How do you fuck up so hard?
How do you fuck up so hard?
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that's it
it was shit from the start, actually
murica literally hates socialists more than fascists
Be fanatic.
Go to low populated continent.
Set up neoliberal dystopia.
Pretend to be a "democracy" yet democracy is never mentioned in the constitution, only property rights.
All men are born equal, except if they're not white.
Build your power on genocide and slavery.
Repeat forever.
i mean what could go wrong
What is it with Americans and fucking property?
Is this like a cultural thing that carried over from the US independence liberal views of private property?
pretty much
i wasn't supposed to walk in certain yards as shortcuts as a teenager because it was someone's property and they'd try and sick dogs on me
*did it anyways though**
Can AMERICANS explain this to me? You are allowed to protect your property, but then why was the guy jailed?
god am i the only one who hates burger accents? especially these 30-40 something news hosts. so fucking grating.
Unironically, the Constitution
I don't think you understand, "Trespassers will be shot" sign does not have what's called "Force of Law" which is the legal doctrine that is codified by the legal system set by a state or federal government. For example, if you hang a sign outside your shop door that says "no guns allowed" but I bring a gun inside, that is not illegal. Because the state law says I have a right to carry a gun. There is no law in the legal code that says "You cannot bring a gun into Mr. user's shop."
In other words, the landowner did not have the right to shoot him. It is permissible to shoot someone if your state has certain laws such as Castle Doctrine (but they need to break into your house first before you can shoot them) or Stand Your Ground Law (but you need to have been attacked or threatened with deadly force first); neither of this was of the motorcyclists doing.
The moar u kno!
also holy fuck some of the comments in that video. "DURR HE HAD THE RIGHT TO SHOOT BECAUSE MUH TRESPASSING AND GUN RIGHTS"
Tnx user. I thought that you can shoot at unknown people who are walking/driving around your land.
Guns are essential, but Americans rack disciprine and cause much shamefur dispray, bringing graet shame to cuntry and famiry. Owning a gun isn't even about necessity for the average american, it's about the fantasy. For a few hundreds bucks, you too can live the exciting experience about being Mr. Badass. Yeah, you got a gun, so you're invincible, fuck responsibility. Americans secretly WANT an (unarmed) person to attack them just so they can have an excuse to shoot them and feel hardcore. It's fucking terrifying. Inner city gangbangers are notoriously shitty shots. There are news stories about these idiots firing at eachother from ~15 feet away and missing every single shot, and then those shots hit random civilians around them. They also purchase and load the wrong ammunition for their gun because they don't understand what "caliber" means. To them, a gun is a gun. It shoots bullets. And they're very irresponsible. They keep shooting eachother by accident because "lol it's not even loaded- *BANG!* OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THE ROUND IN THE CHAMBER!"
There needs to be an Autism Level test or something before people are allowed to buy guns. Right now, all you need is a felony-free criminal record and the ability to spell your own name.
The obsession is caused by a mix of commodity fetishism and idealising the image of a "small, independent business owner who works on their own land" which came about through the "american dream" and further conditioned through decades of McCarthyist propaganda. The result is a neoliberal hellscape where "private property" (actually personal property) is valued over actual human lives.
that's it
the myth of America's founding is one where the small, property owning businessmen represent the pinnacle of individual freedom and courageously rebel against government tyranny. Americans are hardwired to only think about freedom in terms of property ownership.
I'm getting roasted for this, but Europeans.
I see it's time for an American hate thread, hell yeah, dumping everything I got
Oh Now Let Me Tell You A Story
About a Little Place Called the Heart Attack Grill
Two of their spokesman have died
The black waitress featured in the video also died but not from obesity because she was running away from the LA mass shooter and got run over by someone also fleeing
Another former waitress alleged that she was asked to film a customer who passed out for publicity:
At least one customer literally died:
Truly this is the pinnacle of American FREEDOM
America has always been trash but they signed their own death warrant (and probably the rest of the planet's) when the Republicans decided to design and build their policies around catering to those Evangelical lunatics who make Salafists look reasonable.
bretty good :DDD I'm too tired to post my collection right now, but here is a couple of fresh candidates for global-boker-face edit
There is no fuckup, if you're part of the capitalist class.