Hello lads. I know we shit on Zig Forums alot. But I've been thinking about this for quite some time. And I still don't know the way to put the question. Basically what makes Zig Forums Zig Forums? What makes people so racist reactionary and filled up with so much hate? I'm not saying were any better. But what makes them that way? Again sounds pretty retarded when I type it the way I did. Thanks in advance
What Makes Zig Forums Zig Forums?
It offers easy answers to complicated questions
Lol key can we agree to defend South Africa against imperialism if Burgers / Garrison have their way?
they are pretty much brainwashed not in political sense but social
everything they believe is falling apart
I don't see why not. Plus would glorious to see Zig Forumss reaction
we don't want PoC
Bye bye PoC
False consciousness. They are originally revolutionary, but they fail at recognizing reality, because they got fooled by bourgeois ideology.
They're autistic incels seeking out a scapegoat to channel their resentment and frustration towards as a means of catharsis because they're too cowardly to deal with their inferiority and personal failures in a more healthy way.
That and like the angsty children they are they get a rush out of being 'edgy' and 'counter-culture'.
I'm not trying to pull the "everyone I don't like is racist" shit but has anyone noticed that whenever Ben draws a white person (he likes) they are drawn as a Aryan Ubermench looking type but the black people he draws are drawn almost ape like?
Can you post some examples :v
We'll the original of this one was a pretty good example (big eared fat lipped Obama sitting over ramphosa's shoulders with him having similar features)
You can just go on Bens site if you don't mind giving him traffic and see all his shit in one place if you want
Okay I'll go check it out. Pretty excited to see this desu
Basically, back when stormfront nazis on cuckchan Zig Forums originally started editing Garrison cartoons he was really fucking mad about it because he was a "libertarian" and didn't like all of his work being turned into bizarro A.Wyatt Mann parodies, but, in say, 2015, which co-incided with Patreon becoming a popular platform and Zig Forums having a demographic shift before and leading up to the election, Garrison decided he could get those sweet sweet patreon dividendies and increasingly pandered to that demographic, he always drew people he didn't like as subhumans and he was always kind of racist but the reason it seems more exxagerated now is because he knows he's onto a good thing so he wants to milk it for all it's worth
From what I can discern, most of Zig Forums are middle or lower middle class white guys who've been raised thinking that they are the center of society, but are increasingly finding themselves in a world where this isn't the case. "Niggers", "Mudslimes", "SJWs" etc all seem to be being catered to more whereas your typical, all-american white guy is being "shafted" (so the narrative goes.)
On top of that, inequality has been steadily increasing, and as capitalism fails to slow down, a lot of them are feeling left adrift in a world of no manufacturing jobs, temporary positions, endless career changes, etc.
So you have a situation where a lot of guys who were raised by capitalist propaganda to believe they'd have it all before the age of 30 (the wife, the kids, the car, the man cave, etc.) find out that this just isn't objectively possible any more as well as finding their society increasing "foreign" and full of people they don't recognise. It can, in a nutshell, be incredibly alienating.
So what they do they? Well, considering a lot of them are poorly educated and/or are surrounded by a bunch of other angry white people, they end up coming up with simplistic "answers" to why the world is this way. "It's the Jews! They hate the goy and want to flood white countries with subhuman brown people! Liberals are useful idiots! Communists are brainwashing white women to enjoy black cock!" etc. etc. You know the drill.
Being unable or unwilling to critically examine the world around them and accept the true causes for 21st century malaise (namely, neoliberal greed and religious materialism), they end up falling into far-right echo chambers that only serve to reinforce their worldview and silence dissenting opinions. You end up going from being a fairly average 16 year old kid who doesn't really think about minorities or women to being a violently anti-semitic 20 year old nazi who sees "leftist threats" around every corner and feels increasingly materially and psychologically besieged and lashes out on misplaced scapegoats.
In a sense, it's somewhat sad. A lot of them are awful people, without a doubt, but a lot of them are also just rather dumb men who happened to be born in the wrong place in the wrong time.
It's actually literally the opposite.
Actually it's pretty funny when you think about it Zig Forums it's not mostly white, I'm willing to bet it's most racially diverse than here. I do joke about it but now that I think of it, if most of Zig Forums is minorities isn't that actually an indicator of somethin?
Every Zig Forumstard I've met is a mutt or something like that.
