Former stalinist turned Falangist, you may ask me anything from what turned me away from the Left to turd positionism to just my taste in women
I beg whoever enters my thread to ask questions with civility, I will not answer strawmans or insults.
Falangist AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
why don't you believe the state should be controlled by the working class?
Are you like one of those American neo-pagans that prays to Thor?
Imagine going from a non-spooked worldview where the working people control the means of production and are moving towards a society which will start from the needs of the individual before profit to an idealist worldview where hierarchy is desirable and bootlicking and class-collaboration are glorified
For fucks sake you newfags we had the same thread months ago its bait
I believe the State should be guided by those who are most capable and those who represent the values of the society. Workers unfortunately arent the most capable at running a country since not everyone can do it, a country is not a factory
Im an atheist but that will change soon
OP here, no its not
What do you mean by that
Are you going to force yourself to believe in something because it fits the aesthetics?
Nah it is alright, I was a communist on my early years too, took part in some activities by the local communist party but after 2008 I got highly demotivated when all my party did was speeches and some butthole party every year to "uphold the culture of the proletariat", Eurocomms are paws to the system and nowadays with the rise of the New Left and Radlibs I don't see many movements that claim to defend the interests of the proletariat to survive when they are flooded with revisionism and idpol.
Plus I love organic politics
Its because my whole family was christian until my father, right now I cant force myself to believe in religion but I want to be spiritually sound.
what if the most capable are jews or muslims?
but wouldn't you agree that the values of society are directly affected by the state?
if workers were in control their would simply reshape society to follow their values, just as the NSDAP did with Germany and just as the UN did to Germany immediately afterwards.
This is the same login the DNC used to in anti-Trump propaganda, I hate to beg the question but you're really asking for it: you don't disagree with them?
i mean yeah that's why he forced himself to become a fascist assuming he actually was a former marxist which is unlikely
muhfuggin Autism Level mane
forgot to sage
I feel fascists and commies as much as we want to deny it have a lot in common, most fascist were former marxists, fascists even though are pro worker we dont take it to the extreme because it would destroy the people, for that there is corporatism but really any fascist movement is pragmatic and thus choose its economic ideology that fits within it, Italian fascism has corporatisvism, falangism has a weird mix of free market within reason and syndicalism, stasserism is more communistic ect. I am still anti communist but I can respect someone who also sees the bourgoise for what they are, is just a shame you dont know who they are
Thats why they should also be upholders of Spanish values which include christianity
fuck off
I agree but we cant have anyone run it, for fascism to work the leader in question has to be extremely capable and an upholder of the values of the country and uncorruptible
Elaborate please
I will gladly kill a banker or a landlord that fights against the interests of the Nation and I sure as hell am going to kill a lot of them if they think they can exploit any worker and hike up the rates.
Also we must be carefull to not create a Nomenklatura 2.0
I never Implied Not Socialist economics were socialists, I would have to direct you to one of Cultured Thug's video regarding fascist economics, it really was something.
so the most capable retard
also i am not a spic,outside of football,killing natives and secessionists what are your values
The top 1% of CEOs and capitalists are so capable and represent the best interests of society and its “values”. But don’t worry, you already have that dream. They already “guide” most states today
Why are workers not capable of running a country democratically and in their interest? Should the vast majority of society not be able to govern itself?
I agree, any fascist knows that the bourgoise while we still need it they must know we wont standby while they exploit their own kin. See I told you we had something in common
so your plan relies on the leader being completely ideal. dictatorship after dictatorship introducing unnecessary socioeconomic problems and geopolitical conflict (that most people don't want) has proven that's no way to run a country.
your response about workers being "not capable" sounds like nothing but a cheap slander campaign.
workers naturally have the interests of their families and themselves in mind, otherwise they wouldn't be workers. whatever the government then does should be to satisfy those interests. a single man given ultimate power has no obligation whatsoever to the people.
Nice 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧bourgoise)) concept you have there
American democracy isn't the only type of democracy there is.
