
When did you realize the Cambodian “Genocide” was a scam and that you’ve been choking down Vietnamese and bourgeois propaganda for decades now? The figures just don’t add up. In Michael Vickery’s Kampuchea, Politics, Economics and Society on the post Pol-Pot People’s Republic of Cambodia (a literal Vietnamese puppet government) he reports that the PRK claimed that three million people died under Pol Pot, or over half of the 1975 population (Seperately, the World Bank reports that 7,522,593 people lived in Cambodia during this time). In 1979 the World Bank gives a population of 6,768,724 people, a drop of 735,869 people, far less than the anti-communists who have you believe in their desperate cries of “muh three gorillion”.

Vickery also reports that the PRK and various international agencies estimated a population of 7.2 million as “current estimates” (for the mid-1980s). The World Bank reports 7,958,976 people in Cambodia as of 1986, a little more than ten years after the ousting of Pol Pot by the Vietnamese. Outside of Vickery’s estimate, there were also likely around a half a million on the Thai border or abroad.
with all of these facts and data we soon realize that, though their may have in fact have been overreaches by DK towards its own citizens and urban-dwellers, the notion of a Cambodian genocide is a keystone in modern anti-communist atrocity propaganda. The numbers just don’t add up, it’s completely impossible. How can three million people have died yet Cambodia COMPLETELY demographically recovered by the early 1980s?

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By fucking a lot.

Can we please not go down the path of denying genocides? Let's at least maintain this bit of moral high ground to the right.

When even the numbers of Porky organizations such as the World Bank directly contradict the narrative along with well-known scholars of Southeast Asia, we should raise our eyebrows. The Marxist Regimes series is a very bourgeois series of books too for the most part. The Holocaust has much, much more evidence than the Cambodian “Genocide”. Again, I’m not denying overstepping or “Pol Pot did nothing wrong” autism, but the truth must be set straight. Let’s also not forget that Cambodia was at war

Yes Holodomor happened. Stalin took a big straw and drank up all the rain to kill God's Chosen Ukrainian People because he was pure evil.

The Holodomor genocide wasn't covered up, and it wasn't committed by Jews. It was committed by Soviets, some of whom happened to be Jewish, most of whom weren't.

This whole notion of the Soviet Union being Jewish is retarded. There were some important people in the Soviet Union who were Jewish, and many of communism's greatest thinkers were Jewish (Marx, Luxemburg, Trotsky), but it had way more Slavs, obviously.
You right wingers are so fucking stupid it's painful.

Oh, I am laffin

t. Robert Conquest

When did you guys take the agrarian socialism is retarded pill?

Cambodian genocide might have been heavily exaggerated but Pol Pot was still a fascist brainlet

Is this copypasta?

I wouldn’t say “fascist” (that word is misused enough) but characterizing him as “ultra-left” may be more accurate

Pol Pot was a nationalist full of "muh volkisch countryside" spooks who flirted with the Cambodian monarchy and after being deposed dropped all pretense and started a right-nationalist party. He was basically /ecopol/

t. Doesn't know why /ecopol/ was created

Who is better material for creating socialism than those the Kampuchean peasant. This was a society where a vast majority of the society was made of peasants barely contaminated with capitalism. It was basically Narodism: Kampuchean edition

I don't know why it was created but last time I checked it's full of Vargites jacking off to muh volkisch mud huts

Russia in 1917 was also mostly peasant

Yes and look how that quickly degenerated. A socialism based on a peasant-based society and an instant transition to an egalitarian, communist society is the crowning example of the genius of Pol Pot applied to Kampuchean conditions. Little wonder he was overthrown and resisted attempts of absorption into multinational federations like would have been the Indochina Federation, an instrument for Vietnamese social-imperialism

/ecopol/ was created as a neutral ground where anyone could discuss ecology and the environment without fear of ideological bias. It just so happens that Vargites care the most about the environment.

Most Vietnamese and Chinese were also peasants.




Theory is a guide to action, not a dogma. Engels said this himself, comrade
Social-imperialism. Read the Black Paper

I’m aware, Pol Pot didn’t do just this however
Vietnam’s reaction was both a justified retaliation to aggression and a humanitarian offensive.

Sounds like the sort of flimsy justification the American government would use

I vet you would criticized the USSR for going to war agains nazi germany before barbarossa


The working class was not the centerpiece of the Cambodian revolution. They were not the revolutionary class, the peasant was. They were literally an insignificant part of the population. On the topic of mass-killings, this stuff happens during revolutions. Revolutions aren’t a cheery time, they’re violent and authoritarian. This is why “X did nothing wrong” thinking is retarded outside of memeing. The question should be: who was allegedly mass-killed and why?
Again, read the Black Paper.

I don’t even get what you are trying to prove

*Working class and peasantry
Point still stands. You’ve provided no proof to the claim that the Cambodian genocide never happened, you’ve just questioned the exact numbers and shown they might have been exaggerated(poorly I might add, since 3 mill is not half of 8 mill).
Trying to hand waive exactly what caused the genocide and how it could have been stopped without Vietnamese intervention with ‘ah well yanno revolutions be violent dawg’, doesn’t fucking work here. Events like Holodomer we can maybe explain why it happened and how it differentiates from more intentional cases of ethnic cleansing and genocide like the Holocaust, Rwanda, etc. It’s been discussed many a time. You’ve not said why the Cambodian genocide was at all a necessity or even an unfortunate side happening of an otherwise positive movement.

Some scholars prefer "democide" since the Cambodian case doesn't really fit the literal definition of genocide (i.e. one ethnic group killing another)

yeah let's just support CIA fags

I see we're having another episode of "Pol Pot's socialist credientials are shaky and he was backed by the CIA and fought Vietnam so we can keep up the genocide narrative" versus "The claims of genocide are shaky so Pol Pot is still redeemable to us"
I'm gonna play an enlightened centrist and say it's clearly both. Anti-communist propaganda has shoved the death toll on us and then exaggerated it. There was no Cambodian genocide and Pol Pot was not /ourguy/.

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