In the USA Wisconsin was Socialist and it was all White, Oregon is known for Anarchists and it was legally White. I think like every "White" in the die-hard Right-leaning South is like half-Black. They lie saying their ancestors were Cherokee. There was found to be one teacher being a White Nationalist and was literally what you would expect from EL GOBLINO. That Alternate Hyposis guy is like a total mutt and was a die-hard White Nationalist until he found out that European Americans vote Democrat.
Not trying to be Racist, but really it's fucking hilarious in the USA when Left-wingers are more White than any Right-tard.
I agree with this. A lot of them seem like "downwardly mobile whites." The ones I've actually encountered IRL who I know post there fit the description.
I think there are also differences between 4chan and Zig Forums with the latter being more rooted in the real, hardcore neo-Nazi scene. Those guys are actually dangerous in a sense that many will go on to do something violent or destructive. Those guys are on 4chan too but 4chan's Zig Forums is more of a bigoted inside joke among shitheads, which is why they largely scattered once things heated up sufficiently.
That's not really true at all. A handful of right-wing AZNs on Zig Forums is not the majority of the black and brown populations in the U.S.
Contrarianism and sheltered naivete. You'd be surprised how many nonwhites and unironic degenerates (weebs and furries) are among their ilk.
I think this is a really good analysis - dumb people looking for easy scapegoats for why their lives suck.
To add, a friend showed me halfchan way back in 2009, and I feel like I've kind of seen how the Zig Forums culture has developed.
Way back, I think most of the racism was done ironically. It was always distasteful, but people meant it as a joke. But the anti-black stuff became more and more rabid, to the point that /new/ (news, which existed before Zig Forums) was just overrun with people trying to be as offensively racist as possible. That board was closed, but the racism effectively just spilled out onto the rest of the site, so when Zig Forums was started it was basically a containment board, much the same way /mlp/ was started to get all the brony crap off the other boards.
Around 2015 it was already getting really toxically racist. There was a clear moment where you could tell that there were older posters who would make a racist joke, and then the responders would all take it dead serious, posting a bunch of pseudo-scientific nonsense about immigrant crime, or black intelligence, etc. Finally it became pretty clear that the legitimate racists had taken over.
Then the Trump campaign happened, and retards on the board got really riled up, and the white supremacist youth base of that campaign became really explicit. That only grew stronger and stronger through 2016 and into 2017. I remember in early 2017 a German acquaintance said "just watch, antisemitism will come next." I honestly didn't believe him, it seemed too weird that antiquated old anti-Jewish conspiracies could possibly make a comeback. But now, that's exactly where we are. It's fucked up.
This, it's actually pretty weird. Both talking to people on halfchan/pol/ and lurking alt right Facebook pages, you see that they're into all sorts of weird, messed up stuff, and they always come up with bizarre rationalizations why it's totally okay for them to be into transexual porn, or to be really into anime waifus, or to be a white supremacist despite being Filipino. There's also a way darker side - I've never run into so many people coming up for excuses for why rape is okay, or why age consent laws should be lowered or repealed. Stomach churning stuff. It's painfully ironic that they're clearly the most fucked up people imaginable, and yet they're on a purity crusade.
100% northwest europe here
Degenerates yes. That is pervasive. But it is very white. Not going to post a wall of photos but the times they actually tried to do protests it reminded me of those old protests against Scientology. (Pic attached of a "free speech" rally in Boston organized over Zig Forums)
There's a reason why Zig Forums memes of the "enemy" often show a multicultural horde, because that's what protests against the far right look like in America outside of extremely-white cities like Portland. Though, it's also often the case that socialist organizations are very white. The thing to understand about black and brown populations in the U.S. is they do not trust whites (they have reasons for that), but they will oppose the far right. The other photo is of protesters gathering at a Richard Spencer event in Florida.
I went to a BLM protest once and there was a black man who got up and spoke, and said he initially didn't even want to come out because it was being held in front of a police station, which terrified him. If the white left organize and get their people out, people of color will also come out, but those populations don't have the capacity to really do it outside of their own immediate neighborhoods.
Or do it on their own outside their own immediate neighborhoods.
Fascism was literally made by degenerates.
Primo de Rivera was reported to be a playboy, Vidkun Quisling didn't take his marriage seriously, etc. The trend of the Far Right being absolutely degenerate continues to this day. The intellectuals of Nouvelle Droit were literally wife swappers, and I'm sure I don't need to explain what Matt Heimbach recently got caught doing.
