No one, nor the left or right talks about this country ever. Spain was actually fascist for half a century and we never discuss the goods and bads. Why?
No one, nor the left or right talks about this country ever...
It's not an useful example for reactionaries cause it was poorer than eastern europe and just mediocre in general. After WWII it became US-aligned and Radio "Free" (broadcasted from a fascist country) "Europe" (funded by the US government) started broadcasting from there. Basically, it's a bad look for fascists and conservatives alike so they don't talk about it.
so "not real fascism"? can we somehow use this against them?
funnily enough i don't think people here realise how much franco influenced the early 20th century fascist movement in latin america, and even to this day, fuck the president of my country around the time tried to change the constitution to make my country more like spain
Have you ever talked to an anarchist once in your life?
No. Fascists don't care that they can't run an economy as well as communist can. Capitalists don't care that they've supported fascists in the past.
as in fascist spain
i think discussion about it could bear meaning, since it is the only self-proclaimed fascist country that has lasted such a long time that we can analyze it
It was basically 'how fascism actually plays out in real life' in its function to preserve capitalism and suppress the workers' movement.
What I find most interesting about this war is that most people consider the republicans/socialists the good guys even though they lost. It's something that doesn't happen that often in history.
Anarkiddies are sympathetic, shit theory or not. It helps that in modern times, it's become more socially acceptable to point out that their hate boner for religion was largely justified.
This, no one talks about Francoist Spain and Estado Novo because they were shit. They never did anything inspirational, they were just boring and crusty old dictatorships that resulted in nothing but stagnation and poverty. Look at the history of fascism in Europe and you'll see that there has never been a fascist state that came into being through a popular revolt, nor a really successful one other than Nazi Germany (of course even here "success" is HIGHLY disputable). So fascists (except some local european nationalists) conveniently ignore them and focus on Pinochet and Hitler to own the libs. After all "communism has le failed every time xD" doesn't have the same bite when the only legacy of your own ideology is poverty and stagnation, aside from all the mass murder of course.
exactly how bad was francospain? is modern spain any better?
as a language-obsessed i hate how the basque region was suppressed
It wasn't just anarchists though
I don't know much about post-war Francoist Spain except that it nearly memed itself into economic collapse with corporatism, forcing Franco to sell out and eventually turn the country into a generic neoliberal technocracy. Aka how fascism actually works in real life.
Also, at least according to wikipedia, in Francoist Spain "fascist economics" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to be, no one agrees on one single definition) only existed until 1959, and after that until Franco's death the country just went super rightwing regarding economics (almost no taxes, nearly everything private, etc)
i wonder why then they never talk about south korea, they were basically imperial japan, were better than chile at supressing communism, and they industrialised, even if by doing so they were basically a YA tier uber evil government
South Korea today is a degenerate neoliberal shithole that they think is ruled by tumblr so it's not a good example of successful fascism either. Some of them do like Singapore though.
I always hear bad about SK but I never see good stats. I know about the suicide rate but that is not an exact indicator of how good a society is to live in. Lithuania is 4th in the world but is alright in comparison to most of the countries under it
South Korea is technically a very developed nation, having benefited from early capitalism, but it has also caused severe decay as capitalism progresses. Poverty and alienation are severe problems.
None of this concerns the right wing, because the suffering of "their people" does not actually concern them. All they really care about is identity politics. Because SK's former leader was a woman caught in a political scandal with other women, SK is therefore leftist. It does not matter that said woman leader was a member of the country's formally dominant conservative party, because, like, Jews. Or something. I don't know, but this guy on one of the five hundred GamerGate boards said something about scary feminists.
why is neo-francoism growing in spain then? just ignorant people or is modern spain as bad if not worse?
According to income equality stats, south korea is decent, and japan is actually really good. How come they are called shitholes?
Actually, people here appreciate Spain and it's rapper Pablo Hasél
I guess insanely demanding work ethnic and corporatist culture. People life in small flats and work for 12 hours a day. Also both of these countries suffer from heavy pollution.
a country with fucking yakuza can not be considered decent, ever.
yeah i guess if you can stomach working 14 hours a day, and basically only existing in order to work and not be able to form human relationships, hobbies, or antyhing else
Capitalist analysis of quality of life tends to boil down to a McNamara fallacy.
You don't know jack shit about Spain.
