Bunkerchan is 3 BOYOS and GIRLOS

Bunkerchan is 3 BOYOS and GIRLOS
So I've created a Flag to celebrate comrades.

Attached: Bunkaria.png (2000x1263, 527.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


let's have a big communist party

Attached: stalin.gif (300x235, 409.25K)

Cool! Can't find it yet when making the post,thought.

Shit flag design tbh.

whyyyyyyyy. it doesn't fit at all.

Concrete gray sticks in the eye, but seems very fitting.
Congratulations to Bunkerchan!

Attached: #LEFT UNITY.mp4 (640x360, 9.41M)

the levels of cringe are staggering. also
this is how I know yall are retarded

hello newfag
goodbye newfag

I know what gup is, and its shit, just like most animu.

Based and redpilled

Attached: dindunuffin.mp4 (320x240, 2.08M)

seems about right

such relevance
such grammar

Not fair

well congrats on still not being dead
no idea how they do that
nice flag design

this is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen done to anime
it's so stupid, i love it so much

shut up jerk face

Attached: happy birthday.png (915x580, 37.42K)

Hey catgirl drawfag was a girl(female) and she may still be here

think she's left or good comrade

Do girls (male) count?

genders dont exist you fascist pig

you're mom doesn't exist LOLE

who the fuck thought having a modified version of the stars and bars was a good idea?

what a shit flag
anyways, happy birthday bunkerfags


why is this a sticky

iirc shes going to art school so she isnt super active, but the big board split kinda spooked her away

Still can't find the flag.

Because we’re three sisters, you nerd.




No wonder the site was so empty quite during the last outage….

We are politically incorrect afterall :^)

Bumping to make sure the newfigs know the site exists.