Washington white nationalist rally sputters in sea of counterprotesters
Washington white nationalist rally sputters in sea of counterprotesters
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why these bitches all have hamster hands?
Fuckin Lmao
I just want a bitch to give me a hand job, and for it not to feel like a baby doll cradling my cock.
how precious
Can't wait to see how Zig Forums tries to explain away this absolute clusterfuck. If Charlottesville was a PR disaster for them, I don't even know what to call this
Antifascists and the alt→ are paid agitators all funded by the same source. At least utr didn't coopt the radical elements this time around. Antifa are a bunch of addicts and probably p.o.ses to their antifa girlfriends caring only about theirselves and they probably let them be due to the ideals of their personal doctrine like noncoercion or appropriation.
Your waifu is shit
White nationalism and fascists have truly been defeated, we are progressive and tolerant society free of hate. Antifa may be dismantled now.
They're just calling the 20 guys CIA shills and claim that they weren't even excited for UtR2 (even though they were).
If only the anarkiddies mobilized to protest something important like, say, Yemen. Or the $0.50/hr minimum wage in Botswana. No, much better to counter protest 20 Nazi LARPers. Pathetic.
They don't live in Botswana and unfortunately a protest in the USA isn't going to change the minimum wage there.
Pretty undialectical reasoning, fampai. Fascists are a threat to the Left, working class unity, and democratic rights in general. Fascists getting shut-down and prevented from organizing aids progress in other political spheres.
Yea those 20 fascists are such a threat.
t. first world chauvinist
The one lefty group I'm aware of that's like "don't confront the fascists that's a waste of time" is the Red Guards which is collapsing, and the one time they did try to confront Nazis they got beat up sooooo
Aren't they the "the working class loves violence" people?
They should still be shut down. Violence works against them. Look at UTR this year versus last. I wish Antifa was more anti-capitalist than radlib but I still support them by and large
You're so brave. Meanwhile some Natives living on reservations in the US don't even have indoor plumbing.
20 fascists too many
I don't know why leftists can't ever build up this kind of energy against moderators
You really seem to be against counterprotesting these people…hmm
What did he mean by this?
De-emphasizing support for, and ties with, actually exploited peoples to build influence among white liberals… well yeah I'm against that.
I don't understand post like this.
When it comes to saddam ecc. You reasoning is: enemy of my enemy is my friend. When it comes to this shit tho there is total support for a bunch of radlibs.
So what's up? What did they solve today? Us is still an quasi fascist state and people in yemen are still starving. You didn't even seize the opportunity today to spread consciousness about important stuff, you instead started screaming meme slogans and "I'm a faggot kill babies" to trigger a couple of boomers.
Wooops. I meant enemy of my enemy is not my friend
Without muttering about "muh stolen lands" care to explain how Amerindian workers are more exploited than other sections of the working class?
From everything I can see, Amerindians living on reservations suffer from higher than average unemployment rather than being subject to say sub-minimum wage conditions within US borders.
It's hard to claim that a particular group is more exploited than another one when a major reason for their greater levels of poverty is lack of access to work. Capitalism destroys, impoverishes, and oppresses the unemployed man but it can't be said that it exploits him. You have to work to be exploited.
That's not the point tho.
What did they do today? They protested against 20 basment dwellers. "Protested" because they didn't even move. When does antifa or anyother american group protest against serious stuff?
Give me a break. Reservations are essentially an internal colony. How about a protest for running water and trash pick up (yes I've seen photos of Natives burning trash in pits).
Nevertheless, high wages in the first world are subsidized by the imperialist abuse in the third world. Those $1/hr wages in Honduras allows the antifa fast food employees fighting for muh $15/hr to live a comfy first world life. So the funny thing is every antifa doofus having a temper tantrum in DC today is actually a net exploiter, fucking lol
ableists out
Because they are full of liberals?
Ok, then why this board is praising the fuck out them for doing basically nothing?
most of the praise come from anarchists
I see his point. Your issue seems to be that they don't fit right in ideology wise. They may not be the most "exploited" class wise. But honestly, i've lived around them a bit, and these poor fuckers need help more than most imo. Even blacks have it better.
You see I can at least sorta respect Skinheads and other 90s tier NeoNazis Like League of the South Tradworker etc
Because at least their honest about being dege.nerate fucking Untermensch who treat their "movement" like a drinking club for boomers
It's the ones that try to put on a nice face and look straight and edge and damage control I quite hate
Catharsis. Actual fascists today call themselves "Zionists" and "Neocons". These are just LARPers that would be the first on the chopping block even if their dream came true, just like every single worker segment of a fascist movement ever.
