point as it doesn't contradict anything I said. That reality is certainly no excuse for neglecting the SU's awesome achievements, as so many do.

I hate the Soviet leadership, and loathe Brezhnev in particular as I do few others in history. But it's wholly unfair to sell short the amazing economic growth, scientific, and cultural achievements that occurred in the CCCP after Stalin. As shit as their leadership was, it's not like everyone in a position of influence there was some drooling imbecile.

I particularly like mentioning to reactionaries that the SU had the world's most extensive welfare state, and a powerful military in a country with a bigger popular than the US. Which flies in the face of their delusions about how economies are supposed to work.

One last nit-pick is you mentioned 'the capitalists didn't even have to raise a finger' when, in fact, bourgeois elements in the party spent a great deal of effort to destroy the CCCP and eventually succeeded, with the help of their blundering succdem friend Gorbachev.

bigger population

Yes, after it crumbled, this happened.

Why are you defending USSR and its achievements as i am not attacking them. Simply Stalin and his followers.

stalin allied with the bourgeoisie to destroy the most superior form of governance by the most superior form of human life on this planet

ummm sorry sweetie stalin WAS porky

but that's wrong you fucking retard. Gorbachev was the one who enacted reforms, which began in the mid-80s.

My favourite hot take

The Stalin cult was an essential element for the industrialization and military success of the Soviet Union. Without it, the CCCP would have been the failed state all bourgeois historians like to pretend it was.

I have no interest in an in-depth debate on this. Just off the top of my head, Geoffrey Roberts has a good work on him 'Stalin's Wars.'

Wtf lol. No, Stalin's cult was not an essential element of industrialization.

OMG, the brainletism in this thread.

drop that flag faggot

That is the flag OF SOCIALISM, which was spat on in the 1930s.


Yes, Stalin's brainlet theories and his ironic and unironic supporters trigger me like a pope.

nigger, what the fuck was the "cold" war?

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You are the one who is thinking the only reason why the Soviet Union stuck together and was successful was "industrialisation" (>>2625261) or that the Soviet Union did nothing but decay despite apparently being a world super power and the fact that it took nearly 50 years to do so.

If the latter is even partially true, does that mean that going to space was actually really, really easy?

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A brainlet tactic, which the brainlet Stalinist leadership fell for. Ugh, lets put 40 % of our GDP into the military, we don't need to improve the living conditions of proles even further.

Its very simple: if you don't want to be executed, don't fucking start ranting and raving about how the main priority of communists is to destroy the USSR and set a terrorist bloc inside the USSR that kills Stalin's best friend.

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Except that improving the living conditions is exactly what they did

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For some time, then they just abandoned it and poured everything into machines of war and killing.

Stalin tried to resign like 7 fucking times while in office you retard
But yeah, hungry for power I guess

Man the trot in this thread is turning too cringey

If it had been Stalin who was purged and them who stayed you'd be saying the same thing except vice versa. You're literally just looking to blame someone.
Rykov openly opposed the soviet government and indirectly assisted ⛏️rotskyists and opposition reactionaries, as well as archiving their works and printing them.