Here we go again. Michael is about to devastate the northern Gulf coast and then dump heavy rains over the Carolinas...

Here we go again. Michael is about to devastate the northern Gulf coast and then dump heavy rains over the Carolinas. How many more natural disasters can they take?

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Press D to dab if you aren't Am*rican


It comes down to the national guard and police's ability to prevent people from self-organizing. Natural disasters around here really draw back the curtain of capitalist specialization aka "normality" and show the possibility and desirability of another world. All sorts of "evil passions" (e.g. looting, as if it were a crime) are awoken but also good ones. Dr. Bones had a really great article about mutual aid after a hurricane.
t. FL fag

god the earth is such a fucking tease when will america just get completely destroyed by some super tsunami or something


America doesn't really get hit with tsunamis. We can hope for California to fall into the sea though I think?

new orleans is gonna be atlantis in the coming decades i'm pretty sure

but that's just sea level rise. same goes for miami


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Aaaaand right on cue, the edgy teenagers in this thread (who aren't even good at being edgy teenagers; even old Geocities sites win hands down) have decided to descend. Never mind that this is only going to reinforce the stranglehold that the reactionary US authorities have alongside presenting a lovely opportunity for profiteers to have a lovely time. If Communists can exploit disasters like these to our advantage then only then might we have the slightest cause to celebrate - emphasis on 'the slightest', given that dealing with the horrors of the aftermath will be ridiculously difficult.

Meanwhile, Michael has strengthened to 150 mph and could even nudge Category 5 on the SSHWS. The hurricane-force wind field is small compared to that of Florence but it remains a very powerful cyclone.

Shits gonna suck man.

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Infinite, Porky can just move to Denver and let the storms kill all the prols who they don’t want around there gated mansion.

Praze Lincoln I’m saved, only Dixiers will get hit.

Can't wait. Last one broke the dam in our tribal area and flooded the entire place. Happened last year too. Cant wait for all the houses to be underwater for the third time in two years.



lmao it's a penis


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stay safe comrade

comrade hurricane razes kulak property

Haha Florence missed us last time get fucked Carolinas

t. virginian

Damn communist weather machine.

I stand in solidarity with comrade Mother nature and her righteous Hammer of Justice.

I'm all out of fucks. These faggots cry hurricane every time someone blows his nose. A hobo loses his roof and the media lose their minds. How many more evacuations can they take before they wake up and smell the coffee?

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Thanks for the thought. I made it through relatively unscathed. Power flickered a bit, but my Internet & TV went out for several hours, but since that was during the night, I just called it a night & went to bed.

Couple of my neighbors had branches that fell down, but thats about it. Dunno if any of my friends had power outages.

Looks like this one was actually bad and nobody was prepared for it.

I think it's notable the lack of coverage it's getting despite it's frankly shocking and sudden devastation. There is basically no storm coverage that happens AFTER a catastrophic storm hits an area despite there being wall-to-wall national coverage in the lead up to it. When there is a lead up to.

Free press at work.

Well… I guess. I think there is something else at work. People can excuse the lack of care by CNN et al. by saying that reconstruction efforts and impact are mostly local stories with limited national interest, but the same justification would meant *not* raising a shrill national alert in every US home when a big hurricane is crawling for a week across the atlantic.

Actually the national media defends itself on the grounds that it is saving lives somehow by terrifying the whole country about coastal storms. For some reason they no longer care about life saving and rescue when the storm is done and people are left with nothing and really, truly need people from unaffected areas of the country to help and care about them.

This is a big problem imo.

Sorry I meant free in a sarcastic way. But I agree, why don't we see the kind of coverage that was done after katrina? Maybe it's deliberate censorship, maybe it's avoiding losing contracts with the state for highlighting how poorly america is prepared for disasters.