The Boomers are at it Again

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how many people do boons kill every hour of every day?

go fuck yourself you white libshit

Wow another Zig Forumsyp out and acting like a total subhuman? Who would have thought

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Isn't 51 gen X?

lmao at boon boy

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I think its in the grey area in between, where depending on who you ask, its either the youngest boomer or the oldest gen X-er?
then again, 'generational estimates' can make me either the youngest gen Xer or the oldest zoomer depending on who you ask

boomer is a state of mind.
It's not the Monster Energy in your can, it's the Monster Energy in your heart


You may not like it, but that's what the peak aryan looks like.

it really makes you think about who uses Zig Forums

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Why are Americans so fucking violent?

all boons in zoos

t. e*ropean

Soros sure is busy unleashing all these Boomers to stop the GOP from winning this election.



The wicked hillary, obama and soros run everything and do everything I hate, but no one from our camp (who hates their guts) will send bombs. No, the wicked hillary, obama, and soros did this because they run everything I hate which is why they must be stopped. But every time someone from our camp sends bombs to Hillary, Obama, and Soros is really a false flag done by Hillary, Obama and Soros. Which; mind you, runs everything I hate. Which is why they need to be stopped.

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so all those posters depicting fine built blond men and supreme beautyful blond women are just fantasy and imagination of men who are ugly?

Basically cucked by the patriarchy and capitalist standards of beauty tbh. They Aryan race can't look great without commodities. Heck, even the Nazi uniforms were made by Hugo Boss. For people who talk awful lot about transcending the material, they sure obsess over goods.


I prefer this meme. It takes it further

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big is beautiful

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