Hitler wasn't that good on sexuality, tbqh. He curbed a lot of the excesses of Weimar, but he thought whores could be "rehabilitated" and turned into German wives and mothers. He reportedly hated the stigma surrounding single mothers, and the Lebensborn program was, in part, launched to allow genetically healthy German women to give birth outside of marriage without shame. Evola thought concerns of virginity were "low and worldly," while 'ascended' people only cared about sex as a way to reach enlightenment as it "unified two halves."
Have you heard of Dirlewanger The Noble Aryan?
Yeah this is definitely not true. I don't know about Wisconsin but Oregon (and the rest of the PNW) has a huge neonazi population, I'm pretty sure they have the most neonazis per capita in the US (though obviously I have no numbers to prove that). It's true that there's also a significant anarchist and general left-wing representation but I think you're being way too generous. As for the race of neonazis it's true that some of them are self-hating Jews or Africans or whatever but the huge majority are 100% "White", or at least are perceived as being so.
Tbf a decently-sized portion of them are white hispanics or hapas
the turn from not-serious to serious happened around 2013 when stormfront literally psyop'd Zig Forums
It gets clearer when you realize that their worldviews are shaped by their own pervasive autism. They think human society is immoral and repugnant because they are immoral and repugnant. The left thinks society is basically good because it's not collectively fucked in the head.
This statement pretty much proves pic related 100% correct on his assessment that leftists are oversocialized, like why the fuck would you think society is "basically good" if you're supposedly against capitalism? That's retarded
An interesting commonality here would be that D'Annunzio, Mussolini, and Evola were influenced by Stirner, one could easily say that certain forms of fascism are egoism without the anarchism
This is probably why I can't stand most leftists still even though I am a communist, I used to be something of fascist for a long time because I was involved in the occult and followed LHP but even I couldn't ignore capitalism's own contradictions for long. But that doesn't mean I am going to suddenly turn into a moralfag just because I realize capitalism is shit, fuck that. That being said I did end up dropping my far right spooks so I am not a nazbol or anything, but that was more because I came to realize that I didn't care about such things in the first place, not conform to common morality or some bullshit like that.
By "society" he probably means it in the way the German Romantics used it. In other words, he is discussing society without alienation, social relations between free individuals. Pretty much all leftists agree that is the goal.
very long time 4chan user here, posting on this site for the first time tonight, because 4chan has become completely unusable. I'll explain what makes Zig Forums Zig Forums, at least 4chan Zig Forums, which I imagine is pretty equivalent to 8ch Zig Forums.
They are sheep. That's pretty much it. Bad, ignorant, and low people who think banding together against imagined enemies gives them some kind of power.
Now, I'm not a liberal person by modern definitions. I started going to Zig Forums years ago for "alt-news", basically trying to keep abreast of things that aren't reported by mainstream, almost entirely leftist media. But since that time I've seen it transform into an absolute cesspool of hatred, and one that seems particularly susceptible to falling for unverified, completely made up fictitious bullshit.
For a while it was kind of interesting, but now it's just sad. I have nebulous political opinions and I think leftists are just as idiotic and destructive as these Zig Forums types a lot of the time, especially neoliberals, but the differentiating factor is that even neoliberals mostly believe what they are doing is intended to make things better for people. Zig Forumssheep seem to concentrate on making things worse for others.
It's not that being into transexual porn is a problem. I do not care what people are into. It's more that they have a warped and distorted kind of sexuality anyways, so one of these Zig Forums guys will end up going and actually raping a transgender person. I am not exaggerating about this. They're into a particular thing, but they also hate themselves and thus direct that hatred onto the person they're attracted to.
they'll get shot before the fascists do for their tendency to put a bandaid on the gaping economic wounds.
literally worse then hitler.
boons to society
I mean sure, its more the fact many on the far right are self loathing degenerates as opposed to just simply being degenerate. I don't think this applies to the rightists you'd find in the o9a/TOB or in various other satanic/LHP sects, that's probably why I never had those sort of psychological hang ups myself. I was sort of alluding to something else with the post, more so the tendency of leftists to conform very strictly to the moral paradigms liberal society even though liberalism is something they wish to overcome. Normally I bring up the incel phenomenon when I discuss this but I'll use a different example this time. Now I know Hebeposter is fairly unpopular for his tendency to derail threads on here and Zig Forums but he does have a point when he says most of the left treats any criticism of anglo style age of consent laws as heretical, as if its somehow beyond criticism due to feminist or red conservative justifications depending on who you ask. Its particularly bizarre when you see ☭TANKIE☭s who supposedly despise everything about the united states internalize a very Anglo American centric form of morality to even a more zealous degree than typical left and right liberal burgers alike.
