Real socialists always knew this, if you actually believed the soviets were behind it please reconsider your life decisions
==Katyn Massacre was done by the nazis==
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Okay so not to claim one side did it, idk who carried out the massacre, but didn't the Russians admit it in the 90's and reveal a bunch of secret documents about it?
I guess it could have been done by the Nazis but unless you have evidence i see no reason to believe it.
id rather die than watch another Unruhe video so if there's evidence please link it
Watch the video. He explains in like the first 6 minutes that the documents were fabricated.
If you can't be fucked to do that check out the link in the description.
Honestly who cares? Still wasting our breath discussing who shot a bunch of poles 70 years ago seems like a pretty irrelevant discussion, and insisting on bringing it up only makes us look like a bunch of fanatical freaks. There are more important issues at hand than some random massacre.
Actually picked up the link in the description immediately after he said that the Nazis had documents of it - I didn't see anything about that in Furr's piece, but then I just kept Ctrl+F'ing "document."
I know there are more important issues, but to finally know after a very long time that it wasn't the soviets and that it was fabricated by Yeltsin and Gorbachev that the soviets did it is still pretty important.
Unfortunately this probably won't stop fascists and liberals to keep crying about it.
Pasting what I wrote somewhere else about this:
I don't have a strong opinion on this either way but it seems like Jason is talking directly out of his ass or misunderstood something here. None of the links in his description are proper sources for the ECHR thing he's talking about.
Also this
Let them cry about it. If we go out among the masses, talk to them about their problems, and offer them concrete solutions through socialism, and all reactionaries can do is wine about soldiers that were executed decades ago in a far away country, then it will make them seem like raving idiots, while we look more grounded in reality and the needs of the people.
Even if it was done by the Soviets, who cares? A bunch of aristocratic reactionary officers got shot. Seeing Poland now there should've been a sequel.
These, I'd argue the same for 1956 Hungary, there is literally zero reason to have any other stance besides who gives a fuck
The only people that care are the ones that should be shot.
ow the edge
I'd disagree on that front, since imo the invasion of Hungary is a prime example of how far the Soviet Union had drifted from socialism, and can tell us a lot about where they went wrong. It has value in teaching us about the potential pitfalls of any modern attempt to create socialism, mainly how to avoid degenerating into a bureaucratic dictatorship while also resisting imperialism and external aggression.
Also remember, Poland is the reason that the Communists weren't able to reach Germany and spread Communism. The people who were shot were the sort that stopped Communism and are thus responsible for the hell that is the modern World.
No regrets should be given.
It can be pretty edgy tbh.
That's a fair enough point I suppose
I mean regardless of your perspective on Hungary, we're still talking about a major event in the history of the socialist movement, the geopolitics of the Cold War, and even world history. Katyn massacre is just one mass grave surrounded by literally thousands of others dug throughout the entire war.
"Edginess is not in the words but in the facts"
Whether the Soviets or Nazis did it, the victims still kind of deserved it (as intelligence officers and not as Poles)
Deserved it for 1920
ha, eat shit
Oh, lord! (oy vey) a holocaust denier!
Like the holocaust!
Only good post itt
I think Syndicat poster said he became a ML, he's just not a tank
Reminder that Jason still hasn't provided a proper source for his claim that the fucking European Court of Human Rights found the documents to be forgeries, and it's impossible to find anything about it on the ECHR website or through google. If you want to believe the soviets didn't do it based on a Grover Furr article, fine, but nothing has changed. No new evidence has come out that proves the soviets innocent.
It's pretty wild that you would just take the fat mohawk maoist-third worldist guy's word for it, without doing your own research, OP.
yeah, jason is just talking out of his ass with piss poor source
i'd just have refered to this
also the evidence on the scene was clear enough pointing towards germany
the story makes no sense and contradicts the behaviour you see with the SU, while following the same pattern of german war crimes
the timing of the "finding" was also just too convenient driving the advancing soviets into conflict with their polish british exiled "allies"
the whole story is a joke tbh and anyone who falls for the "the soviets did it" narrative must be an idiot
Are you Lithuanian?
I don’t actually care one way or another, I never understood why this incident in particular got so much attention from either side. Summary executions of enemy POWs aren’t exactly a new thing.
I did, but I don’t really cling much to orthodoxy. I don’t really identify strongly with any tendency, but ML [spoiler]with DemCon characteristics] is probably the closest to what I am.
Forgot my effortposting flag.
Poles had it coming anyway, never fuck with the soviet union