Haven't been keeping up; is there any real evidence for Russia controlling any aspect of the US election or Trump's administration yet? The Cold War attitude of people around me is getting kind of scary.
Haven't been keeping up; is there any real evidence for Russia controlling any aspect of the US election or Trump's...
Prepare yourself, student. That is only advance.
Don't know, don't care. Still find it hilarious how americans are complaining about a foreign country meddling with their elections.
The Russian government spreads disinfo online but that's about it. It's nowhere near the election intervention on the level of the U.S. and Russian disinfo is mostly opportunistic and not targetted. They don't give a fuck whether they're supporting socialists or reactionaries, only delusional liberals think that.
See: RT
They created a facebook group called woke blacks that supported Bernie and had 800 followers
What "disinfo" do they spread exactly?
They shitposted memes but no not really.
The CIA has produced a very detailed account of how specific GRU personnel hacked the DNC emails. I'm kind of wary of dismissing it, just because it's so detailed, but of course it is possible that they deliberately made the lie detailed for that exact reason. And various people on both sides of the argument have produced 'debunkings' of the other side's case, focusing on the technical aspects of the leak/hack, which I'm too ignorant to judge for myself. The whole story of the DNC hacks is just so convenient for the US establishment that I don't trust it, and I lean towards it being a leak rather than a hack just because that's the simplest explanation.
Didn't the Democrats refuse to allow the intelligence agencies to actually investigate their servers in favor of some private intelligence agency they hired?
Originally, yes. And the speed with with Crowdstrike produced its damning report on Russian interference, plus the very long time it took for the intelligence agency/ies to eventually produce their own corroborating report, also make me suspicious. It looks to me like Crowdstrike just did a bullshit hit job and that the CIA did another bullshit hit job when they realized, months later, that people weren't buying the narrative. Everyone was saying the Russians did it long before any actual evidence (real or fabricated) was published.
I think it's pretty naive to think that Russian intelligence wouldn't try to influence an election in the US but they did not "hack" the election nor is Trump some kind of Manchurian candidate. Russian meddling amounts to RT broadcasts, bots, and fedbook meme pages. None of which were crucial in determining the outcome. The real culprit behind any significant social media manipulation came from the Mercer/Bannon camp by way of Cambridge Analytica.
Ultimately the Russian fearmongering works on two fronts. Firstly it allows the Dems to craft an exculpatory narrative that absolves them of anu missteps that lead to their loss and it simultaneously absolves the American political establishment from having to do any self reflection on how the utterly bankrupt social and political environment they crafted led to a candidate like Trump being able to win the presidency.
The USA is the nation where it's okay to drop nukes on other nations, cause the destruction of entire regions, and tamper with everyone's elections.
But post some Pepes and you've motherfucking crossed the line.
This is kind of dated but still mostly holds true
also here's the Greenwald piece talked about in
They spread narratives expedient to Russia's geopolitical interests, that's about it. For example, RT America has a leftist, anti-imperialist line because it holds back the US war drive with Russia. RT Europe on the other hand promotes a right wing, Euroskeptic perspective because it helps break up the economic power of the EU (and thus favor Russia). "Disinfo" comes in with events where the facts are in dispute between the two imperialist factions. According to the US, even doubting the Assad regime's culpability for the recent chemical attacks in Syria is "disinfo", and same for the Skripal poisoning incident, possibly the Khassoggi murder if Trump decides to deny it, etc.
Overall it's a ridiculous witch hunt designed to paint any narrative or position contrary to America's imperialist interests as "Russian propaganda". As for Trump's election, they're trying to claim that Russia's small network of propaganda shills swung the election, amidst the literal billions of dollars from domestic porkies spent on propaganda, in which Trump was vastly outspent I should add. They also claim that Russia sponsored the hacking of the Clinton email server, but they have still not provided any evidence for that claim in what is now two years.
wew dude,
what "Russia" did was tell us that the DNC fucked over bernie
Yeah, because Israel is a vassal state. A favored vassal, to be fair, but still a vassal no different from Saudi Arabia or Turkey.
Lmao you should see the people on /r/socialism saying we need to work the liberals to defend American Democracy against Russia. I think COINTELPRO took over that place.