Cultured Thug is a literal thug with no brain in his head. He can wax lyrical about muh Nazis and how good they were for everyone all day if he wants, glossing over fascist atrocities in Poland, domestically and not to mention the Holocaust. During an AMA a few months ago he was asked his thoughts on dialectical materialism and starting whining about materialism (consumerism), showing he has ZERO understanding of Marxism beyond muh Judeo-Bolshevism.
Proletarian democracy is not bourgeois democracy. Shouldn’t this be common knowledge on a board like this? The dictatorship of the proletariat is a democratic system, albeit not for the capitalists
you said that fascism is "pro-worker" which is bullshit
Towards your first point, yes I agree it wouldnt be ideal, what would be your solution in this case
And the second point I meant your run of the mill worker that usually has no education, if the worker in question is educates in the matter then yes he should be able to run
Enlighten me then
In some sense if the guy represents his people then yes, I think Muhammar Gadaffi talked about that in his Green Book, Im currently reading it, it really shows how the ((western democracies)) influence has gone
Dictatorship of a class. Do Zig Forumsyps really crawl in here without knowing anything about the other side?
Is this it?
Is this the ultimate "if you are not a child worker in an african mine you are not a worker" meme
I could say the same about the Holodomor and Chinese famines, lets agree that I wont deny the Holocaust if you dont deny the Holodomor and Chinese famines
That was unironically done by western media because Fascism and Not Socialism is not the same
Tell me then how can the average worker run a country on which his decisions will have consequences for millions of people
Im not from 4/pol/ and I cant see how a worker dictatorship will be beneficial for all parties involved.
Nat.ional Socialism is German fascism, nice try fag
Read a Not Socialists book and a fascist one, see if you can spot any differences because I sure as fuck can
Ok, ok you all fell for bait, feel better now? Sage if you are going to keep feeding this bitch, ffs.
I thought it would be funny
Why the slander I only wanted to do a genuine AMA
with the help of other workers
Depends what do you mean deny?
Like if you say the holomodor was a genocide the no it was not?
If you say people died from the famine the no clearly some people died…
But by you denying the holocost you fall for the da jooooooooz meme so…..
1st people dont rule alone
2nd most communist leaders were educated(with degrees like most workers here in europe)
So like a council, wouldnt that be very ineficient
All parties involved? What do you mean? All classes? The proletariat are like 95% plus of society. It is their interest we should be first and foremost concerned with, not a tiny class of elite owners with disproportionate influence and power in society. With this and the seizure of the means of production society is reorganized on socialist (lower stage of communism) lines. The means of production will be socially controlled on a plan and society will be a fuller, more particpatory democracy for the vast majority of society for the first time. In time the state and democracy itself will of course wither away though
For when you're a racist and want to be Right wing like all the cool kids but all that "tradition" and "history' stuff is too hard and you just want to smoke weed, get pegged and divest yourself from all responsibility.
Even Mosely wasn't this retarded.
There are many similarities, as well as differences of course. I’m not saying they’re identical, I said Natio.nal Socialism is German fascism. Both are class-collaborationist, idealist, militaristic, totalitarian, etc. It’s not the “Western media” making up similarities
If it wasnt genocide then it would show ineficiency of the state because if you cant nationalide everything without people dying of hunger then either you did on purpose or something went wrong
There is an international cabal of elites running the world through finance, most of them just happen to be jewish, listen I take the mosleyite approach, I dont hate jews for being jews I hate them because most of them tend to be subversive elements, I wouldnt hate them if they didnt do it
Forgive me then, but that begs the question, what about the middle class who didnt exploit anyone, lile shop owner who managed the shops alone or goverment officials who couldnt do anything but keep quite or else
I don't see how. Councils usually elect leaders for day-to-day administration, not every important issue would be decided democratically alone.