Franquists have been there since ever (you know, state propaganda fucked them hard in there, and catholicism is a factor too), they only voted for the Partido Popular (a right wing conservative party) until really recently, when more right-wing parties emerged.
If you think VOX's a neo-franquist party, then you would be wrong, since they're more of a "new-right" party that's common on Europe, parties like the one that Marine Leppen leads. What we're seeing is not an increment of Franquists, but the right dividing itself.
Most of the people I've talked, from my generation, are actually pretty left-wing, and probably all of them would vote for Podemos (if it wasn't for the smear campaign that the media throws at them 24/7, vuvuzela included!)(which is pretty much a socdem party).
The people from my generation that would vote for VOX are pretty much your local Zig Forumstards.
Catalonia independence: yay or nay?
(I know smaller scale ruling is objectively superior and fairer to democracy but what are the true values of the seperatists?)
Never really thought about it like this, but you've got something there user
Last parliamentary elections here in Serbia saw like 3-4 right wing parties with people voting for either the old Radicals who used to have paramilitaries during the civil war, or new literal nazbol parties that kept splitting because of drama (sometimes these parties try to act like US alt-right autists)
Nah. They're pretty much petty neoliberal nationalists (JxC is pretty much a catalonian PP and Esquerra Republicana is catalonian PSOE, the only one who saves themselves is the CUP), and right now we have a country that gives us social healthcare and shit. If they were to get independent, they would probably privatise it while no one sees, and so with railways and such, you know, crysis theory and such.
I would only support them if the alternative to them would be spanish nationalists. And I've know people who support the independentists not because they are actually independentists, but because spanish nationalists are nazi shit.
If supporting the catalan nationalists would just delete this persons from the face of the Earth, then I would put an Estelada at the balcony and start speaking catalan in a daily basis.
Also, it might look like anti-fascists are shit, but they're necessary to combat fascist schizophrenia.
No. Real NutSacs hate facist Spain & Franco because it was basically just catholic capitalism after the Falange was shot and killed.
that's literally the same thing anti-Stalinists say about Russia
your argument falls under the same category as
But my point is that you can't use it against Nationa/ Socialists because they all agree that Francos Spain was capitalist. They will hit you with the quote from Hitler about how the republicans had the real fighting spirit in the war. You can use it against some Clerical Fascists on reddit.
I hate to pedantic, but Francisco's wasn't fascist, it was just a reactionary right-wing authoritarian regime.
do nutsacks not understand that all fascist states were capitalist and that there was no decisive difference between nazi germany's and spain's economic system?
Same thing happened in Portugal during Estado Novo
By the 70s living standards were lagging behind the rest of Europe so badly and people were getting so pissed off at the constant fucking Vietnam tier war for "Muh Angola e Nossa" that a Literaly fucking Communist revolution broke out and was only stopped by NATO and the Eternal CuckDem
What are you on about, the Spanish Revolution is one of the favorite conversation topics of our resident anarkiddies
*Spanish Civil War
im tired
The revolution is a favorite part. The civil war is the tragedy we don't want to remember, but must remind the willful amnesiac of from time to time.
Socialists of every stripe took part in the Republic. Catalonia had a full scale social revolution with all their libertarian-socialists, the rest stretched out to Madrid. I think most of the foreign legions that came to fight the fascists where ☭TANKIE☭ sorts.
The Church of Spain was very much a repressive political actor and had become quite hated in the socialist generation since Bakunin's time. There was good fucking reasons for burning churches and their pedophile inhabitants.
Brazilian right wingers know this and want to consciously use fascism as a tool to kill communist movements.
This is changing with the "muh dead catholic priests" propaganda. Its ironic that the only way to smear spanish republicans is the fact that some anarchists nominally allied to them killed clergymen.
Franco was the first SJW
Actually real fascism but since it wasn't a threat to other burgeois States and it was too far away from the USSR they just left it be. I mean for any burgeois state it's just doing a normal "state" function : special body of armed people who serve the interests of the burgeoisie; it's just they needed what they would consider "stronger" measures to do this (consider the Spanish republic/later revolution )
Reminder that Franco actually had a policy of open borders since African migrants didn't want to stay in the shithole that was Francoist Spain anyways and just used it to go north.
Reminder that Francofags abducted ~300,000 children from Republican parents, jailed them, starved them to death, sold them into slavery
and then after the war was over they passed a law granting them amnesty for their crimes which is