I think you may be confusing neoliberals with social democrats, unless you're referring to idpol. Even then neoliberals are pretty heterogeneous on identity politics and most of them really don't fit the "SJW" label.
Good point. We should force Zig Forums to become trannies instead.
Something Zizek said once, paraphrasing: the liberal hedonist is all about living for pleasure, but since there is no external authority ("God" or whoever) to shape this behavior, they get entangled in a suffocating "politically correct" web of regulations concerned mainly with violating others' "space." The far right, on the other hand, does refer to "God" but it's a God that permits everything – the attraction to fascism is that you can rape, kill, shell cities with artillery, molest children, etc. The people you're killing or raping are decadent so it's justified. "We are simply instruments of God's will."
Anyways I don't have a path out of this.
shitposting and trying to enrage the largest amount of people with minimal effort because it's funny
this thread is proof of it
It's not beyond criticism. Most hebes don't have a problem with age of consent in theory; they just want the bar to be lower. Why do you think they are so desperate to distance themselves from the icky pedos? They are perfectly ok with throwing pedos under the bus and they care even less about subverting Anglo American morality. They just want to fuck teenagers and for it to be socially acceptable in the same way that succdems just want higher taxes and free healthcare. It wouldn't take much for society to accommodate hebes; all it takes is to move the age of consent needle to 13 or so. That's why you see such hard pushback against hebe rhetoric from SJWs. Hebes call attention to the fact that the age of consent is completely arbitrary, but few hebes will point out that the problem lies in basing sexual ethics around the notion of consent in the first place. Their solution is completely cynical. It's just blackmailing the power structure so you can be the one keeping the next guy out.
You do make a good point here user, most hebes, including hebeposter still agree with the fundamental premise behind the age of consent, they just believe biologically speaking teenagers are essentially adults and the law should accommodate for that. I feel like other anons will start swarming us with angry replies ITT since we are getting into some fairly transgressive territory.
A tenuous grasp of reality and disrespect for intellectualism/science is key to Zig Forums, I think. You will often see lengthy, involved posts there which rely purely on a priori reasoning; credulous acceptance of unsourced bullshit; fabricated evidence and pseudo-science/history; and just general emotiveness when confronted with opposing views. /fringe/ is in many ways the logical conclusion of all this; you will find people there who literally believe Jews are aliens or demons (although I should add that occultism is not necessarily like this).
Nah, genuine anti-semitism was rife on 8/pol/ from the start and also around on 4/pol/ in 2014/15 when I started going. Especially on 8/pol/ there were people who opposed Trump's candidacy because he was too friendly with Jews/refused to 'name the Jew'. For neo-Nazis anti-Semitism is the main thing, Jews being the cause of all their problems.
You know when someone says they're a radical and they get asked "what, you think you will be part of the ruling class in this new world of yours?" For Zig Forums, the answer is no. Most of them do not think they will become the masters of the new world, quite the opposite. Many, many Zig Forumsacks I've had the relative pleasure to talk to admit "Yes, I am non-white/weak/degenerate but it's okay I still want a strict white ethnostate". It eventually dawned on me that their ideology and reactionary politics in general are a form of masochism. They realize full well most of them would be third-class citizens or worse in a might-makes-right fascist society, but they don't care. Right-wing "personal responsibility" is rejection of all responsibility. If I fail, it is because I am not white enough, not noble enough, because the invisible hand doesn't favor me etc so there is no use in trying - that is my human nature. Best they can hope for is a fascist state that will put them in their place so they can stop worrying about their inadequacies and silently accept their position as a peasant. In a recent video Contrapoints (inb4) raised a point about incels and transsexuals, how both seek constant negative feedback (you will never get a gf with that chin, you will never pass with that head shape etc) online as a form of psychological masochism. Zig Forums is just a political form of that. They talk all day about how their lives suck and they'll never achieve anything, because they're not white enough, because the jews run everything etc reinforcing their inadequacies and pushing them deeper into cynical nihilism, day in day out
just gtfo
I'm not sure what's the big fuss about this here
Most of Europe already has consent laws that go down to like 14.