Jews as a nebulous entity do nothing. If you didn’t blanket hate Jews you wouldn’t feel the need to point them out as being part of a “cabal”. I could easily claim a cabal of white and Chinese billionaries rule the world but no one ever sinisterly points out subversive Chinese or whites
We just think both of you are too shortsighted
So you think Stalin had magical powers to alter weather patterns and killed millions of Ukrainians just cuz he was an evil comic book villain without once thinking that maybe starving an entire nation for a decade wouldn't come back to bite you in the ass later?
I see, mosley had the same idea that some level of democracy would not only be good but necesary since there are decisions that would need the input of the people.
Implying the right has “good social or cultural policy”
This answer is kinda interesting, I've seen it used pretty often, but it also shows that you have never been a Marxist.
When did the great famines happen OP, after which period, during which period, at least try to use your head for once.
Is because that cabal is made up of nearly always a jewish family, Rothschild for example are behind Europe's immigration crisis and control nearly all the banks in the world, I dont hate all of them, I just wish they didnt stick their long noses on other peoples economy.
Welcome to NutSac, get on the train!
No I think his policy of radical colectivization was too retarded, if he wanted to do that then he should have done it gradually and even do it at a smale scale to see if it worked, it clearly didnt
Those people clearly look happy
The Rights culture and society cannot exist in Left wing economics.
Pic related
And/or watch this:
For someone who claims to be a former Stalinist you sure fall for a lot of anti-Stalinist (see anti-Communist) myths and historical revisionism
And you fall for the western propaganda that is the Holocaust
No, faggot, you just described Not Socialism. Next time, consider being born with the right number of chromosomes.
Keksima absoluta
Look up George Soros and his funding towards NGOs that bring millions of illiterate 3 worlders to countries that in Spains case cant support them
Here pic relates
Give me the comment were I said that and I will back down
Kek this board is so sensitive they censor words like 3rd positionism
Yes the state did had some problems but by far the biggest cause was bad weather
Does anyone has proof of this
Like forbes seems to hide it or maybe its just a racist stereotype…..
google petit boujes
Self employed are ok and existed in most socialist states
Public workers are WORKERS and tend to support us
Even fucking army people were accepted so i do not really get you..
Google bucharin or tito not all leftist are one mind
Also collectivization was needed to stop the luck of raw materials(aka for the agroculture to catch up with the heavy industry)
Well espresso stalinist is not all that great
He is just a liberal stock guy
Also one guy=/=cabal
No faggot I just described one of the characteristics of Fascism and its related movements
He's probably some brainlet "Stalin was a bazed ethno-nationalist conservative kike killer nazbol". Fascists often drift to Stalin because he beat the shit out of them so they assume he only won the war cause he was a R ed fascist.
This is what happens when anti-Stalinist propaganda gets eaten up by fascists who mix his ultra evil death empire of jew purgers and ethno-nationalism (which they actually want) with Trot propaganda of red f ascism
I meant economically
Except there is plenty documentation showing that the Final Solution was official Nazi policy and that Hitler himself knew about and sanctioned it and almost none proving that Stalin had either foreknowledge of a coming famine in the Ukraine and did nothing about it or that his economic policies did anything to significantly exacerbate it and are in fact many that prove the opposite. Read the article I linked you
Also if you don't think Nazism and Fascism are the same thing and you would prefer to call yourself a Fascist rather than a Nazi why do you even give a shit what we think of the Holocaust in the first place?
Soros being a liberal who is using lenient border policy to put more money in his own pockets just like capitalists of ever ethnicity have done repeatedly in the era of neoliberal globalization 1) doesn't have anything to do with the Rothschilds who you originally claimed were behind the immigrant crisis 2) prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the majority of capitalists doing horrible shit in the world are Jews or that Jews run anything outside of Israel and its propaganda insofar as it helps sustain Israeli aggression against Palestinians such as Hasbara
Also George Soros was a key player in bringing down the Soviet Union and profited massively from the liberalization of Russia's economy afterwards so stop trying to tie him to "the Left".
