Used to be pretty passionate about this stuff, but for the last few years i keep getting more and more pessimistic...

Used to be pretty passionate about this stuff, but for the last few years i keep getting more and more pessimistic. Is this the case for some of you? Am I being negative or just realistic? Every day I lose even more hope in the masses working together towards a better future. I don't hate people but I find myself being dissapointed constantly by how we act, how lazy and apathetic we can be. Fuck.

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Broadly speaking, history moves in cycles. We're in a period of reaction.

Which period do you compare this one to?

The cycle has doomed us, we can't wait for the revolutionary era because we'll all be drowned in boiling seawater

The revolution is impossible
I look forward to post-enviromental collapse anarchism though, will be fun

At this point only thing i'm looking for is for right wing twats to get fucked in the arse like the rest of us

Living in the US i lost any hope i had for revolution here.

The Government would have to take losses like the Germans took in the world wars for the state for a revolutionary moment in America

I live in Mexico so it's equally as bad with all the amount of people growing up under religious and conservative values.

At least Mexico has people like the ELZN and its history of resistance. There is nothing like that in America right now

Thoughts on AMLO? He is bigged-up in leftwing circles in the UK.

Hit or miss really, he has good intentions for a socdem but I feel like he has no balls to punch neoliberalism in the face, doesn't help that half the country is composed of closet fascists that can't cooperate towards anything good.

It's been the opposite for me. Watching the left grow and change since 2007 has only given me more drive and hope for the future.

Don't love the working class for what it is, love it for what it can be.

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That would probably get him killed in the short term, so he seems to me like the best you could expect from Mexican politics at the moment.

I'm generally pessimistic, but also hopeful. I think we're reaching a period in which new prospectives and programs for the left can arise. We're in a profoundly 'historical' moment, in the sense that what's occurring will be of historical importance, but more urgently a period of great historical resonation. Grasping and fixing that historical image, I think, will be absolutely pivotal.

The late 19th/very early 20th century, when the left as a movement was at its weakest.

civilization will be set back by global warming, but I see little reason to believe that civilization itself would be destroyed by it.

actually if anything I think the discovery of global warming will help.
the US is the only country who didn't sign the Paris Climate Accord. it may be the most powerful (and classcucked) empire in the world, but all the other world powers will eventually be forced to destroy Washington D.C. purely out of fear, and no one Empire the resist the will of those which exist across the entire world.
you know what that means? the decades that bureaucrats spent into building the greatest force against a worker's revolution will all be undone. no more CIA. no more sanctions. even the EU is growing tired of America's autism and inability to hear the concerns of the general population. Multipolarity will happen faster than we could have dreamed.

Life will become impossible in the tropics and many of the world's major economic and population centers will be unlivable (Miami already has "sunshine flooding"). The direct effects will be survivable in many areas but the mass migration and resource shortages will lead to wars and revolutions and there's a good chance they'll be nuclear.

The Paris Climate accord did nothing, there is nothing to bind anyone to reduce their pollution.

Capitalism almost collapsed because housing in the US was overpriced and you think it can survive this?

Excellent. The Rate of Profit has been low for a long time, fighting the entire World will result in total destruction that will cause rebuilding and skyrocket profit.

Imagine the Marshall Plan on a World-Wide Scale.

How do you think it looked in Russia 1915?

Fun fact: The Chinese new silk road programme has spent 3 times as much as the Marshall plan already…

enjoy the kali yuga, thus is literally the kali yuga

The Victoria era, after the defeat of Napoleon and the liberal revolutions, who were to that era what 20th century communism is to ours.

Russia had a collapsing government, millions of disillusioned soldiers, and foreigners aiding the communists.

That will never happen today.

The next generation in the US at least in my opinion will be very left compared to standard party perspectives in America. The younger Gen z kids are already showing signs of embracing socialism.

I'd rather be a bird than a fish.


What do you mean by "very left"?

Wtf are you talking about. If the EU or China went to war with America, America would nuke them. Nuclear Powers do not go to war with each other.

I just wish I could join a union….

pure socdem, at least in paper.
so far, he has done great things, like cancel plans to build an airport for the bourgies and spreading federal government functions around the country instead of being centralized in mexico city.
he will probably disappoint, but he hasn't so far. not really super informed though…
polite sage, off topic response