Attached: Screenshot_20180919-215527[1].png (1280x720, 702.25K)
This is the face of a man in defeat
Nathan Young
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Levi Gray
he will become nazbol
Carson James
no. he thinks scandinavian mixed market social democracy is good enough and that it could somehow be transplanted to 'murica by passing single-payer and 15 dollar minimum wage.
Cooper Thompson
(In Steph's voice) Wake up Jimmy!
Leo Thomas
Mason Price
Dore thinks Denmark is socialist so I don't know where this 'Comrade Dore' meme comes from.
Parker Adams
Liberal saying socialist stuff at times and inviting Marxists like R. Wolff is why.
He's not really that smart or well read, but to Americans I could see the appeal.
Henry Robinson
I don't really watch him a lot, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't say that anymore.
Ryder Smith
Jimmy Dore is from Chicago and has an "everyman" way of speaking. His voice is good for radio and it's easy for a lot of average American schmoes to relate to him.
Chase Jones
I don't know anything else about his background or education, but there I read some researcher once who taught Marxism in prisons, and the researcher said that prisoners (often black and brown and poor) got the concepts immediately because it's common sense and how the world works, where more educated people would be the ones heavily propagandized to and be like "well, uhh, what about human nature and incentives…"
Ayden Peterson
This is from June
Ian Martinez
Nah. He's saying Denmark is more socialist than Venezuela (due to a higher percentage of public workers). He doesn't really say it is socialist.
Blake Harris
Even if that's true it would still show the same misapprehension of what socialism is. Denmark is not 'more socialist' than Venezuela in any sense.
Isaiah Nelson
getting real sick of you redditors
Grayson Harris
The comments there are literally pic related
Jayden Price
this desu. Don't get me wrong I like Jimmy but he needs to be further radicalized
Adam Jenkins
Reminder to make this crop the new meme
Kevin Green
Parenti is the most based guy alive you fuckwits
Nicholas Lopez
>Baw, he only succdem. fuckwits
He knows he doesn't know everything. He's open to solutions and going further left.
Someone needs to infiltrate his inner circle and feed him some straight dope on the situation, because I'm pretty sure he'd be down with it. An audio/video specialist could fill in for Arno maybe
Lincoln Barnes
dore is good because he pushes people to the left instead of cheerleading for the democrats which is what "socialist" Ocasio-Cortez does
fuck, even the CPUSA promotes the Democrats
Jose Taylor
True but is there any recent interview or conference? Is he still doing them?
Thomas Gray
Given the state of American politics, actual socdems like Jimmy (not sellout imperialist one’s like Cortez or Bernie) are crucial allies.
Hunter James
no, what the average person wants to hear is the voice of professor frink from the simpsons depositing reams of marxist jargon in their ears
Aaron Garcia
this pic is pure fucking art, I love it.
Parker Morris
Denmark isn't 'less socialist' than Venezuela in any sense either. If there is going to be some autistic spectrum of socialister countries, the nordic ones are probably 'more socialister' than most of the red lib countries that exist in this world. They have very high public ownership and the populace has meaningful control over the those public entities.
Tyler Robinson
But there isn't, so who cares. And to my mind Dore is clearly saying either that both are socialist (but Denmark is socialism done right), or that Denmark is socialist and Venezuela isn't. I don't know where this idea that he's saying one is 'more socialist' comes from.
Colton Foster
No we don't have 'high public ownership', we have mostly state owned and free healthcare, free education and well funded public schools, but in the productive sphere there is very little public ownership. In Denmark we used to have a completely state owned energy, but 41% was sold to 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧goldman sachs🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, and Norway used to have fully state owned oil but 30% was privatised, and this trend will obviously continue, because we do not have socialism.
What's really to considder here is that we mustn't look at individual countries and judge whether they are socialist or not, as we all fit into the global hegemony. Sweden is peaceful and non interventionist, but they have massive weapons exports, primarily to India, USA and Brazil, basically anywhere you desperately need to kill commies.
Carson Rogers
its just a way to convert idiot americans. they think denmark/sweden/norway ect is some kind of wonderland utopia because they don't have to pay 6000 dollars when they sprain their ankle and go to a hospital, and they don't get paid complete shit wages. so saying "we want socialism like denmark" is an american strategy to push entryism onto stupid liberals (his audience). and it works.
dore is obviously a marxist and understands what real socialism is, but sitting there talking about how workers need to own the means of production would go over his dumbass american viewers heads so he just says "like sweden".
i do it all the time when talking politics with retards here in the states, its a pretty good tactic.