Yeah and Zig Forums bans literally anyone who disagrees with Trump's line on anything, even other Right wingers, so shut the fuck up
Yeah, no, you're not having a point there, mate. You ARE describing NS, so get on the fucking train!
I don't read Espresso Stalinist regularly it was just the first site that I saw that hosted the Furr article I wanted him to read and I'm lazy
And the horde of rabbis that dont stop putting pressure on countries to accept refugees? Or the media that tends to have Jewish CEOs.
And yes I realize not all leftists are the same
Infact I have several leftist that I respect, they tend to go in this order
Assad since he stands up for his own nation and against all the global finance, Cant Mossad the Assad is a meme created by Zig Forums
Gadaffi since he challenged the bankers by creating a currency not backed by gold or silver and having his national bank complety controlled by the state
Tito since he managed to not fuck it up and was the only communist to tell Stalin to fuck off
Implying the right has “good social or cultural policy”
I only really said I was a former stalinist to get you guys to listen
So this is socialism…wow
Soros is a rothschild, the holocause was mentioned and I responded to that, besides there are no war documents that portray the final solution nor any diologue of Hitler saying that idea but anyways that is Nat Soc territory not mine.
There are plenty of people in Zig Forums who outright hate trump either for being the same thing or being in their words" a kike puppet and a kosher nationalist", that was during ImKampfphys time, not anymore though
I have never heard anything about this. However I have read about how Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar fund radical Islamist mosques in Western countries so that when they refuse to accept refugees and instead encourage them to migrate to Europe despite it being more difficult for them to assimilate there than other Muslim-majority countries they can have a base of support for their pants on the head retarded policies which largely profit, you guessed it, Western capitalists in general, including European ones
I'm with you that lenient border policy has run amok but it's not some ebin plan to destroy muh white race it's literally just because immigrants are a perpetual pool of cheap labor and a good propaganda tool the Ruling Class can use to justify more consolidation of bourgeoise power. When you import a million people with a completely different culture and language to your nation, get the media to blow the proportionately small number of crimes they commit way the fuck up, and allow on the one hand for big business to hire them for cheaper wages thus further impoverishing the working class already in the country and on the other hand tolerate nationalist/fascist parties while vehemently supressing socialist and communist ones you win as a porky because you've fundamentally destroyed the ability of the working class to work together against you.
Yeah you might have to sacrifice a few of the more cosmpolitan members of your own class but the net profit outweighs the risk
lol and the horde of Christians,liberals,libertarians and business.
In fact Israel actually encourages other countries to secure their borders. See the prime minister boasting about how well his wall is so Trump and others should build their own ones
Yeah a fucking brainlet one. One who fell for dumb holodomer propaganda. Probably attracted to Stalinism like a basic bitch edge lord cause BASED STALIN HAS NO DEMOCRACY AND HE WAZ NATIONALIST.
Pro-tip Stalin was stand fast defender of Democracy and always fought against Nationalism except when he had to rally a country together. (Wrote an entire book which btfo out of nationalist autonomy)
Andd???? are rabbis rich and powerful
I thaugt you were a spic not an ameretard
also in USA irish people "own" the media as well
you're retarded, kill yourself
Daily reminder that it is not the Jews who pull the strings, but the Hibernians
I agree with you with the Saudis and Turkey funding the islamic churches. But keep in mind its the reverse in media, they dont usually report on their crimes and the leftwing controls the goverment and education, we havent been paying the media, we hate them for their dishonesty and lack of integrity, and on the capitalist backing us, come the fuck on, we dont trust them anymore you do, they are enemies to the Fatherland and exploit their fellows for money. I dont get why you think we are on bed with cappies when in normal circumstances they would recieve the same punishment as any other criminal.