The problem with going younger is mostly because of the cognitive development of children, because only around the age of 12+ they come into what we call the formal operational period, something both agreed by western psychologists and soviet ones.
That's when they finally are able to use abstract thought, to discern between material and immaterial and so on.
Ironically this easy answer seems like the most truthful TL;DR.
daily reminder that you're faggots
Ted’s world outlook is actually fairly complex and well developed. For instance, there’s a lot of debate over whether civilization itself is sustainable in the long, long-run on the part of ecologists
Daily reminder you're not white.
Just out of curiosity, what made you come here of all places? Or are you just on Zig Forums more generally now?
Just as an aside, Neoliberals (Neoconservatives also, they follow the same economic policy for the most part, even if they differ on Social Issues, and Neocons don't even really exist outside of the Anglosphere in a concrete way) don't believe what they're doing is intended to help people, the entire ideology is about Capital attempting to stem the bleeding of the falling rate of profit and shifting the balance of power back into the hands of the capitalists at the expense of the working class, you look at any policy since the 70s crisis and it's pretty self-evident. These people genuinely do not give a shit about anyone but themselves. They're much more dangerous than Zig Forums because whilst Zig Forums do want to put people in camps and are all degenerates etc. etc they're just imageboard users and don't really have any power, unlike Neolibs/cons who are in all the annals of government, even taking over traditionally social democratic & Labour parties (like UK Labour with Blair during the 90's onwards). If you stick around a while you might learn more about it. That being said, as much as we hate Neoliberals around here, we don't consider them a unique enemy, as we are anti-capitalists more generally and understand Neolibs as a symptom of the Ruling Class attempting to solve the contradictions of Capital.
Does anyone have anything substantial to say about the difference between the American far-right and European far-right? Previously I thought it was justifiable to lump them into one greater movement but it seems more obvious than ever that there seems to be a division between the two. Zig Forums being on an American imageboard would put them together with the American far-right, but this sometimes puts them at odds with Europeans.
Pics related is an example of someone who can't seem to stand the American far-right and is trying to distance himself from his former neo-Nazism. The American far-right, for all their belief in white natality and muh nuclear family are either childless like Richard Spencer, or plagued with marital issues like David Duke and Steve Bannon. Your average Boston Democrat Cops of America yuppie, on the other hand, seems to be well socialized and capable of maintaining a family. This isn't even getting started with prison gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood, who are filled meth heads and junkies (Varg vehemently despises drug use).
Reading Richard Spencer's Wikipedia article led to this hilarious paragraph. Zig Forums can't seem to do anything right.
europoor here
So most of euro nazis tend to be unemployed lumpen while americans are pol-tier larpers
Also muh white race meme does not exist here
What he said
In Serbia we have a few different types of right wingers
We have the usual skinhead groups
We have football hooligans who aren't that different than skinheads but more prone to violence
We have monarchist/chetniks who cry about muh ebil gommunism
And some claim this, but I have yet to see it, unironic nazbols
Though I'm seeing a trend of Zig Forumsyp tier altright retards that larp on the internet with anticommunist memes and other shit they picked up from the internet since that's where they were raised.
A good illustration of the differences between American and European far-right groups would be the banning of /britpol/ from 8/pol/. This was partly because /britpol/ did not buy into White Nationalism (a nonsense to Europeans with all their history of inter-white conflict) and partly because it was hostile to Nazism. Americans are a lot more pro-Nazi because it's easy for them to forget or ignore what the Nazis did.
We also have the Islamophobic Milosevic apologists in the nationalist camp.
Aren't those basically just chetniks who love Seselj?
I don't think I could do the topic justice, but there are other anons who could & screencaps of said conversations in the past floating around. The main crux of it is that "Whiteness" in America is a particularly unique construction that functioned differently, progressively expanding and shifting it's definition in ways that accomodated the changing demographics throughout the centuries. This provided certain social, cultural & civil/legal benefits as part of a superstructure designed to hold whites above other ethnic groups and divide the working class given the reliance on literal slave or near-slave labour to Industrialize that inherently had an ethnic component to it. This is obviously neccessitated as when you have a former class of slaves becoming "equal" to workers, there are a bunch of material problems this poses the ruling class and creates not only tensions but also opportunities for solidairy and organization.
To get a clearer picture of this, it's probably best to look into the history of the American Labour movement, there is a series currently still being made called Plutocracy by a guy called Scott Noble who is part of a company called Metanoia films.
