Scientology is a fascist cult and should be banned, and their leaders all arrested. They behave exactly like a mafia and pose a big threat to anyone who opposes them.
Ban scientology
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I don't think anyone here would disagree with you. The top echelons of Scientology in each and every country should be immediately executed without trial.
Grow up faggot, jews have been doing that same shit but a hundred times better
Did you read the original book ?
L Ron Hubbard was a dope sci fi author though
Oh shut up.
Jack Vance was a hundred times better
Except for the fact that Scientology and Judaism are literally nothing alike.
I agree with OP but instead of Scientology it's the Falun Gong.
They're even advertising some stage musical during the fucking weather on the local news. Underneath the forecast there are little ads for it.
Also the Epoch Times is ultra-reactionary and the German language version promotes AfD so that makes the Falun Gong verifiably more fascist than Scientology.
citation needed
not everything that is bad, is fascist
My favourite sect is raelism. Their symbol is ingenious
has meme potential
Falun Gong is a fascist cult and should be banned, and their leaders all arrested. They behave exactly like Scientologists and pose a big threat to anyone who opposes them.
No but Seriously
Is it true that they think mixed race people and gay people should be put to death and that the more rare an animal the better it's medicinal properties are?
Yes they Literally Believe in Zig Forumsyp "Racial Purity science"
You ever noticed that all these Falon gong Nuts only Live in HK / Taiwan / Japan / West?
Its because they Literally think that East Asians and Blanco's are the only "Pure" peoples on earth
In general banning and censorship doesn't work. If you want to defeat something stupid like Scientology, best is way is trough education and information.
Rather than banning Scientology explain why it's bad and offer better alternative.
One of the Epoch Times' columnists is Trevor Louden who publishes KeyWiki, which scrapes leftists' names from Facebook. (Use a pseudonym, comrades, and stay off Facebook.) The paper is mostly 1950s McCarthy-style red baiting.
To add, Falun Gong guru "Master Li" teaches that miscegenation is evil and that different gods sponsor different (segregated and distinct) races, so if you're mixed you will lose connection to a particular heaven to which you're connected. Individually, this is unfortunate though apparently not so much of a problem according to Li, but if a whole region becomes mixed then it was become "destitute."
I think it does for a straightforward reason; the people who get banned don't like it when it happens. To be sure, there's the "Streisand effect" where the result of banning backfires and spreads the banned person/group's message more widely, but this has a shelf life. Over the long term, the ban reduces their influence.
Fucking nazi ancoms, reeee
Reminder that under any DotP these fascists are the sort of 'cruelly oppressed minority' liberals would be crying about being suppressed and about muh human rights
This already happens though
Only difference is this particular DoTP is Deformed beyond belief (To use a Trot expression)
Fun to go back and listen to Jiang talk about them:
Marx didn't hate jews in particular, but religion overall. He subjected Christians to the exact same criticism.
This already happens. NYT in 2000 Autistically screeched when China rightfully banned them.