Boston DSA Cringe: Conor Arpey Edition
What is happening up there? Pointing out that someone is the son of a mega-porky is apparently ableism now.

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There's no way in hell I'm clicking on this but wasn't Engels a factory owner? Anyways I'll check myself out

I thought that wrecker shithead resigned?

what disability does he even have?

They're defending the infamous "queer autistic socialite" Democrat Cops of America wrecker who literally just lives off the allowance his Carlyle Group father gives him to start rose twitter fights and constantly Democrat Cops of America events at his and other chapters shut down because he accuses events like door-to-door canvassing of being inherently ableist. He hid who his father was, and that he's bankrolled by war profiteering.

Autism, self-diagnosed. The national disability working group he was in was almost all self-diagnosed autistics, people with borderline and narcissistic personality disorder, depression, ADHD, ADD, or bipolar disorder. Our local chapter's is the same; none of them are blind, deaf, need to use a wheelchair, etc. They actually held their meetings in a wheelchair inaccessible building while they were simultaneously accusing people of ableism for clapping (which New York, Pittsburgh and Boston Democrat Cops of America have since banned).


Having caucuses for non-physical "disabilities" should be banned, especially autism (which is more like a deformity than something that actively inhibits your own functioning.) Under socialism autism will fade away as proles will be able to reproduce in their 20s rather than waiting until they are 30–40 to shoot impregnate someone. If you are truly disabled by autism then you are probably too disabled to even communicate effectively and spend most of your time screeching at nothing. There's a webm that illustrates this but I cannot find this.
Mental health is important but it can be addressed by a wider focus on healthcare rather than allowing potential wreckers and unstable people into your org.

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At this point I'm not even sure that "autism" is a real thing.

You simply need to take a look over at Zig Forums to see that autism is very real

What's going on and what diagnosis the psychiatric institution hands out are different things.

A lot of people got slapped with an autism label in the 90s because schools wanted to run them out of schooling and make sure they could never be employable, because of eugenics reasons. There is usually something going on, either neurological or social, but it just gets swept under the a-word and society is told to hate these people with such a fury. And then there are a lot of people with Kanner-type autism that often never learn to communicate at all, or can only do so with great difficulty (but don't expect the schools or professionals to help with that).

In every case the interventions I received actively worsened my condition and left me a traumatized wreck when I finally, effectively dropped out of school. It was only when I was out of that environment that I was able to live something like a life. I still can't really talk and public speaking is a total impossibility, and it's obvious even online that I'm a tard.

I don't have a problem with mental illness chairing disability committees, as long as they are aware of the wider situation. Being disabled, however much, is not a pass for being a wrecker asshole, and it's painfully obvious that this guy is fucking shit up either because of his own vanity, his own shortcomings as a person, or (most likely) because he's sent there to fuck shit up and derail the organization.
Still, the situation for anyone who is marked as an autist is rough and it is a dire social problem, especially when the disability runs out (and nowadays you don't even get disability any more, it was just a glut of people in the '90s and early aughts that got on until the definition was changed for obvious political reasons). There is a lot of shit people with physical disabilities have to put up with legally, too, for example work rules if people ever want to get off of disability are a fucking mess to the point where most people just say fuck it and work under the table. They really set it up so you can't work, then if you're on SSI you don't get enough to live off of. Back when I was on SSI I had to take a part time job that I shouldn't even be able to do (I had to get special accomodations to do it too, fortunately it was a night shift job).


This is coming from the side with a bunch of otherkin lizard helicopter tranny fat fucks

epic meme my dude

Are you this unaware about modern left? Should know your comrades better. Lenin is rolling in his mausoleum

t. a literal highschooler or worthless suburban NEET

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My parents had me when they were teenagers and I have autism. It's more complex than age, you make it sound like every disorder can be boiled down to a single, root cause.

It is, it's just that self-diagnosed people are ruining it for the rest of us.

Jesus Christ.

gamers rise up

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I love armchair psychologists. This is like saying you aren't actually poor unless you're homeless, starving and covered in shit.

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Autism definitely exists and is a "spectrum" with people that are borderline non-sentient at one end and borderline indistinguishable from "neurotypicals" at the other but what these people have isn't Autism, they have personality disorders like Narcissism & Borderline and use "Autism" (self diagnosed btw (; ) as a tool to be able to wrestle for social status since people know full well to stay the fuck away from wreckers with personality disorders but are very accomodating of people victimizing themselves. It doesn't help that the US Healthcare system specifically is especially retarded and overdiagnoses everything for them sweet sweet $$$ and since so many of these fucks are petit-bourg trust fund kiddies it's very easy for them to get diagnosed & medicated for anything they want, but also what said. The irony is that actually disabled people in my experience are the least likely of any group to make a victim of themselves and are consistently attempting to live to the standards of able bodied people wherever possible unimpeded by their impairment, despite how many barriers exist for them especially in the US.

Dsa == Democrats of something awful

Lmfao 100% accurate

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