Everybody can see how completely hypocritical and brain-dead you masochistic communist-pussies are, if you like it, when a nigger like Nelson Mandela fights for the rights of his people but if a white man like Adolf Hitler does that for his people you call him racist and say that it's immoral… kill yourself, stupid faggots!
Everybody can see how completely hypocritical and brain-dead you masochistic communist-pussies are, if you like it...
Nelson Mandela didn't say kill whites though.
But he literally did, retard…
The blacks kill and expropriate white people in South Africa until today, just as the Germans killed and expropriated the Jews back then…
That's recently though that wasn't mendela.
better get used to it, you're time is up whiteboi (56%)
Your time is coming wh*teoid.
HAHAHA, in your dreams, nigger!
Through some hard-hitting dialectical materialism and a thoroughly marxist scientific socialist analysis I can conclude OP is a colossal liberal bourgeois first worldist faggot who needs to read Marx and Hegel to understand the dialectic nature of historical materialism and revolutionary materialist scientific socialism and needs to reject utopian idealist anti-materialist liberal bourgeois first worldism.
wow that's a lot of compsci majors in one place
Shut up kike. Israel will be destroyed! Karl Marx sucks Goatdicks in hell!
He didn't just kill people for no reason but in attempts to liberate the Nation from Imperialism which is much different
No whites are explicitly being killed to appropriate land as part of the EFF-ANC land reform it is a myth
versus blacks 12% go back to doing nothing nigger bum
We are anti-Isreal here
Hmm.. Colonial subject nation breaking its chains and a fascist imperialist independent nation that waged war and exterminated people based on race.. yep.. exactly the same..
This might seem out of pocket, but I think the real imperialists might actually be the real imperialists
Ok, good. Now replace Jews with the capitalists and you're good to go.
Nelson Mandela didn't try to kill my grandparents.
The Nazis didn't killed Jews for no reason too, they are the real imperialists who control the whole monetary system Federal Reserve. Why do you think every country that is independent of the Federal Reserve gets attacked from the USA?
He should've.
Nigger, you will be killed!
I don't know, why do they? Could you explain yourself?
The Nazis killed and enslaved millions of white Europeans.
They also scammed German workers out of their savings through the Volkswagen scam (never delivered for most part), sold off state assets to rich industrialists, and even coined the term privatization through their policies.
National-Socialism = White-Genocide
Also look up the ruins of Warsaw or what the Nazis intended to do with places like Paris or St Petersburg
Why?! Because countries like Syria are independent from their monetary system, just like Germany back in the days…
You'd be hard pressed to get Jews to agree on anything, let alone imperialism and capitalism.
What's with this NutSac spurging and larping?
Because America is but one of the many enforcers of the interests of the western trans-national capitalist class, most of who aren't jewish. I.e. capitalism 101
Now if you actually read you would know Lenin explained this (finance capitalism, imperialists wars, etc.) over a century ago.
Fun fact: One of Lenin's first actions was to crack down upon religion - including Judaism, close down the synagogues and seize their assets.
Oh and Uncle Joe was responsible for executing scores of zionists Soviet Union also supported the Arab states in various wars with Israel
The Nazis were against religions too, not just against judaism…
Larp is woven into the fabric of fascism. The whole point is pretending what you aren't, ignoring the actual material conditions, then trying to bring back a time that never existed.
See Nazis larping as Germanic warrior pagans, Italian fascists pretending they're Rome, or today: American (petit bourj) suburban failsons larping as Aryan revolutionaries by using their ebin maymay magic to elect the most zionist president in history.
Nudist germanic paganism and other larp cults are still religions
Why are they so angry about that though? I'd just like to find out.
What's with you nigger, squawking?
No, they are not! Mandela and his african shit-eating cult must be a religion too, according to your logic.
Nazis are such huge cucks to international capital.
It's fucking sad.
Syria wasn't "independent from their monterary system" you brainlet. Even before the war oil & gas exports were paid for in dollars as the dollar is the world's largest reserve currency.
Syria ended up in a civil war because it was a weak link in the chain of imperialism. Lenin explained how this works a century ago.
What led up to the war was years of neoliberal reforms, cuts in social security, declining harvests due to droughts, mass unemployment, and a emergent strata of newly educated urban professionals calling for political reform (i.e. class conflict).
Then when the violence started, great (and regional) powers intervened, causing things to spiral out of control as they did.
Yeah, you should inform yourself about the Federal Reserve, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the babylonian Talmud too, instead of just listening to Karl Marx, who was part of the "choosen people" too…
Class conflict isn't religion. There's a massive difference between disenfranchised workers pursuing their own material interests, and running naked in circles around altars praying to the gods to help you.
Hitler didn't fight for the rights of his "people" This narrative is proven false by the Munich fiasco. After that, it became more clear than ever that all Hitler sought was an imperialist policy to oppress other nations and other "white peoples"
Hitler was one of the chosen people though. The Nazis actually helped facilitate the coining of the term "privatization". The bourgeois loved him. He was their "chosen one", and the only type of "chosen one" that matters outside of your larp fantasies.
Marx called for the abolition of both judaism and jewishness you fetid ignoramus. Read On the Jewish Question for that.
Proven forgeries, and even if they weren't, the power of capitalists ultimately comes from capitalism. Which us communists aim to abolish.
Yeah, ethnoreligious cults are disgusting. News at 11. Makes no difference still because communists have a history of cracking down on those for roughly a century now.
Fucking Bullshit, just like your jewish God Lenin! Syria is independent from the Federal Reserve monetary system, which is controlled by the Rothschilds and that's why the jewish imperialists want to kill Assad, you brainlet!
Fun fact: Hjalmar Schacht (Nazi finance minister that helped make it all possible) confirmed just that. Including before the war, during, and after in Nuremberg Trials.
Imperial war, and the mass slaughter and enslavement of Europeans was the plan from the beginning.
I'm kind of surprised you've been doing this for this long and haven't gotten bored yet
Half these people are neets.
It's all they have going for them.
Yeah being "racist" against all white is totally because of a "class conflict" and the Niggers in Africa are also pagans. Incidentally, paganism is not about worshiping "gods", but about living in harmony with nature.
The allies really let Hjalmar get away with it. He should've been handed to the soviets
I'm sure Jewish proles, poor people, villagers and literal children are all to a high extent complicit in this conspiracy and they all deserved to be gassed for it.