You can find the series here: vimeo.com
And here is his website: metanoia-films.org
Anyway, as historically a Settler Colonial state without any real ethnic or cultural roots, there have been various massive waves of Immigrants from all sorts of different places around the world that choose specific localities, and whilst you can trace back that lineage, like say with Polish or Italians in Illinois (idk all the history, not a burger myself) there is honestly no coherent "White" identity that actually has any basis in reality in America.
This leads to them forming this kind of falsely constructed Pan-European identity that literally does not exist and has never existed; the entirety of European history is riddled with Nation States, Kingdoms, Feifdoms, Tribes etc all constantly warring and shitting on each other. Nationalists in Europe (although I'd say there are a few stupid Anglos who are influenced too heavily by Americans) range from absolutely despising (see Yugoslavia after it was dissolve) to general indifference aside from some cultural chauvanist banter in terms of their attitudes to other Europeans and only really care about their own National Identity. There are very distinct demarcations between different groups and cultures and their signifiers in Europe, it doesn't really make much sense for them to collectively think of themselves as "White" as an actual significant identity, it's just a skin colour to them for the most part.
Other posters, like
can give you more specifics and I'm sure more of our Yuro anons (I'm a Bong, I don't know much about the actual European Right, we're almost a retarded Burger colony but even our Nationalists are divided among the different Countries)
could elaborate.
hi comrade
In greece we have:
Golden dawn voters are 70% oldfags but the few younger voters are russo-greek gangbangers
And there are some weird christian pro russia cultists
Lastly the are some actual nazis that fall from the white race meme(not all) there are mostly weird occultist(also some nazbols)
Some neocon tier pettit bouj fags that call everything they dont like communism
A few poltards but they are a lot less than leftypolacs
Britbong lad
shut the fuck up nerd
Yea i remembered now comrade
Eat my entire ass faggot
Yeah I think this is particularly American. Some history here – the prisons in the U.S. were segregated along racial lines until the early 1970s. The gangs that formed after desegregation often formed along racial lines and were unofficially encouraged by the prisons as a way to maintain order. The gangs are certainly violent of course, but they also serve to regulate conflict. If a white/black/Hispanic guy gets jumped by someone from another "tribe," the whole gang has to rush in to defend him. This discourages a gang from jumping somebody because it means they'll have to fight that guy's whole gang.
There are also different kinds of white-power gangs. The Aryan Brotherhood rock swastika and 14/88 tats, but they're not really "political" in any sense. And they operate both on the street and in the "system," primarily through enterprises such as drug trafficking, car theft and chop shops, firearms trafficking, and various other rackets – and will even work with Mexican traffickers and so on, particularly in states like California and Texas. There's a saying the only color they care about is green (money).
Then you get groups like the Aryan Circle which is similar, but will also network with more political groups. The remarkable thing after Charlottesville, when I started perusing the neo-Nazi scene, is that these guys were posting Zig Forums memes on their FB pages, and these same guys had deep criminal records, had spent time in prison, and either associated with known white-power prison gang members, or they had mutuals who did. So there is a lot of overlap between the political groups and the meth-addled gangsters.
Identity Evropa, for instance, is this American group which presents itself as clean-cut boys in suits and ties, but they started out of the Golden State Skinheads which are a deadly gang with a lot of ties to the prison system there. All of their public-facing images are of these cleancut kids, but on at least one occasion some antifas caught them dropping a banner in the act and the van they were using to move their group and banner was being driven by this older, gangster-looking dude. Those guys might actually be calling the shots for this whole thing. Again, California and Texas are particularly notorious for these prison gangs.
That seems reasonable and teenagers in the U.S. can get a raw deal running afoul of AoC laws but it's my understanding if you're in your 20s it's probably going to be fairly restricted in Europe as well. The way it generally works is that the law allows you to consent at 14 but there is a few years age range within that.
I am opposed to opening up AoC laws regardless as a simple matter of preventing exploitation. I've talked to self-declared "ephebophiles" who say they're only attracted to young teenagers. But that raises the question of what happens when the teen starts to get older. Do you dump them? It really seems like a recipe for older men to prey on, exploit and then use up young girls. Call me a moralist or a conservative, but guys in their 20s should really stop chasing after high school tail.