Im going to let you a little secret, see one of the things Jose Antonio once said is that he never really wanted anyone dead on either side, he thought most of the blood from the revolution could be avoided because he didnt think ideology should get in the way of the Syndical State, he even wanted to compromise with communists and anarchists because he still saw them as fellow Spaniards, he thought that through compromise not only most of the blood would be avoided but that everyone would be more on board with the idea
My bad George Soros isnt a Rothschild but has considerable connections to the family in question. Sorry if though otherwise
I wish
every time
We have PSOE, Podemos which is Venezuela Tier and the basque nationalists, hell Sanchez is even getting in bed with catalan nationalists
How else would I get to do an AMA
Well its been interesting, I thank anyone who gave me genuine questions. I hope next time is as good, good luck nationalising the means of production while conserving your traditions and nationalidm
The governments are not left wing. Crime is overblown by the Right and worse attributed to brainlet factors instead of a scientific analysis of why crime even happens in the first place.
Literally happened everywhere fascists were. "Fascism is capitalism in decay" t.Lenin
Which you still allow to exist and exert control over society. Also fascists are fine with big business as long as it loyal to the state. Ie Ford and Italian industrialists who funded Mussolini because Socialists threatened them so surprise surprise exploitation will still occur. You don't give a shit if big business gets to do it's shit and cuddles up with the state as long as a white person gets a bit of welfare the business sprouts some nationalistic rhetoric and there's no niggers.
fascists truly are the foot soldiers of capitalism in crisis.
What if I told you most learned from their mistakes and next time they will replace the cappies with their own members
I mean I guess I don't know the nuances of modern Rightism in European politics but all of the Right-populist parties that have gained traction lately say absolutely nothing about capitalism. They rant against the "globalist elite" but there is nothing about private property relations or what have you. A few, such as Le Pen and that one Polish bastard have some vaguely social democratic rhetoric when it comes to economics but that's about it.
>I dont get why you think we are on bed with cappies when in normal circumstances they would recieve the same punishment as any other criminal.
Except historically this has never been the case. Mussollini came to power partially with the help of the Italian ruling class, big business moguls like Henry Ford in America openly supported him (and I believe Ford even personally visited with Mussolini once but I may be misremembering that) and much of his economic program revolved around private-public programs that ultimately benefited the capitalist not the worker. He also repeatedly broke strikes and other anti-labor moves.
Also research Operation GLADIO. NATO and the CIA literally supported neofascists in Europe in order to act as a bulwark against any lingering Communist parties or movements in Italy and then later throughout Europe. This program operated all the way into the 70s. During the Years of Lead many neofascist terrorists were often found to have ties to GLADIO.
Read Blackshirts and Reds by Parenti. If you don't read anything else I link you I really implore you to at least read the first few chapters of this book because it goes into great detail and gives many sources, including primary sources, to demonstrate that Fascism was not anticapitalist and had nothing to do with socialism apart from bastardizing some of its rhetoric. At least put it on your backlog m8:
Well then he was either being disingenuous in order to gain the support of the working class and draw it away from anarchism/communism ("See guys it is actually us fascists who are pacifists and willing to cooperate, we are the rational, nonthreatening ones") or he truly was a fool. Probably the former. It's hillarious that fascists always say Jews are sneaky and use bad faith tactics to draw the working class away from capitalism and fascism because historically they've literally always done this to gain support
Look Im not much friendly too them as you are, yes the corporations are death traps to the workers but what other solution do you have in mind, should we trust the workers will do the work and produce for the nation with no oversight… Actually that might work, we could just let the workers produce how they want and only intervene when they produce too much or too little, what was that again? Oh yeah syndicalism. Sorry for being sarcastic, I truly dont like getting angry at other for ideological differences, lets agree that nationalism and traditions are important while we feed cappies and their cronies to the execution squad k?
I'll like to see that, fascists sprout anti-capitalism rhetoric then all they do is give some welfare (or like to think they actually do) and then rev up some nationalism. That's fucking it. If Donald Trump was a white nationalist and funded fascists he would be 100% accepted into Fascism which just shows what a beneath the sheets capitalist suckfest fascism is
What kind of leftist calls himself a Stalinist?