Politics is just a cope for the meaninglessness of existence. All this will pass, including the human race itself.
Prove me wrong. Please do.
Politics is just a cope for the meaninglessness of existence. All this will pass, including the human race itself
You're spooked by nihilism.
lmao no.
So what everything will end? Doesn't stop you from enjoying the time we do have.
Meaning is socially constructed. A revolution would improve my life immensly. There, i proofd u wronk.
You're right, there is no inherent meaning to existence.
Which is why we make our own. That existence doesn't serve some grand purpose shouldn't demoralize you, if this was the case then you'd be little more than a cog beholden to some grand design of some distant celestial force. Instead, let this embolden you, if there is no inherent meaning, no inherent purpose, then the world is our oyster to shape it as we please. The absence of a great plan allows us to create a paradise for ourselves that serves our own needs, rather than the needs of some heavenly order.
But that's my whole point. The feudal meaning of life was accepting your place in God's natural order, the capitalist meaning of life is getting rich, the communist meaning of life is socially producing one's own conditions of existence. All are equally constructed, anthropocentric and transient.
I just can't help but see the futility of creating heaven on earth if it's all going to pass anyways. That's what I mean when I say politics is a way to cope. Building communism might give you some purpose in life, but in the end it serves only only as a distraction.
Your whole post assumes meaninglessness is a meaningful thing.
What does it matter that politics is a coping mechanism for a meaningless existence?
What does it matter that it'll all pass?
Why is the human race so meaningful to include in this post? Dogs will pass too, but they mean as little as humans, no?
It's all bullshit, and the fact that it's bullshit doesn't matter; I can mope about it, and it won't matter. I can make the world my bitch, and it won't matter. Most people claiming to be nihilists can't grasp the idea of nothing, and still presume some basis to anything at all.
You could kill yourself or you could live forever and neither will matter, but see how you still assign values to those actions nonetheless? Take your meaning - that sensation of meaning - and turn it onto the world. No cause but your cause babyyyy
The conditions necessary to allow you to think about the meaningless of existence were brought about, in part, by liberating politics. I agree with you in general, and as buddhist-leaning I still strive for overcoming any hindrances to understanding this nature. But for me to consider this, and for others to have this opportunity, material conditions have to allow it.
>Take your meaning - that sensation of meaning - and turn it onto the world. No cause but your cause babyyyy
god you're such a little bitch
it doesn't matter that's it's constructed
make your own meaning or follow one that appeals to you, stop giving a shit what the universe thinks
you're here right now, aren't you? maybe you have loved ones? children? who fucking cares if in 1290 gazillion years it'll vanish, we have plenty of time until then
I can't user
Well you could say that about literally anything worth doing. Why even bother getting out of bed if we're just gonna die anyways? If you truly believed that life is meaningless you would have killed yourself by now. My advice is just enjoy the ride until it's over.
Arguing that there is no inherent meaning is itself giving a meaning to the universe - just like how we can in fact construct, as Stirner attempted, Hegel's Being from Hegel's Nothing.
Go to the zoo.
you: the duck
me: the mouse
hate this line of thought even though i agree with your overall advice
the absence of a reason to live is not the presence of a reason to die.
Where did I mention any type of vulgar material determinism? Mickey ironically lends credibility to Donald's point though by saying all knowledge rests on assumptions.
I cant really dispute this with you. If you really feel like life is meaningless, what can I say? That I personally feel a deep attachment for my life? That seeing others happy makes me happy, seeing them fulfilled makes me fulfilled, and so on, to then justify political action? I dont think that would be compelling. I cant tell you how to feel. You will have to ask yourself why you feel life is meaningless. I could only help you if you told me, and isnt it rare to correctly describe yourself to a stranger? I suspect that you think life is meaningless because it really, truly is too you. At least in moments or in pieces you dont have the things thay give you meaning. Using myself as an example, I know that when I have had pessimistic "things are meaningless" times, its usually stems from feeling seperated from others. People being apathetic, people defending evil actions, etc… can make Communism seem like an impossibilty, and that thusly, people as a whole will suffer forever. Its enough to make life feel meaningless, for sure. If you can realize what makes life feel meaningless though, Im confident that you can change your own mind like I changed mine.
yeah it's pretty clear to me that a lot of activists and people participating in online discussions are using politics as a sort of displacement activity. more than that, i think that in many cases political impulses are also motivated by a sublimated desire for power that is rationalized as a desire for justice and equality. observing many of the people involved in politics on either side of the spectrum and witnessing their irrational, selfish, and punitive behavior, it becomes hard to take their self-justifications at face value.
I, too, enjoy Shin Megami games.
I don't know shit, but maybe it would help to think of meaning as a process that things undergo, not an inherent property of those things.
lmao another nihilist took his philosophy to its logical extent and now doesn't even want to fight for anything anymore
y'all need jesus
you gotta be pretty fucking rich to be a nihilist.
i've never met a wageslave nihilist unable to feed himself saying "Whatever lol"
politics is a spook tbh
tbh I could see it happening if the person was depressed enough
nihilism is like a cancer that eats the brain
ok you first.
i live in a shed
"Whatever lol" -me
fucking stirnerbots lmao
Here's your nihilistic answer:
So what? What does it matter if that's true or not?
It's the only life you have so why not do what feels engaging for no reason other than it tugs at your emotions?