This is the modern representative of your ideology. Sheltered, liberal arts, twitter dorks. Capitalism won
This is the modern representative of your ideology. Sheltered, liberal arts, twitter dorks. Capitalism won
Other urls found in this thread:
Meanwhile here is Zig Forums . What alphas.
damn op you trolled us epic style
I know this is a bait thread but I saw somebody on twitter post this really stupid argument made by someone that calling for revolution is "brocialism" and that expecting militant insurrection to fight against capitalism is part of "toxic masculinity"
and then people were agreeing with the stupid tweet. somebody replied back saying if so-called "leftists" keep on acting like this, socialism will never arise
it's disgusting how many of these firstworld "leftists" are a bunch of counterrevolutionary scum
Most of them are americans tho.
And third worldism is not a solution.
Here is an ancap making a real world impact against the state in favor of the people. Notice the chad stance, the confident glare. There exists no commie today with as much determination and will as this man. Just a bunch of overread theory nerds mentally masturbating with other nerds, doing absolutely nothing irl
Considering his crowdfunding website for neo-Nazis got screwed up, "determination and will" will only work up to a point.
only applicable against centrists.
Mainly this shows how easy it is to manipulate the media, and how much right-wingers need strong daddy figures otherwise they're lost.
Also, while I'll mention it, I actually met him when I lived in Austin.
He is charming and charismatic, and has a sense of humor face-to-face; he's also very good at working the media. He's a nice fellow. But he definitely puts on an "act" when dealing with reporters. His image is heavily a media creation. I'll also note he comes from a wealthy background.
Yeah, the "brocialism" thing is dumb. But there are plenty of tiny left-wing sects and revolutionary groups that parade around with rifles in the United States. They are revolutionary insofar that they want to upend the existing order and to replace it with a new one. But they are not revolutionary in any political sense because they do not pose an actual challenge, and do not address the grievances of large segments of the population or advance them in any credible way.
Triggered ancaps.
Ew, no. Pretty much everyone is hating on capitalism and looking for alternatives that work (mainly Communism and Socialism)
Also don't post your cringe fan art here you creapy rightists weirdo.
Prett much people like this
men'll follow suit, you know.
If this someone you have confidence in representing your ideology, you deserve to live and die under the croniest capitalism
it doesn't matter what women think, it matters what men think. if men think communism is where all the cuties are at, they'll form their own opinions on communism.
I don't care what someone looks like when they're talking politics. What matters is the content of their message and to date there hasn't been anyone who has explained what capitalism is and how it functions better than Karl Marx.
the 1st two sentences are sadly correct in a way. the last is not. you cannot eliminate class conflict without eliminating class.
Facts hurt the rightist
I don't get it. What's wrong with this picture?
why are people like this being represented as saying y'all?
this is probably not a good indicator because it's not clear what the answerers think "socialism" is. in any case there's certainly plenty of workers who, while they aren't self-proclaimed socialists have some understanding of the basic opposition of interests between them and their boss and perhaps at times, the common class interest they share with other proletarians. what millennials think about bernie sanders or whatever doesn't seem all that important all things considered.
Every time. Do they make you guys in a factory?
if venezuela is socialist, so is denmark.
if denmark isn't socialist, venezuela isn't.
go ahead and try to rationalize this.
Red liberals don't speak for me.
You can't stop the progress of history, my friend.
Capitalism turned Chile into a shithole.
Average Pinochet supporters "house" in the capitalist utopia he created.
The private sector comprises 70% of the Venezuelan economy and most of the “nationalization” was just the government buying stocks.
The crisis in Venezuela is due to them being overly dependent on oil exports and thus being hurt particularly badly by the crash in oil prices, a wacky monetary policy and economic warfare that was waged on the by their national bourgeoisie and the United States as soon as they smelled blood in the water.
Aesthetics and optics are fundamental in pushing an idealogy to the sleeping masses. All news coverage of antifa and commie street brawlers portray you lot as blue haired skinny fat freaks. This is how proles see all of you
and so,not a single argument was made
proles also see women being leftists. even if they see blue haired dykes and trannies on television, they see cuties with hammers and sickles on their shirts and red stars on their hats, and so they'll deal with our ideology just long enough to start liking it, despite propaganda.
Do you even go outside ever?
i'm gonna be honest with you chief i have no idea what your post has to do with mine
Most of that is probably socdems
what does going outside have to do with the way the neolib media conglomerates portray far leftists? you don't see cringey kekistani faggots on the news, they focus on the commie freaks.
They are all "that guy." You know the one. Also they are all a far cry from being the alpha white men that they imagine themselves to be.
nice damage control
Cappie creaps/subhumans are to ugly to be shown on camera
Most people see antifa as black bloc anarchists and hooligans, spoiling for a fight and a little chaos. They probably think of something like pic related when they think of antifa.
