This is the peak of our civilization ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴
This is the peak of our civilization ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴...
The fuck is this?
The peak of our civilization user you're witnessing a historic moment aren't you thrilled?
are you that NEET terrified of petty bourgeois hackers?
I'm a NEET but i don't post often so i don't think you're talking about me
Shit thread
i thought the that the /u/ and /r/ would be enough it's just some sort of reddit thing where 100000 idiots count together without realizing that they're doing a marketing stunt for free
I might or might not talk to the same comrade. That is not important. What is important is that you have to stop being obsessed with pop culture and find a job. Your world-view will change, and being neet is not healthy. Revolution requires healthy men and women.
no thanks i'd rather continue to get angry at these buffoons til i eventually decide to off myself
Getting a job doesn't do much besides ruin your life. Joining a union is a better option. But if you can be a neet without destroying your family, enjoy it.
A corpse doesn't help the revolution.
that depends on if it's booby trapped tho
lol well thank you comrade for your contribution, but please don't kill yourself.
what is difference between "job" and "union"? Isn't union is just negotiating a wage in your job? Or do you by "union" mean "coop"?
Getting a meaningful job is good for your mental and physical health. What exactly is your excuse?
Social anxiety OCD and a small chronic illness also i dropped out of middle school so i don't think that helps
Imagine being this dumb
not because of my grades you bully
Are you serious?
Just a meaningful job is key, usually a union is a part of this. But getting a random job is horrible for health.
Don't bully comrades, thanks.
wrong flag
Friendly reminder that any commies trying to appropriate what's rightfully mine will be slaughtered like the goblins they are
Yes, that is how unions work. It's organization protecting your rights, wage and can have political representation. Anyone can be in union, in any job (in theory). Alternatively you can get at least 51% of employees sing a documents and you can create your own quasi-union, but that is fuckton of work.
Even staying somewhere for a month before quitting is enough to force yourself out of your comfort zone and set you into healthy direction.