Hey comrades. My local chapter of the IWW is small and in a bit of a rut. I believe engaging in some direct action, however small, will help us to get reenergized. As such, if anyone has some good agitprop, thatd be helpful. Anything you’ve got would help, I’ll add it to the collection I’m trying to build, though particularly syndicalist stuff, or simple/introductory leftist stuff would be good. Thanks.
Propaganda Plz
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh, another thing, I’m hoping to distribute pamphlets and do a wheatlasting campaign by Labor Day at least, so stuff relating to that would be good. I know, it’s the US way of divorcing our labor movement from May Day by putting our version in September, but it’s still a day that workers get off in this country, so stuff that might help to awaken consciousness in them would be helpful.
If you can't have nice imagery focus on nice slogans to write down.
MISSING: worker dignity!
Your misery is factored in the system!
Can you imagine a bright future? Our dreams were stolen with our work!
Idk try for yourself
I googled "iww agitprop" and these were some of the images that caught my eye the most.
IWW is still a thing? Are they still as radical? What do they do nowadays? I thought the lib AFL-CIO basically wiped them out.
Where can you find these IWW comics?
The second one is dogshit.
i think marx pointed out easily digestable enough why you shouldn't just only distribute on an individual level for social work where you need collective resources, and this oversimplification is just pushing that false narrative of an equalisation that has really nothing to do with socialism
especially considering
which is just completely nonsensical and trying to display something more complex (but plain wrong)
oh well, anarchists, there's really no fixing them
You're preaching to the choir here, so stop whining and post propaganda, whiskered neo-splitter.
Black nationalism that does not target imperialists and capitalists is bad.
I agree but drawing a comparison between Black Power (which can be revolutionary) and White Power (which is inherently reactionary) is bad.
wow super ebin rebolutionary aktion ::DDDD
I agree too but I think the poster was making the point that capitalists exploit nationalism, even revolutionary nationalism, to pit the proletariat against one another when it should be used to overthrow the capitalists.
the issue with identity politics is putting the primate on identity
as long as it's an expression of peculiar experiences of capitalist exploitation, which exists for blacks as a formerly slave class that was also further held down as "second class" until recent decades, does not equate to identity politics that has no class conciousness and rejects it
as ☭TANKIE☭ poster stated correctly
the former can be revolutionary, it isn't and cannot be if not class concious
the latter wont be
the historic context explains itself
nice downvote
just fuck me, i'm fucking tired
primacy, priority
You can say the same about chinese or natives or irish or italians or scots etc. It's all internalizing someone else's experience in the past, and identifying with that victimhood. It's called cancer.
Obviously if you live somewhere where black people aren't oppressed then it isn't relevant but the IWW (which is what this thread is about) almost exclusively exists in North America.
what the fuck are you guys talking about. the IWW calls itself international but it mainly exists in western countries where there is racial discrimination against various groups whether it's blacks or indigenous populations or whatever
the point is that everyone is oppressed in the working class, and that's the only relevant identity. people being mean doesnt give you a pass for adopting idpol
Then take it to the american general you burger fuck. Also you are aware that "black people" is stupid as saying "white people"? I mean this is how it works in the civilized world
Doesn't exist where I live. It's a burger meme
but somehow this is bad
race is a spook but that doesn't mean that capitalists don't affect people because of it.
Wasn't talking about race, unless you count americans as a race.
you were talking about black people and white people.
>but I'm more exploited by the capitalists because they also say mean things
just stop
Yes. I was saying how both terms are stupid as fuck. Scandinavians and Irish are not the same, Guineans are not Hausa. This is common knowlege in the civilized world (anything outside of america)
I never said that
I'm almost sure now you're just an illiterate Zig Forumsyp
In days when even the business and trade unions are suffering for members, radical unions like the IWW have been very badly hit. Basically, we haven't fully recovered even from the first red scare in 1919, let alone the second. Those of us left have to take up the cause and do what we can for our fellow workers.
Thanks, those're some good ones. As a sidebar, i wonder if anyone has the image file of the ansyn/ancom flag with sabots on it, like in the third image of ? I know I saw the sabot flag before, but for whatever reason I never saved it and its apparently too obscure to show up on search engines.
can anyone join? how do you join?