Everything being the doing of the Eternal SJW is more of a far-right thing, because it allows for reactionaries and fascists to celebrate racial and nationalist politics while hiding behind the veil of liberal democratic values.
Whoops, forgot pic.
I think this is what most people think of when they think of antifa.
The 4th pic looks like lord Farquad from shrek.
no it's the 4th lol
Its late…
Also nice job btfo'ing this retarded rightist raid
It really doesn't in terms of what the ideological end goal is. Communism will never ever be seen in a good light by the vast majority of people meaning your people revolution will never ever take place, you will live and die under crony jew capitalism, as will your children. Your only hope would be to become a reactionary ancap and join my militia armed with 3D printed ar15s and 3D printed hydrogen bombs
we're just talking..
Most of the people who lived through the Cold War and are permanently indoctrinated against communism will be dead in 20 years.
Socialism is already more popular than capitalism. Ancaps are creepy teens that were bullied in school (then they shoot it up) face it.
Mom and dad are embarrassed to have someone like you as a son. You should take your trolling elsewhere, it clearly failed here.
you're still here
Come on leftoids, I thought you guys were supposed to be the smart ones.
Looks like ur having an emotional breakdown and damage controling to me…
Only they grew up indoctrinated with Cold War propaganda and are basically set in their ways.
Many people, the young especially, see the problem with capitalism, having borne the brunt of its worst tendencies and aren’t going to fall so easily for your capitalist utopianism.
And most young people are totally and completely numbed, unmotivated, yet comfortable living in this capitalist consumerist society to risk anything, let alone their lives, in some revolution to overthrow something they vaguely understand
this is the last (you) i can spare, ugly
socialism in one country will never work long term, not so long as American imperialism subverts any and all attempts at communism succeeding in any given country
You know someone is insecure about his looks when all he can say is "ur ugly" when someone online disagrees with his retarded political views. you will grow out of that ancap teen phase
Politics is violence and violence is inevitable. As capitalism falls deeper into crisis, as it’s contradictions sharpen further and further, they’ll be driven into radical politics by necessity if nothing else.
To a certain degree, this process has already started. The left has gone from being basically dead before 2008, to having clawed its way out of the grave over the last decade and growth is only getting faster, our orgs only getting stronger, organizing only becoming easier. I went to a training camp for my party and an old comrade said that in all his time in the left he’s never seen a time quite like this, calling it a “renaissance”. Make no mistake, we are growing and on the move. A common concern was not that we weren’t reaching people, but that we were growing faster than we could organize the new recruits and movements.
The irony being that this wasn’t really started by any of our own doing, but by the failures of neoliberalism.
The irony being
yeah russian isn't the world dipshit but it speaks volumes when people who actually lived in socialist countries prefer socialism to capitalism.
that's the whole fucking point of communism you retard. you're literally admitting that the only reason socialism has "failed" in the past is due to subversion by capitalism, which no one is denying. like i said, the point is to defeat capitalism so we can have socialism. what a waste of quads.
i actually wish what you're saying is true and there is a violent commie insurrection in my country in the future. sick of shooting at gun range targets only
colour me surprised!
I would say look up Frank Espinoza but I don't know if we should give him any more attention.
Shaking in my boots, tbh.
They think they want it, but they don't want it.
And, while lots of lefty orgs don’t report their membership numbers, some do and they’re telling.
For instance, in the summer of 2016 D.SA had roughly 6000-7000 members. They just recently announced hitting 49,000 members. The Communist Party USA has about doubled their membership to around 5000 in 2017. The Socialist Party USA hasn’t released official numbers, but their leadership has mentioned being overwhelmed with the process of inducting new recruits for the first time since they can remember, and its a similar story for most other parties.
We’re coming, bucko.
You people can't make up your mind huh? Buddy, you're a laugh and a half. Please keep posting, this is gold.
There have been D.SA clubs popping up in high schools and that's in the U.S. South. That's bonkers. The U.S. is seeing the most active tempo of socialist organizing since the '60s but it may be closer to the 1930s, though I don't think we're nearly at that level yet. Friends have every reason to join a socialist or communist org right now. Just pick one and roll with it.
I mean, what else are y'all doing? At least there's a structure to it, which can't be said for most jobs people work these days.
Going to meetings and seeing old dudes showing up wearing Karl Marx t-shirts who are super into all the young people who are actually leading these groups. At the least you'll get to wave some red flags around, get outside and meet people, and talking to those old guys is interesting since they have a lot of stories. Last march I took part in had a drum corps and Trots blowing on Irish flutes.
Now this is the part where Zizek pops up and says: "Well that's all fun and games but what do you do after the revolution?"
Irish flutes?
How do you feel that your ideology is the status quo?
I do too
so I can get a piece of that bitcoin stuffed ass of yours