American Cultural Imperialism

How can we combat it? What can we do? Will it last past america as it is perpetuated by the media the world over?

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What exactly do you mean by cultural imperialism? Cause if it is what I think it is then I can give you my take on how to combat it.

I wish that one day Sochi and other areas of black sea region will have it's own equivalent of Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

I think he means hollywood cinema and mcdonal and coca cola domination.

The Warsaw Pact used to have some pretty significant cultural exports. They might be more "open" now but westerners are less familiar with modern eastern european music or cinema compared to soviet-era classics. My spanish mother remembers watching polish cartoons in the 70s and 80s. And everyone knows Tarkovsky.

Spreading American Culture all over the place, and American Culture is literally made by Corporations. Even eating bacon and eggs was made by Corporations.

Thanks for promoting veganism!

If this is the case, then what I'd do is start spreading a counter-culture. More specifically, the very few things americans have done that could be considered something to truly be proud of. Like the brave anti-war effort of many americans during the Vietnam War, we shouldn't forget those people that were gunned down by police for protesting the war. If the US miraculously (is that how it's written? Idk english isn't my first lenguage) became socialist this is the type of culture that would exist.

No cure for fools.

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Yohane is so cute.

Tbh, counter it with your own cultural imperialism. I bet all of you know the words to Wonderwall…

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Eh everyone interested in cinema knows Tarkovsky

Based weeaboos are already working on this. I would rather want a world dominated by Japanese culture than "American" """culture""".

Roughly related:

"It is easy to recognize your enemy when he has a different skin colour, and when he is beating you, raping you, burning down your villages. It is harder to recognise your enemy when he looks like you, when he is attractive when he is singing popular music and wearing cool clothes, and selling you a lifestyle. Less and less does cultural hegemony take the form of traditional white chauvinism, traditional male chauvinism, etc. More and more western culture is being weaponized, and exported with black & brown faces, as hip-hop, pop music, superhero movies, Japanese anime, video games, meme culture, etc.The face is Imperialism today is not White Empire, but Rainbow Empire – and this Rainbow Empire is corrupting the young intellectuals of Africa, Asia and Latin America with western culture, with individualism, with liberalism. Throughout the global south, young people are listening to western music, watching western music, posting on western websites, etc.. Young intellectuals are identifying more with the culture, and people of the Imperialist countries which are robbing their homeland, than the people of their homeland. They dream not of liberating their people, but of moving to the core territories of the Atlantic/Rainbow Empire; to America, to Europe, to Australia, Japan or South Korea, and of sharing in the bounty of Imperialism & Neo-Colonialism.

This new form of Imperialism is particularly dangerous because it is presented with smiling, familiar faces – Black faces, Asian faces, Latino faces. Empire is hip. It’s cool. It’s black, and brown, and Asian, and disabled, and Muslim, and Buddhist, and Atheist. It’s a woman, it’s gender queer, it’s gay, it’s transsexual and vegan and not ashamed of its sexuality. It feigns intellectual superiority, and makes promises of “freedom” and “liberty”, and rather than calling you an inferior race, it tells you that you too can enjoy the consumerist plunder promised by the new, sexy, cool Empire. Imperial culture, sold with coloured faces, cool lyrics and flashy animation, has enamoured the youth of the global south and transformed them into the mental slaves of Rainbow Empire. The Plantation Masters of old would be envious of how effective the propaganda of Atlantic/Rainbow Empire has been in its lobotomization of class consciousness.

The solution to Capitalism-Imperialism is not “black capitalism” or “brown capitalism”, “feminist capitalism” or “queer capitalism”. Real revolutionaries stand for the liberation of the entirety of society, and not simply the few. Real revolutionaries aim to radically transform human society, from the root level to the top, not simply replace one ruling class with another. Simply replacing the ruling class with a more diverse ruling class makes no difference for the majority of humanity. One needs to look only at occupied Azania (“South Africa”) to see what happens when the ruling elite are simply made more diverse. Today in occupied Azania, the majority of top-level politicians are Black or Coloured. The bourgeoisie, while still predominantly white, is made up of black and brown and Asian faces too. And while the black ANC government gives token speeches about economic nationalism and African nationalism, they bow their heads solemnly to their Neo-Colonial slave masters in Europe, North America, and Asia. The revolution of the occupied Azanian people failed to go all the way, and as a result, nothing has really changed for the African majority in occupied Azania, except that they now have the “privilege” of once every few years, being able to leave their decrepit shacks to vote in their choice of corrupt, comprador political leaders. Our goal must not be self-enrichment or the enrichment of the few, but the emancipation of the entirety of Humanity from this monstrous and barbaric system of Capitalism-Imperialism. To make those who are last first, and those who are first last.

