Guys, i'm starting to actually get worried. The smear campaign agaisn't Corbyn and the labour party are getting really big. Are they actually gonna force Corbyn out? Fellow brit comrades, what do you think? Is he out?
Guys, i'm starting to actually get worried...
reminder that the only people who give a fuck about the smears are people who were never going to vote for him anyway.
not even close. before the last election, there was more smearing than a watercolour artist on acid, and it was still a strategic victory for labour. don't get discouraged, just keep your comrades informed and vote when the time comes.
could have sworn there was a thread on this
and hasnt this gone on for ages now and did basically nothing? you got anything to point to that makes you freak out now?
please add a bit more to your OPs next time
also have a CPGB-ML video on it
Absolutely nothing is going to change with him and his zionist party
Hurr durrr…
Thank you for summing up Corbynite liberals
How's corbyn a zionist?
MPs can't force him out, that was established in 2016 when it was ruled that the incumbent doesn't need MP nominations to take part in a leadership contest. The membership could force him out but it won't; it voted 60-40 in Corbyn's favour in 2016, and it's probably gotten more pro-Corbyn since due to the number of people joining.
The point of the smear campaign isn't to force Corbyn out, it's to wreck his chances of winning the next general election. No sign of it working so far according to the polling.
while i completely agree, as it's proven by experience repeatedly, thats kinda OT
Just search up his name. Every single news site is slamming him week after week over one scandal after the other. Practically everything he says is turned into a scandal. First it was the support of palestine, then it was him defending his statements, and now the NATO stuff. I think the only sites in favor of him are The Guardian and Aljazeera now.
Isn't The Mirror supposed to be a left wing paper?
The Guardian doesn't really support him. They've been repeating the propaganda too, albeit to a slightly lesser extent.
The Morning Star is probably the only paper which isn't part of the smear campaign.
Yes, but they are a socialist newspaper and they always have been, so they are not that popular amongst the mainstream. And you're right too, while the Guardian is probably the one mainstream newsite going at him the softest, they still print plenty of articles about the supposed scandals. It's not a good look for a candidate when every major newspaper and TV news channel is slamming them. That's why I fear for Corbyn. For all the talk a guy like Trump did about the Media being biased agaisn't him, he always had Fox working in his favor, and that's one of america's bigger media groups. Corbyn on the other hand, is trully getting smeared on just about every mainstream media site. I really hope the people don't fall for it…
Its all just political theatre to distract from the fact that Britain is going along with US imperialism and increasing its military abroad.
it has an electoral purpose, it's supposed to demotivate and suppress labour's base.
And then they came for Corbyn, in a concerted conspiratorial effort by lying jews backed up by international finance capital and their press..
I thought you didn't believe in such sort of things, I thought you called such beliefs ignorant antisemitism
British leftists have no sense of English irony.
wtf i'm nazbol now
Is anyone actually falling for the smear?
There's jewish people that support palestine and critize zionism. Not enough to change the tide though, but more and more jewish youth turns anti-zionist each generation, which is a good sign.
The Lib dems in r/ukpolitics say that Corbyn should really be blowing it out of the park, but is it actually realistic of the opposition party to be that popular?
In this time in history, probably not. Libs have no concept of history, i.e historical context and historical forces.
both lib dems and blairite scum are being disingenous, their old tactic of screeching about the utter electoral humiliation Labour will endure has been proven wrong so now they're switching to screeching about how any other Labour leader would have won, which is very very dumb since none of the madam toussaud creeps they're salivating over would've released the corbyn manifesto AKA the actual reason for the bump in the polls
they think that the people that are using fucking food banks are crying out for more ENTREPRENEURSHIP, that's how dense they are
Tbf, the Morning Star is actuslly growing jn circulation: even my village shop has it now.
I've noticed that too I was at a train station and the shop there was selling it. Also more Labour MPs seem to be writing for it which is interesting
Also there is this, which is quality.
WTF I hate Jeremy Corbyn now
I still see too much of this on Twitter, tho. It's weird to me that there are regular people who hate Corbyn enough to believe this stuff.
The MSM didn't even care that much about Trump until it looked like he'd actually secure the nomination, and the guy was actually a confirmed scumbag for a long time before that.
There are far too many people who will believe everything the media says, no matter how ridiculous or exaggerated. Just look at what normal people think of the DPRK.
That's what they want you to think, the actual lefty rag in the UK is the morningstar
corbyn posts appear to be nuked and slid to hell and back on halfchan/pol/ right now