The only requirement is that you aren't employed in a position where you have the power to hire or fire anyone. That makes you part of management, and thus a class enemy. We want to maintain the class character of the org, so only Fellow Workers can join. People can go to iww.org for information. Some of the bigger chapters I'm sure will have contact information on there. Small ones though will be harder to track down. I'd say go to FB and type "(my city) IWW" and see what that gets you. Hang out at any kind of leftist milieu and ask questions, see if there is a chapter where you are. Once this is done, people there can help you with joining. Alternately, you can just join through the website, pay an initiation fee, get your union card in the mail. Without contacting your local org you'll just be a lone Wobbly though.
do you know if healthcare professionals are involved in the iww? i found a link about the health service industry being part of department 600 but there's nothing specific i could find
btw the name "Industrial Workers of the World" brings up images of men in factories or mines, working with their hands. Industrial/industry is just a Wobbly term for labor. You can be unemployed and join. Now, it doesn't strictly say this in the rules, but…currently serving cops and soldiers are not welcome. Veterans or former cops…maybe, as long as their potential comrades are fine with it, it's up to whichever chapter the person wants to join. You just want to make sure you aren't letting in someone who thinks what they did was noble or heroic or some spooky shit like that.
I'm not too sure. I think it might be 650, the general department? The people in larger branches know more stuff like that, I'm more concerned with local actions. The fact that it isn't clearly shown on the iww.org departments page leads me to believe that there isn't a healthcare worker department setup. It doesn't really matter with a horizontally organized org like this anyway, do whatever you want.
Your question does interest me though, as I am in that field as well.
it's under 610 but one of the links said I have no permission to look at it until I get membership. the other ones worked though?
what's your job? it's terrible how nearly all of the healthcare unions end up fighting with each other pitting nurses against doctors against pa's against etc. and they're affiliated with lib orgs like afl-cio or seiu
also a radical union like iww with a strong health service network could also help the other industries with securing benefits and revolutionizing healthcare in this country
CNA. As someone for whom the RN/LPN/LVN is the head of my nursing team, there is the tendency for them to be almost like managers to us. I imagine it's how nurses feel in relation to doctors. It's like what Bakunin said, ya know? I don't recognize the authority of a nurse or a doctor to have the power to decide how my labor is to be dispensed, but I do recognize their knowledge and expertise. I think there is no reason that CNAs, RNs, PAs, MDs, etc. couldn't all be part of the One Big Union, as we all have common class interests. One of the things the IWW has historically been concerned with is what you brought up, unions hurting each other, one example would be union scabbing, when one part of an industry strikes but the other parts don't, which means they are essentially scabbing on their fellow workers that are forming the picket line.
that's literally the entire planet. sometimes i can't believe how clueless you "socialists" are
mr. boomer, the nursing home attendants are worried about your computer habit. please stop using your laptop and join the other boomers in the rec room
why is Judith Butler touch that farmer?
No u
Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed the historical site where Jesus Christ was believed to have turned water into wine.
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus turned water into wine during the Wedding at Cana.
In the account, Jesus, Mary and his disciples are invited to a wedding, and when the wine runs out, Jesus delivers a sign of his divinity by turning the water into wine.
Dailystar.co.uk reports: archive.fo
Pilgrims have for hundreds of years believed the miracle site to be Kafr Kanna, a town in northern Israel near the Sea of Galilee.
But in a bombshell development, archaeologists now believe the Cana of biblical times to actually be a dusty hillside five miles further north.
And our pictures show precisely the location of the incredible find.
A number of compelling clues suggest the site is actually Khirbet Qana, a Jewish village which existed between the years of 323 BC and AD 324.
Excavations have revealed a network of tunnels used for Christian worship, marked with crosses and references to Kyrie Iesou, a Greek phrase meaning Lord Jesus.
There was also an altar and a shelf with the remains of a stone vessel, plus room for five more.
Six stone jars like this held the wine in the biblical account of the miracle.
Dr Tom McCollough, who is directing excavations at the site, said there were three other sites with a credible claim to being the Cana of scripture.
“But none has the ensemble of evidence that makes such a persuasive case for Khirbet Qana,” he said.