Left Politics in the Netherlands

Hey Dutch people of Zig Forums, I'm moving to Amsterdam next week and I'm wondering what sort of leftist organisations there are to get involved in. Also my Dutch isn't that great right now so would I even be of much use just speaking English?

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Amsterdam is an american exclave by now.
Fuck amsterdam.

Lol I fucking wish
Have fun eating fucking nutella pancakes and drinking lattes though.

All dutch people speak a good degree of english, and as I said, amsterdam is basically an american exclave with an unreasonably high expat percentage. Half the shopowners dont even speak dutch. Really makes you want to go endlosung on the whole city.

Socialist party are slightly edgy sucdems. Communist party is fringe and irrelevant. Greenleft are backstabbing liberals.

Dont let me spoil your fun though, im just salty. The city is very pretty despite all the tourists.

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Why are you such a fucking idiot.

english is the gayest most idiotic language there is

Yeah I have noticed a lot about but I wasn't sure if they were just tourists or what. Out of interest do you prefer any other Dutch cities in particular?

Any old city but amsterdam.
Haarlem is amazing to visit, church is cool and not expensive. Delft, leiden and gouda are all amazing too, though delft is a bit smaller.
Try to avoid den haag (the hague) unless you want to visit the parlement building or the palaces, which are nice. Rotterdam is only fun for one day, markthal and euromast and erasmusbridge and thats basically all there is to see.
Utrecht is cool too I guess. Beyond that is where civilization seems to end imo.

The exclave thing is not even a joke, its bad. They wanted to make english an official local language because all the expats cannot be bothered to learn the language.

I live in Amsterdam, AMA

Do you suck cocks?

Haat je leven man

What is your favourite brothel?

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no, im not in a fraternity

een beetje

never been, I don't even go to the red light district for bars or other entertainment cause it's a tourist-infested hell
there's a bunch of places in amsterdam which I have mentally written off as no-go zones, even if some of my friends think it's cool (another example is the leidseplein)

nedercommiecon wanneer?

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It's awful.

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Pannekoek en Gorter waren de laatste goede moerasduitsers.

ja wordt lache man

ja, deze gaat in mijn trieste toerist compilatie

5 is precies genoeg

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dibs op stalin

I will make stalin look like a fucking anarchist

Go to Leiden or Utrecht, they have some good UNI's there.