Nathaniel Gray
Anthony Wood
I'm almost possitive he has never read any marx or political theory really. Pretty sure he said so in a video too.
Michael King
So why haven't the neoliberals bankrupted Scandinavia yet (besides the oil)?
James Peterson
He was given a copy of Wage Labour and Capital and he admitted it went over his head.
Parker Richardson
Well you see one is a nigger and the other is a beautiful nord female I'd mating press with.
Connor Foster
He's in ideological transition. Agrees with Wolff and Chomsky enough, and is getting seriously bummed out over this failing take-over. I really hope everyone, Dore fans or not, are putting 2&2 together. If they cheated Sanders, they'll cheat your "Revolution". I'll give them all one more shot at a third party push in 2020, but when that fails, people have to see that there's no political solution here.
Race and sex have nothing to do with that whole scenario.
Race and location have everything to do with why Venezuela is besieged and not Denmark, but there are some pretty white women working at McDs in the states
Bentley Scott
That will be his face everyday post-2020 and beyond, can someone make this a banner?
Kayden Richardson
As a fascist, I find this sad. I am determined to aid in your total destruction of the DNC from within, by promoting the most extreme left of idiots.
So fear not. You shall have your utopia. We shall assure it.
Bentley Lee
Is that how it is for you garbage human leftist drones? You care about facial expressions?!
Carter Smith
They're desperately scrambling to privatise a fucking ton of stuff, along with leveraging the migrant crisis to bring down the welfare system
There's a couple of books about it straight from the horse's mouth of top swedish politicans, but they're (surprisingly) in swedish
Jackson Adams
vad för böcker?
Joseph James
. . . For a reaction image, yeah.
Seriously? No wonder the nationalists are gaining. Same playbook everywhere really.
Blake Brown
Sweden is on the brink right now. The welfare state WILL NOT survive the next economic crisis in its current form. Screencap this.
Carson Flores
He said before that he isn't a Marxist because he doesn't know enough about Marxism to be a Marxist, but he obviously doesn't seem to be against it at all.
Ryan Torres
It should also be made very clear that neoliberal reforms have been going on in Sweden since the 90's. Sweden is not the social democratic poster boy it once was.
Matthew Ramirez
Have you seen Ocasio's twitter feed? It's literally nothing but idpol garbage as far as the eye can see. She was also sucking mccain's dick when he died. She is fucking trash just like all other dems.
Robert Myers
Lincoln Lee
Isaiah Murphy
Jace Cooper
Because there’s a lot of Marxists in Scandinavia and they fear them taking power if SocDem is disabled. And Neoliberals will support Social Democracy if it keeps Commies away from Oil. See the Gulf states. Scandinavia is basically KSA with liberalism and gender equality.
Christopher Cook
We should do one with a different background.
Logan Robinson
just throwing shit against the wall seeing what sticks
Elijah Sullivan
Julian Smith
Nu Jimmy Dore video, soyboys!
Levi Young
Reinfeldt's ökända 'Det Sovande Folket' plus Ulf Kristersson's 'A non-working generation'. Ulf har skrivit en hel del böcker utöver den som uttrycker hans syn på ett privatiserat, 'ansvarstagande' sverige.
Pretty fucking much. Our socdems are getting more cappy with every single election cycle, trying to scoop up centre votes - they aren't actively privatising stuff when they rule, but they're certainly not reversing it either. All downhill from here, baby - and the migrant crisis makes a lot of people radicalise towards the right instead of left.
Jason Martin
I think any thinking people should disassociate with Jimmy Dore. He's a moron. He may be further left than many of his contemporaries, but the virtue of that is overshadowed by how poor his analysis is. The Majority Report, the Michael Brooks Show, The David Pakman Show, and The Rational National are all far superior. The Humanist Report can get a little funny, but he's way better than Dore as well. I'd even put Secular Talk above Jimmy.
Jaxson Cruz
Guy is only good for talking about whatever dumb shit Trump did. Hardcore liberal democrat muh Russia Hillery/Bern sucker. And he's a ultimate brainlet on actual Socialists"Stalin and Mao were actually right wing" checkmate republicans.
At-least Jimmy is anti-establishment and actually woke on Russia/Syria