What are some key books about the founding of the US that dives into the elitist proclivities of the founders when they...

What are some key books about the founding of the US that dives into the elitist proclivities of the founders when they crafted the constitution? I read a couple of books about this years ago but forget their names, and I felt like getting a refresher. Anything that deconstructs (whether it was the project of the author or not) the common mythology of the founders as enlightened, modern democrats.

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"An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States"

I think 'A People's History of the United States' is a good one. Great intro to leftism for many, but also a good read on its own for already seasoned ideologues.

Gore Vidal's history channel special does a good job on that and US history


just read the federalist papers

Read Moldbug's stuff on the Declaration of Independence.

Moldbug's writing is so fucking condescending, holy shit. Even enlightened South Park Libertarians don't have their head that far up their own asses.

The US founding fathers WERE enlightened and progressive by the times Standards with Ideological views Similar to that of the French Republicain Jacobins and the Russian Decembrists
The tearing down of the Feudalism on the 13 Colonies would soon inspire Republican and Anti-Feudal Revolutions in South and Central America the Carribean France Russia etc

The myth of the founding fathers has more use to the American left than their realities. It would be more productive for us to appropriate their image as rational, progressive men of the enlightenment (which they were by the standards of the time) than to try to demonize them in public. Daily reminder that the BPP quoted the Declaration of Independence in their 10 Points.

Very similar tactic adopted by Fredric Jameson in American Utopia on the constitution fetish of burgers.

No they were pretty right wing even back then. America didn't have universal sufferage for white men until the 1830s or something like that. America has never been good. It is an abomination. Let it go user.

They're not measured by the times though, that is what I mean by saying that they're considered modern, enlightened democrats. I think the only major thing that is granted as a knock against them is that they allowed slavery to be included in the constitution. So much of what is taught about them is centered around how prescient, modern and masterful they were in crafting a government that was timeless. It's the foundational belief for why the constitution should almost never be amended, at least for modern conservatives. It's a holy document brought forth by the revelation of the founders.

Liberals and progressives are more amenable on the subject, probably because their fundamental belief is that the United States was heavily flawed when it was founded through slavery. This carries into things like how gun rights were described (though they always still insist upon the honor and good judgement of the founders by suggesting they just didn't realize machine guns would be a thing). But they do, at least, believe in the democratic genius of the founders as enshrining property norms and the basic structure of the government. I'd argue that the latter two still suffer from the erroneous measuring of the founders not by their own time, whether they were progressive for it or not, but by our time. It suggests that the founders successfully outlined the branches of government in a fashion amenable to modern values, and that all the other baggage in the document is still basically ideal.

But the first nominally left-wing revolution afaik was the anti-monarchist French revolution, with positions on the monarchy being the source of the original 'right' and 'left' concept. No?


Dude they didn't even give all white men the right to vote until the mid 18th century. So much for no taxation without representation. America is the lie.

Shit I meant the mid-19th century

Yeah, it was only propertied white men at first, right?

That's def fucked up.

Attached: JeffersonDebtQuote2.jpg (387x301 17.05 KB, 16.06K)

All of the founding fathers except hamilton were brainlets when it came to economics. Those quotes are demonstrations of premodern aristocratic-cum-roman larping disdain for money matters rather than any serious analysis of economic and financial structures. And even on a personal basis jefferson wracked up extraordinary debts on all sorts of luxuries that he never paid back, making him even more comical

adios apes!
no more apes!

Suffrage was actually pretty high because a lot of men could meet the property requirments. And any projibitve requirements were eroded pretty fast within decades. What would strenghthen your argument is explaining that the Articles of Confederation and before there were even more permissive voting rights with some states with women and free black suffrage which the 1787 moment actually reversed in many states. Ironically the expansion of suffrage you put so much emphasis on was entirely predicated on the supremacy of universal, white manhood suffrage. This explicitly meant a free white political citizenry to the exclusion of nonwhites and females, so the expansion of suffrage led to a contraction of black and womens suffrage

You can choose to alienate the common American from your cause, or you can accept that the majority of Americans love the founders and the constitution, regardless of their flaws. It's all your choice.
Reading the founding fathers is the most important thing a leftist in America could do. Better to quote a founding father while fighting for Socialism than to quote Stalin. Nobody will ever accept Stalinist thought here, nor will they accept Hitler or Maduro or Nasser or Rosa Luxembourg-ist thought. It's simply a matter of appealing to the masses.

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Ever notice how fat and well fed these wigged genociders were?

Lmao that’s some SJW shit.

America will never have a revolution until it is forced to retreat from hegemony. By that time most Americans won't care about muh founders.

how come germany and russia collapsed despite having jegemony

Under rated post. Charles beard was the first to examine the founding fathers motives based on their class interests.

And, if the wikipedia article is any indication, it apparently triggered American academia so badly that they moved towards "intellectual history" of the American revolution instead in order to obscure the material motivations of America's founders.


I just read that
oh fuck my sides

Can't collapse when remaining as the world's reserve currency

Yes but it gave SOME white men the Right to Vote which was/is still progressive in Comparison to the completely unelective Feudalism present over most of the world at the time