One of the more bizarre Zig Forums creations of late is photoshopping that Parkland teen to be like a girl (to make fun of him?) and writing about how he'd be totally owned if he were actually a woman with nice tits that they would definitely not cum all over. That'd really show him right guys?
this is the equivalent to shitty hentai writing where they dominate someone else because they became a girl and then they get dicked into submission, unless it's on some level of irony that I cannot fathom. Also they don't look half bad as a girl thought it was an honest qt before I read the post.
A commitment to illiteracy.
When did all you uppity middle-class white people first start to feel bad about being rich and join antifa because you have no actual cause to be a part of like black people?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Personally, after those Nazis killed that girl in Charlottesville.
Hell, my pops (a bourgeois businessman) asked me how to donate to antifa after that. "I dunno dad, there are bail funds I guess?"
I guess it all started with my homoerotic fixation on blonde men in hugo boss suits.
It must really burn you up that people have fond feelings for a dead girl while your own parents have a hard time even looking at you.
A lot of them already are self-hating trannies and soibois.
Also, encouraging girls in the BDM to have children outside marriage.
I always wondered what the context of this image was, and it seems to be like it's making fun of that exact mindset.
I really don't get it.
Fun fact, Ethiopians were considered by Italians to be White.
More like "100 percent Arabic".
And step daddy has no problem looking at your loli.
They are not really acting on passionate blind following of an ideology.
Instead of caring about some theory they rely on observed evidence.
This makes them very passive and reactive. They will never preemptively attempt to solve problems they only rarely act on things before they have started to progress in the "wrong" direction for a while and observed to be potentially very negative to them. youtube.com
Trump being president is a very slow passive reaction. youtube.com
Being underage
Being an incel
Social isolation
Lack of political and economical insight
Lack of life experience
General shortsightedness
Trying to be "edgy" and contrarian
This is true. He sometimes even draws people in the 'happy jew' pose. But we do similar things as well, always depicting workers as strong heroic people and capitalists as fat decadent pigs.
What can i say? We are tremendously successful.
people were ironically or edgy racists as a joke, then moot made a contamination board for them, then new people weren't aware it was a joke and thought it was real, then that what's their name white supremacist site launched a campaign to flip 4chan to their side, they won because everyone is an idiot, then slowly overtime with trump a lot of boomers coming in and now there is a significant amount of 40+ posters and it's hilarious.
At aiding israel and your jewish masters, yes.
Stay mad. kike.
The racism wasn't ironic for the most part. The main difference between then and now is that white idpol wasn't taken seriously at all by anyone except the stormfags who were mocked whenever they popped up.
Zig Forums is comprised by petty-bourgeoisie and labour aristocracy social outcasts, who need someone to blame for their social ineptitude. Since most of them are like I said above ok economically, they don't feel that capitalism per say is wrong and justify it by thinking that since they were born into a comfortable life, they are in some social darwinist sense deserving of it. But since they do experience capitalism's alienation and degradation of culture, they look to find someone to blame within the framework of their political reality. Add to that being uneducated, believing anti-communist propaganda etc, this leaves them processing reality through an emotional prism. Who makes me feel insecure and angry? Women, so women are bad. Who do women like instead of me? Those damn niggers or chads or whatever, so they are bad too. Who is to blame for all of this? The Jews or the illuminati or whatever.
If you say so.
This. Suburbia is a disease. Also a large proportion of them are too young to even be in the workforce in a major way in most first world countries. I mean have you ever seen them "discuss" taxes? It's always just a bunch of regurgitated propaganda. It is quite plain that they don't have a lot of IRL experiences with normal adult shit.
Not mad at all, friend. You gave us everything we wanted and more. Make sure you vote for him again in 2020! I'm sure we can get another tax cut passed for my business. Thanks for Jerusalem btw. Oh, and don't forget to send your people to fight wars on our behalve in the middle east. Preferably ones with white skin, those are the best ones.
holyyy fuckkk burger please stay so that you can actually learn how your piece of shit country is composed
Wanna know how I know you're american?
This is key, really.
Note this also describes Tumblr.
Fascism is LITERALLY about conforming to a morality. It's just a really retarded morality. But anyone who chooses a right wing ideology that's literally about how to control the way people act, because they're butthurt about criticism from the left (or society more broadly) is literally retarded.
Exactly. I don't care if you're into transexual porn. But it's reprehensible to condemn people for the way they live their lives, then try to justify the fucked up way you live yours as somehow acceptable and superior.
A woman or soylent man detected.