Native American Thread

Shouldn't the reservation system be abolished?
And why do so many leftists keep defending Native American tribal societies?
Shouldn't your goal be to abolish tribalism?

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no leave them alone

we don't need more low Autism Level PoCks among us

Some of these socialists are die-hard statists.
Natives would be treated better under a ☭TANKIE☭/semi-tankie US state
Under anarchism they'd be free to go where they want again. No such thing as "abolishing" by law of anything

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I wonder why…

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In settler countries native communities should be given autonomous republics with full equality to other levels of the state. They should be given robust funding for education, healthcare, infrastructure, and development. Anything else is idpol trash.

Soooooooo well-funded Bantustans?

pick one.

And no, we mean like ASSRs

Tribalism > Imperialism tbqh

Native American idpol is some of the most potent idpol in existence

Yes, they're basically concentration camps with more elbow room.

White guilt I guess. That said, there are some things we should probably learn from them, like forms of agriculture suitable to the Americas instead of imported European agriculture which fucks up the environment here.

"Tribalism" as the term is used generally doesn't apply in this situation. In Africa when people talk about tribalism they usually mean people allying with their tribes exclusively, which prevents the formation of a coherent society. That isn't really a problem here (since even if all the Natives unified it wouldn't have a big effect on the country as a whole).

No, like the Soviet ASSRs, autonomous obalsts, and autonomous okrugs.

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I'm the lumbee guy you see bitching in news threads once in a while.
I am really frustrated with my tribe. I can't seem to talk politics without bringing ethnicity into it. We have been state recognized since the 1800s, but porky is hard at work getting federal recognition so we can build casinos. My tribe marched in trumps inaugural parade and has been doing a shit ton of asslicking in hopes of getting that recognition. It is really bizarre seeing a bunch of brown trumpists. I feel like this is a good example of why idpol can be dangerous. Its how reactionaries use idpol to reinforce fascist viewpoints in a population.
Obviously, just my own viewpoint from a large southeastern tribe. Our reality is a lot different than midwestern/western natives.
Native American politics makes me feel ill.

It is some of the most retarded bullshit in existence.
I mean just look at this drivel.

But it's true. Both capitalism and marxism are european ideologies alien to native american culture.


literally every single thread you have to turn it into bitching about muh statists.
can we have a discussion without you being a dumb bitch? thanks.

Again, just don't reply to him.

Your trouble is that you don't get what the problem is.

The American revolution failed
The French revolution failed
All the following European revolutions failed
The Russian revolution failed
Ah! But they say in their failing that they will succeed later, we must all fail at once, purge anyone who remembers capitalism, anyone the People's Party denounces. All very scientific of course.

How can we have freedom and equality? Take away the laws. Keep away from the laws

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are you actually brain dead?
these weren't even socialist revolutions you dumb fuck, let alone ML.

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and regardless, keep your sectarian bitching in an appropriate thread. stop shoehorning it into every single discussion.

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You have lost sight of what the revolution is about. Not surprised.
Hit the books.

But what about the ebil Cornman?

I don't think you even know what "revolution" means.

you're trying to use the American and French revolutions as example of Leninism failing, despite them both being for the most part bourgeois and aristocratic. they were not socialist, so you can't lump them in and be like "look ad all dese revolutions dat didnd worg u tangies are dum"
nice projection.

Cornman wasn't evil, he was retarded.

Currently reading John Tisa's book Recalling the Good Fight, about fighting in the Spanish Civil war. He snapped this picture of native American John Parks. A communist from the Philadelphia area

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But the revolution was fulfilled.
How could someone retarded gain power?

The revolution, not that bourgeoisie, the revolution's goals. Step back and reexamine what this is supposed to be about.

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That's gonna be a big clusterfuck of autonomous republics but that may not be such a bad thing

talk about a fucking strawman. the founding fathers aren't "my heroes".
the revolutions goals were in the name of the bourgeoisie. the American and French revolutions were both bourgeois revolutions. how do you not see how stupid you're being? at this point i'm just going to assume you're baiting.

IMO they can be left to do their own thing with designated areas that are prepared to meet their needs and are protected.

They will receive no other assistance aside from emergencies.

Those that wish to give up that lifestyle will be given the same treatment as any other member of socialist society excluding efforts to properly integrate them of course.

Their tribal society will either evolve or disintegrate.

What exactly is this supposed to mean?
All this means is that they profited from it. The working class fought for independence, for the republic, for liberte, egalite, fraternite. They're screwed every time. Every time, Russia's included. A bourgeoisie revolution wrestled from the hands of the people by a pack of bourgeois intellectuals and their thugs

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yeah keep changing who we're talking about that's how you argue like an adult.
i said the founding fathers weren't me heroes.
no. they were bourgeois revolutions. they replaced the old system with capitalism.
it's not just a case of "profiting" of the revolution, and especially in the case of America it wasn't fighting for independence as a people, but independence for the aristocratic class.
trying to compare revolutions in which they replaced monarchies with liberal capitalism to revolutions that are socialist in nature is ridiculous, especially when you were trying to discredit Leninism by just lumping in bourgeois revolutions from the 1700s.

And I was not referring to them. You said:
Which led me to calling Lenin your hero.

And thus failed. All of them. Fought and died over by the lower classes, upper classes assume command.
That. All that should be avoided next time.
They're all the same attempted revolution. They always turn out as mere regime changes.

well i took it as you insinuating me as supporting the founding fathers or something. my bad.
then what do you suggest as an alternative
since according to you every single revolution, from America to Russia, ends up just being a "regime change".

Turn the whole thing over The people take direct control of their lives, needing no money, respecting no law but common sense custom. Sharing and solving the pressing issues of how best to live harmoniously in the present and future.

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Discussions happen. They veer off in directions.

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Those autonomous republics would constantly be in indefinite states of war with each other, and would be total wasteland hellscapes with alcoholism, warlords, and despair. Contrary to what naive white liberals think, North America before Europeans was still a very rough, and violent place. I lived on a reservation, there is no un-fucking this situation besides inventing a god damn time machine. It's all so tiring.

If you have to subsist on the charity of others, you are not autonomous.

It didn't just "happen" you provoked it and are the only antagonist for all other posters. Narcissist trash.

another day on leftypol

Yet somehow capitalism being alien doesn't stop them from running casinos and payday loans. Native American idpol is horrible but in most places they are a small enough percentage of population that they can safely be ignored. It's just when you get into the specific areas of business tribes like to operate in, like making predatory lending illegal, boy you better watch out.

You literally believe that any Revolution that dosent result in your Utopian Stirnerite vision being acquired "failed" because it did not meet your Puritan Standards

And No Neither the American French or Russian Revolutions were failures by any stretch of the imagination

"Common sense Custom" Decided by General consensus and which individuals are punished for breaches of them are still De-Facto Laws no matter how much you deny it

The people fight for promises that are never actually delivered. They are always left disappointed, so no, I would beg to differ. Some great changes take shape, a general direction towards self governance and that elusive freedom, but they are not full revolutions. The Russians even admitted it. What are you thinking?

And groups of the people acting in some way is a government, yes, some people calling themselves anarchist can't wrap their heads around it, but they can just go live a Primitivist nihilistic life somewhere else. We will be organized after some fashion. Democratic and with a humane heart once rid of capitalism.