Christian Communism

I am kind of interested in getting into christian socialism circles? Anyone else been involved with the religious left and no any good orgs?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_socialism,_and_resistance_to_communism Muntzer - Sermon To The Princes.pdf

just be a communist and a christian

the churches I grew up with are all reactionary as shit

Read new Testament, Tolstoy and Stalin Moustache, by stalinist theologian and son of a pastor (I know it sounds funny, but it's true)

If you are interested in Christian communism, you MUST read Joachim of Fiore.

He believed history had three stages: the Age of the Father, the Age of the Son and the final stage, the Age of the Holy Spirit. The Age of the Holy Spirit is to be ushered in by an angel with a sword (a revolutionary) and the Christian values of universal love and universal freedom would which exist in the Kingdom of God would be realized on Earth. A group called the Order of Just (the party) would take over the church and it would then wither away.

Many scholars consider Joachim to be a precursor to Marxism, and you can certainly tell by this quote of his:

"In any kingdom, happiness has three conditions (all of which will be satisfied in the millennium): first, that despite all multiplicity, which is not against order, and despite all differences of rank, the subjects have equality among each other, as we have learned from the distribution of Israel where the equal share of land reminded everyone not to pride himself over others. Everyone is to find his happiness in the happiness of his neighbor, his joy in the joy of all the other people, and by that everybody is to be a free lord among others; secondly, that they have a community of goods and not take delight in goods because they are a property; thirdly, that they demand nothing from each other as an obligation. Because, if everything would be available in abundance, there would be no need of government, property and of no liabilities forced and extorted by government."

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Does Leo Tolstoj have any good writings on christian socialism/anarchism?

ELN baby

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I would also advice to read about Thomas More,_socialism,_and_resistance_to_communism

communist monasteries when?

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Specifically "Christianizing the Social Order" and "Christianity and the Social Crisis".

fpbp attaching religion onto Communism for the sake of muh beliefs is fucking cancer. Also religion is undialetctical as fuck, you're being scientific in everything but as soon religion gets brought up suddenly it turns into feels>reals


Christian Socialism is tantamount to being an ancap Marxist.

The reason McCarthyism flourished and Christians bedded with the hard right was that charity is not government oversight. Charity is the test of God upon our characters. It is an exampliary tale of free will and that God has a plan for us. Socialism ruins this concept of individual accountability to do good or evil.

Now this is contradicting too "your deeds are dirty rags unto The Lord". And this contradiction cannot stand. But it was wholly Protestants that tout the former that because of free will, man can free himself from sin and judgement by choosing Jesus Christ, the problem I have is you would think this would make the Catholics the conservative ones believing moreso in redemption and individual accountability to God, believing in a strong church as a secondary state separate in power and influence, giving their tithes which would be hard to do if also paying a liberal income tax.

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The only place on earth where religion has been a progressive force towards socialism has been in some scenarios in the Americas and even then most priests who actually preached Liberation theology were eventually purged from the church / Literally killed (see El Salvador)

You're absolutely kidding yourself if you don't realise the dialectic is based just as much off of "feels"

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I do not know of any but I can recommend some reading

t. moron who never heard of Sodom and Gomorrah

Guess what those guys weren't coercing their population to feed the poor. They weren't doing much coercing of anything, in fact, it seems their government, if one even existed, allowed their people to do whatever they wanted up to and including raping newcomers.

Only idiots who have drunk American kool-aid believe in this ahistorical "dude taxing people is antichrist btw ignore ancient Israel XDDD"" bullshit.

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confused by this post

Only petite bourg filth would ever believe this dog shit.

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p much every monastery i've heard of insists on holding all things in common if that's what you mean.

it's not a matter of "attaching" religion onto communism. I just happen believe in every word of the Nicene Creed and I also believe communism is good. it's just as much "feels" as anything an atheist believes

Imagine being this much of a crypto pagan protestant

The last real rebel group in Colombia now that FARC has laid down their arms. Founded by radical priests back in the 60's, they do all sorts of cool stuff.

Look up the bruderhof as theyre very open to people joining and are the christian communist gang.

The Hutterites are also a huge reactionary group of christians but theyre alot harder to join (suspision of outsiders, German is their first language, etc)

I am joining the Hutterites.

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I'm not white would they still accept me?

