Christian Anarchism

Christian Anarchism

Kingdom Of God Is Within You - Tolstoy, Its a great book.

Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

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Actually st peter was the first communist.
People would sell their property, give to st peter and hed redistribute the money to take care of peoples needs.
Its in the book of acts.

I'm in favor of this idea but only with the ironic distance nessisary to synthesize atheism and Christianity. Im dead serious. Christian atheism is dilectial.

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I see someones been listening to Zizek

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then how does christian marxism work.

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Yes then we can have both gibs and gf

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I've had this position before I heard Zizek talk about it, but he's right. This idea spawed from Universalism. Being an atheist Christian is the only way to spear through this ideologically deadlock theist Christianity the us is in.

Read the Bible, break it down like any materialist would; then "preach" word of Jesus, because he was a socialist. Use Christianity as a tool for emancipation while simultaneously breaking it's shackles of material lethargy.

So an atheist whos uses religious logic against the religious?

Theres hardly any christians left in the us really.
Just some posers.

Problem is, religion requires subservience, if you worship god you are instating a hierarchy.

I read a book about christian anarchism.
In the old testament the israelites worshipped God but then they demanded sammuel give them a king.

So whos ready to drink some cyanide laced koolaid here.

A christian anarchist would not reduce problems to class conflict, he would see things differently. In fact poverty would be a virtue not a disease in need of revolution.

Using their logic against them is way too 2-dimensional. What I mean is more of a metamodernist approach. Essentially co-opting their ideology. Believing it but with an ironic distance twards the god and miricles stuff.

If you actually read Jesus, he's just a rascal today as he would have been in Roman times. That is to say if you ever existed at all because a lot of the text Paul wrote was written 40 years after his supposed crucifixion.

You'll don't actually live in the US do you?


what ever happened to no gods no masters? i can maybe understand christcoms but this is kinda dumb.

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I mean Nietzsche argued that communism was just secularized christian ethics.

Take a shower and wash your clothes

Is that in beyond good and evil? Have read that yet.

literally the gayest fucking thing on the planet.

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