100% agree with you.
Is it true most of Kessler's retarded friends couldn't even get to the Venue because they couldn't even board the train?
Antiimperialism needs to be a major focus of western leftist movements.
I know RCP is shit and literal cult I just found that tidbit sort of funny since they call themselves Maotists
Avakian is worse than I thought.
That's because they're worthless gaslit liberal tards too.
This but unironically.
Zig Forums claims to have no affiliation with the alt-right or UTR, Vangard party, etc. But, of course, they're about as believable as Zig Forums claiming they have no affiliation with antifa and ancom rock throwers.
Nearly every big name in the bad goy right besides Kessler himself was telling people not to show up, for weeks.
This was a pulled punch.
I suppose it was a propaganda defeat, and a failed LARP, but you should realize what caused it.
This is the one I don't get. Every time I call Zig Forums alt-right they call me a shill and tell me to fuck off. What the fuck do they want to be called if they're right wing but an alternative to the standard right wing politics?
N.ational """"Socialists"""
the 'alt-right' label has become with synonymous with a handful of personalities, most notably Spencer, Enoch, and company.
People want to distance themselves from that brand for a variety of reasons.
It's the same `narcissism of small differences` bickering that you see on Zig Forums every day. As an outsider it is confusing, but if you have a higher resolution view of the various disagreements, you realize the differences are quite real, albeit mostly overblown and autistic.
Privileged first world net exploiters are often wrong.
They're ethnonationalists, basically.
One that can be left at any time. Spooked tribal leaders are actually the ones facilitating their continued immiseration in comparison to the rest of the working class and often exploiting them too on top of it. Anyone can play the blame the poor game especially when their first worlders, as native Americans actually are. Not every Indian lives on a res anyways.
Do you really think that allowing the continued normalization and mobilization of the far-right along with the extreme racism it spews will aid these reformist goals? You're talking here like these are mutually exclusive goals, as if you can't want better conditions for reservations and be opposed to fascism.
Where did I indicate these type of scum don't deserve to be gassed? They should.
They are apparently. What has antifa protested that's worth a shit worrying about? You protested 20 boomers. Congratulations?
That's a real got-ya moment you have there. Sorry to say idiot the Natives can't join the revolution if they're dead. Something the bourgeois grad students in antifa can't relate to.
So you admit it?
It's hilarious how much of a failure it was. I was in DC all weekend for a weeb convention and then decided to go sightseeing when the riots were happening because I thought they had already happened, and it turns out that I walked right by it and didn't notice it at all.
this does raise an important question - why aren't equally passionate about issues like the ones mentioned in this post?
Which is completely ignoring the fact that it is completely likely that more people would have shown up had anti-fa's (along with other counter-protestors) presence at previous rallies dissuaded many members of the far-right and their sympathizers from showing up. If you allow them room to work openly that allows them room to grow, organize, and become more sophisticated in their tactics. You know that when Hitler joined the Nazi party he was the 55th member to join? Cancer often starts small.
Your attitude is very much like someone who came into Europe immediately post-WWII and goes
Yeah but the same can easily be said for other reformist goals that you've mocked in this very thread. If a worker can't pay his rent because wages are too low he could very easily end up on the streets and dead within a few years. If he can't afford healthcare and comes down with a serious health condition then he could also end up dead.
Will we ever get an honest answer to it?
You bring up a fair point. Let me put it this way. The Black protesters (another internal U$A colony) are more likely to be minimum wage employees. The White ones more likely to be bourgeois grad students. Interestingly, this wealth gap is an issue only revolutionary socialism can solve. Or are we now aiming for #MoreTranswomanConcentrationCampGuards?
Could you tell me in which way they own the MOP?
But again if fast food workers are net-exploiters as you asserted earlier than there’s no point in being a Marxist in the US or really any First World country. Full stop. There’s no getting around that.
Any blathering on about “histories of systematic racism” or hoping the black “internal colony” of the US will bring about revolutionary change is just pious wishing.
It’s not like black or native Americans participate in a separate economy, further integration or the winning of better conditions can only lead to them being more integrated into imperialist machinery according to your own logic.
And to wit, this whole “we gotta focus on the minorities” bit of Sakaist TWists reminds me of how “first worldist” groups like antifa intensify their messages about racism and racial methods of analysis in response to criticism from first worldist racial liberals.
You post here pretty regularly so I'm gonna let you in on a secret. Whether what you said is true or not in either case it's in our propaganda interests to portray it as a failure.
(Besides the fact that you have 25 boomers acting retarded on camera is a bad enough propaganda defeat for the right in itself)
Stop laughing at us. It was a honeypot.