If you are truly interested in an approach using Christianity then I have some suggestions. Before I start, I would add that ChristCom is an efficient dialectical tool, as Christians make up an enormous portion of the Western population. Communism and Christianity are not mutually exclusive, but the criticism that Christianity is mostly used as a bulwark of tyranny and for religious cruelty has merit. To continue, my suggestions would be:

Thomas Munzter:
"In the eyes of the German working-classes, Muntzer was and is the most brilliant embodiment of heretical communism." -Karl Kautsky, Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation

Gerrard Winstanley:
"All that a man labours for, saith Solomon, is this, That he may enjoy the free use of the earth, with the fruits thereof. Eccles. 2.24.

Do not the ministers preach for maintenance in the earth? the lawyers plead causes to get the possessions of the earth? Doth not the soldier fight for the earth? And doth not the landlord require rent, that he may live in the fulness of the earth by the labour of his tenants?

And so, from the thief upon the highway to the king who sits upon the throne, do not everyone strive, either by force of arms or secret cheats, to get the possessions of the earth one from another, because they see their freedom lies in plenty, and their bondage lies in poverty?

Surely then, oppressing lords of manors, exacting landlords and tithe-takers, may as well say their brethren shall not breathe in the air, nor enjoy warmth in their bodies, nor have the moist waters to fall upon them in showers, unless they will pay them rent for it: as to say their brethren shall not work upon earth, nor eat the fruits thereof, unless they will hire that liberty of them. For he that takes upon him to restrain his brother from the liberty of the one, may upon the same ground restrain him from the liberty of all four, viz. fire, water, earth and air,

A man had better to have had no body than to have no food for it; therefore this restraining of the earth from brethren by brethren is oppression and bondage; but the free enjoyment thereof is true freedom." -Gerrard Winstanly The Law of Freedom

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Muntzer was totally based. Fuck Martin Luther for siding with the aristocracy.

Also, though Maximilien Robespierre was not a Christian. He utilizes the concept of a higher power to the very most powerful effect in formulating some of the most brilliant arguments known to class struggle. You can easily replace his references to the God and the Supreme Being with Jesus.

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Absolutely. He literally wrote down every reference to scripture in the Bible that condemns the wealthy. I was just reading through one of his sermons as I looked for a quote to place here, and was looking at Ezekial [34:2,8,10]

2 - Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock?

8 - As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, because my flock lacks a shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves rather than for my flock

10 - This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them.

In a Sermon to the Princes, Munzter Biblically justified killing off the Princes, Lords and Landowners. He was a ChristTankie.

Where did you find his sermons? Did you buy a book?

Here's the link. It's from the Verso Revolutions collection: Muntzer - Sermon To The Princes.pdf

Gerrard Winstanley can be found here:


I highly recommend all 3 for ChristCom. Though again Robespierre wasn't Christian he references God and a Supreme Being quite often.

looks like someone has not read the nice-hair dane, he does not fall into your criticism of feels>reals even for his individualism/existentialism

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kierkegaard remains cursed ever since R*bel Obesity went fascist

Is there such a thing? I know a lot of christian(catholic) communists and they do't organize among each other…they're just alongside the rest of the party members.

did he actually?

Rebel went trans and became fascist. Went by Nasu on twitter. Now she's suspended

Matthew 19:21

Acts 4:34
Where were you when the Archbishop of Canterbury exposed his powerlevel.


Fuck, it wasn't early. In short he is calling for economic overhaul, not just of the welfare state but of worker's boards and that.


The issue is that it was kinda corporatist, considering he is a former CEO but still.

Acts 5:1

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I'm not going to pretend to be of any help to you OP because my position on Religious Socialists has only recently been softening (I'm Agnostic/Atheist myself and there is obviously the inherent contradiction between being a Materialist and Religious), before I saw them as irrelevant at best as faith seemed to be something that was best left to individuals, families and the communities that congregate around it to mediate without any ties to governance. And at worst, well you know how Reactionary some Religious people can be, and too often the Institutions of Faith that hold power are too heavily tied up with the Bourgeois State and Capital to be a force for Socialism. The thing that changed my mind was an American Christian Communist who hosts a Podcast called Sectarian Review, he is openly Leftist on an explicitly religious Radio platform in America with programming by Paleocons and he recieves no backlash or persecution. I guess now I just see Religion as another potential tool for Class Consciousness and want to learn more about how the Religious & Materialist arguments for Communism can be reconciled, so we're sort of in the same boat here.

The German peasants war led by Muntzer and a much more recent example being the Taiping rebellion and the Subsequent Pro-Peasant Land Reform are both good examples of Religion being used to Promote Progressive reforms

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Christians don't like us.
See the decree against communism.

Yeah he was a cunt who actively worked with Mussolini.