A principal task of revolutionaries in the global south is both to find a way to either fight against – or work around this corruption of the young intellectual class. To fight against liberalism, imperialism, westernization, to provide to the youth of their homelands something better – stronger, cooler, more intelligent and more liberating than the tall promises and cultural exports of the First World Imperialists – and also, to present a viable, healthy and fun socialist lifestyle to these youth. A socialism of song and dance, a socialism of poetry and philosophy, a socialism of athletics, of games, of festivals and celebrations. In the meantime, communists, particularly in the west, need to part with our 19th/20th-century dinosaur understanding of Imperialism. The world has changed. Imperialism has changed. Capitalism has changed and is changing day by day. Forms of analysis and ideas which are not scientifically useful to us today must be thrown in the trash."

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Many Communists and pan-africanists from "south africa" consider the term "south africa" to be a colonial term on par with "Rhodesia". I refer to it as "occupied Azania" in solidarity with them.

I think that calling the spread of American culture and its cultural products imperialism is sloppy. It can be spread due to imperialism, but it by itself is no more American imperialism than the spread of anime is Japanese imperialism.

This language of cultural imperialism also helps to invigorate the idea of cultural appropriation, a non-Marxist conception and one of the many petty obsessions of the "intellectual class" in the Anglophone world.

"cultural appropriation" is a concept which originates from American cultural imperialism. Those who promote it seriously are promoting American cultural hegemony.

The most ironic thing about critical theory activists, racialists idpolers, etc, is that in their deeply triggering and problematic activism, they ultimate serve to promote US Imperialism, US and European Supremacy.

Azania is not from any language in southern Africa though?

"Azania" itself is not a language or tribal group. From what I understand, it was a indigenous, pre-colonial term used to describe the general region of "south africa". Most legit communists and pan-africanists there use the term in place of "south africa", which they view as a colonial term, similar to "Upper Volta" (Now Burkina Faso) "Gold Coast" (Now Ghana) or "Rhodesia" (Now "Zimbabwe"). Most current African states gave up their colonial names and renamed themselves upon independence. The fact that the term "south africa" remained in use is seen as more evidence that Mandela & the ANC betrayed the revolution, and sold out to the bourgeoisie.

I personally don't feel strongly either way, but as "Azania" is the term that Communists there prefer to use (Excluding the "SACP" which appears to be a eurocom/social-democratic party), I'll generally use it was well.

Misread your post. I thought you said "Azania is not a language in southern africa".

I can't say for sure whether or not the term is pre-colonial (Although I *think* it is) But to use another country as standard, technically "Burkina Faso" was not a term used prior to Sankara's revolution, but renaming their country from "Upper Volta" was seen as an act in defiance of neo-colonialism.

Come to think of it, another example is Ghana. While the term "Ghana" is historical, the per-colonial "Ghanaian Empire" was nowhere near the current territory of the modern Ghanaian state.

Changing the name from South Africa to a Hellenic word in an attempt to be edgy would be quite weird. It is like America changing its name to Vinland.
t. etymologyfag

Pretty interesting if it is a Hellenic word. I'll ask some comrades there about the origin.

Is it edgy? Maybe. What is "edgy"? Is renaming your country "Land of the upright men" edgy? What about naming your country after an ancient bronze age civilization ("Syria")?

The Mandarin name for "People's Republic of China" literally translates to something like "Central State", a modernized version of the Imperial name "Middle Kingdom". "Central" literally being a reference to China being the "center" (or most important region) of the world. That is at least a little edgy too.

hahahaha Vinland :DDDDDDDDDD epin :DD

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Doesn’t exist consparitard

Plot twist. It's actually american culture in disguise all along.