If they did, it was objectively a good move for anti-imperialism so I wouldn't even care
Honestly I don't care the slightest bit. The only thing that matters is that big military powers are shitting on each other, which terrifies me. How can it be this hard to demilitarize your asses? What's stopping them from getting around a table and saying, "How about we just don't?"
this post is pure idealism
Putin's Russia is just another imperialist, oligarchic nightmare-state. They will have tampered with American elections in 2016 to the very best of their ability. Given Russia's grasp of spycraft and America's arrogance and incompetence in domestic security, that might have included manipulating the vote itself (or doing the next best thing, manipulating the list of eligible voters.)
No user, Russia advances its own brand of imperialism. Ever heard of pan-slavism?
Shoo liberal.
Isn't the GOP already doing that? Try doing something about that first before unironically whining about muh national security.
They are imperalist, yes but at least they are fighting american hegemony.
Holy shit, man. Do you think the Russian hackers were just vacationing in U.S. election systems like their soldiers were in Ukraine? Stop sucking Putin's dick, it's not even in your interest unless you're a rich Russian mobster.
So you would replace one empire with another just as vile and perfidious?
The American Goverment does that to a Much greater degree to itself then Russia ever did
You ever heard of Felony Disenfranchisement?
That coupled with all the 90s War on Drugs shit has literally barred a decent portion of the American Population from even being able to vote
It's something leftypol should celebrate, it shows Republicans as being accepting of traitors and will further incite a revolution
I understand what you're saying. Republicans have played a much larger part of 'democracy' in America being grossly unrepresentative. But Russia could very easily have decided the election in 2016. It's known they had access to voter rolls in dozens of states. That can't be allowed to happen again.
There's also been a pretty major attempt this last year to shift blame onto China as well as the trade war heats up
I expect shit to really start flying after the G20 meeting in November when the Chinese formally tell the US to fuck off with their response to the list of demands about opening up their economy to American interests
Trump *did* say he was gonna make a Worker's Party.
Oh, so it's safe to ignore as bullshit then, thanks for confirming.
Yes and it was in part a retaliation against the US for trying to influence Russian elections.
Kill yourself. Also God bless the Russians for fucking with Amerifat """democracy"""
the only thing ive read on the matter was just a bunch of bullshit about port scans. the mainstream media reported it as evidence, but if thats evidence russia is trying to hack my printer, right now.
They even had the gall to list a bunch of ip addressees as proof, when they were from all over the world, but 'some' originated in russia so thats evidence!
Though this was some time ago, maybe they released more evidence, now that they had time to fabricate it.
Trump administration repeatedly warned India to not buy defence system from Russia and was very upset when they finally did it anyway after months of warning
It just dosent seem too practical to believe trump's a Russian puppet given that he hasn't served any of their interests
Russia undoubtably meddled somehow, but the real question is if you think Russia had any more influence than the average corporation, think-tank, superpac, or billionaire. Not to mention influence from other US allies and vassal states. Whether Russia's influence exists is a far less important question than if it actually matters in the grand scheme of things.
Yeah, that's how hierarchy works.
Pan-slavism is a totally good idea though.
I'm gonna get banned for this…but really the "Actual Left' has turned into Red Hippies or worse Mussolini "Prole Nations vs Bourgeois Nations" wanting Russia/China/Syria/Iran to become Imperialist when they aren't even close to Socialist cause they are against the big guys like this.
Also just cause they have Leftist stuff on RT doesn't mean anything, the Nazis made great propaganda about the mistreatment of Blacks, Native Americans, and Australian Aboriginals
The Russian government using Twitter bots and having different lines for RT Europe and RT America is indisputable. But it's standard practice for a lot of countries and is nothing compared to Israel's propaganda machine or US interventionism.
The conflict between imperialist powers can be quite useful to the socialist movement, so long as it continues we can play the two off against one another to our benefit. Similar to the way non-aligned nations did during the Cold War. What we need to avoid is any one power from gaining ultimate supremacy. If America is winning then we should support Russia and China. If Russia is winning we should support America and China. If China is winning we should support America and Russia. All the while building our own strength and preparing for the time when conditions are right to eliminate all three.
Shouldn't we support Maoists in China instead? It's not realistic to treat all of these countries the same way, even though China has fallen to Dengism it still has institutions in place to enact real socialist policies, unlike other major powers.
Is there a SINGLE evidence, tho?
Absolutely, I should clarify that supporting actual socialists always takes precedence over critical or strategic support of non-socialist powers. However we can take action to help China grind down the American empire while also taking action to help the Chinese workers overthrow capitalism in their own country. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, especially since the primary way westerners can strike against empire is by practicing revolutionary defeatism.