Reddit banning leftist subs

Reddit just quarantined /r/fullcommunism, and cited fascist propaganda and victims against communism bullshit. Literal made up garbage even the most ardent far right cold warrior would call historically inaccurate.

meanwhile far right "HURR EUROPA" subs and T_D are still perfectly fine.

What does this mean?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It means reddit mods are retards

What does that mean? Anyways that sub is cancer and it should probably be quarentined.

Fullcommunism is meaningless. It's not like it was ever going to start anything big being a meme sub in reddit.

T_D won't ever get banned, because it could cost reddit too many advertisers if it were to turn into anti trump shitshow by the media.

r/FULLCOMMUNISM is trash. Who literally gives a fuck?

Reddit admins will get the fucking wall, every single one of them.

Why bother wasting the bullet? I'm sure they'll be crushed by the weight of their own downvotes anyway.

Because downvotes won't stop their hearts from beating

Come on. Explain how just letting capitalists shut down every leftist community is beneficial to us

That sub is trash and a huge embarrassment anyway. Can't say I really give a shit.

Not surprised.

They banned a bunch of fascist subs a few months ago, didn't they?

Well not with that attitude

r/MDE got taken down
I keked when r/FULLCOMMUNISM got quarantined thou

reddit swallowed the cuck pill long ago

Completeanarchy celebrates it because Stalin was a sexist, transphobic bigot.

cringeanarchy is beyond "offensive." It is outright fash propaganda aimed at idiotic kids who weren't old enough to browse Zig Forums 5 years ago. I'm surprised they didn't just ban it completely.

Attached: horror.png (450x450, 208.11K)

anarchists have other reasons to not like us than our fucking gender politics, let's be real here.

What else is new?

I spontaneously heiled Hitler and became NAZBOL upon reading the comments, is this normal?

Is there any proof of Stalin "forcing women back into the kitchen"? Even bourgeois books about Soviet history admitting that under Stalin women went to uni, became engineers, etc. - the only thing I can think of is the restriction of abortion rights, to boost birthrates and the health risks involvement at that time.

I'm not saying there aren't things you could criticize Stalin for, but these arguments are Victims of Communism tier.

It's also amazing the level of self-awareness these reddit anarchists have. Yes, reddit banning leftist subs, absolutely not a problem and they will absolutely not come for you…

When they came for the ☭TANKIE☭s, I was silent, because I wasn't a ☭TANKIE☭…

if some of these fucks get shot in the back I wont say anything

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I am the first person to say that Stalin's conservative policies were questionable to put it mildly, but this is just proof that anarkiddies are idpozzed radlibs who completely ignore material and historical conditions, and would call Marx transphobic for not using neutral pronouns.

Like when Bolsheviks legalized abortion there was already a huge underground market of Russian women getting abortions from faith healers and shit. It was a way to put abortion under state control and make women have safe and controlled abortions by actual doctors that were regulated by working women's committees. When material conditions significantly improved under Stalin there was much less of a reason to have abortions since woman and child would be provided for. Which is maybe still not a good reason to ban abortions but the USSR also needed to quickly climb out of a demographic crisis.

Similarly whining about Stalin's stricter marriage laws completely ignores the fact that, yes you are completely correct, Soviet women were still by far the most liberated in the world, enjoying full equality under law, employment rights and suffrage when capitalist women were still house slaves. Persecution of homosexuals is the most questionable policy of these but even that wasn't as bad as Western homophobic laws of the time.

Stalin did infinitely more to liberate women than every anarchist experiment in history put together. Even if he could have done more.

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who wouldve guessed?

i just visited, its some shitty conservative meme sub that occasionally hates blacks, imagine calling that fascist propaganda

cringeanarchy is subtle because it went from a generic cringe subr*ddit to a Zig Forums propaganda repository, but it still carries out its intended purpose - documenting internet idiocy

and its only one leftist sub not subs you retard
plus they banned right wing ones too, more like theyre purging political extremes to cater to normies

The problem with r/fullcommunism is not stalinism but the fact that the mods were fags with shitty power fantasies
Completeanarchy is good but like an user once said most leftist communities outside Zig Forums are filled with liberals,goons or liberal goons

Yeah, so? It's still liberals applying their stupid horseshoe theory. Obviously we disagree on that, because we don't think we are like nazis.

You had me going there for a second but then I saw the flag.

Yeah we celebrate the genocide of kulaks instead of jews so its different

I’ve actually never heard anyone complain about this; fill me in kudasai.

Every leftist, liberals go away. To gulag.

It's afraid!

bolsheviks basically abolished marriage, Stalin brought the officially recognized institution of marriage back in 1930s which means he is an evil misogynist nazi

Embarrassing. Don't these idiots know that they are next?
americuck's and euroidiots don't know the difference between various forms of leftism.

its a joke dude
Americans are sleeping now

Apparently admins have also banned all the mods for r/anarchy. So they are already coming for them, and they celebrate it.

It will be interesting to see what happens to r/socialism. There was a theory that it was controlled opposition and that the head mod (rocket something?) was literally a cop.

These are Redditors we're talking about. They don't represent anarchism any more than r/socialism represents socialism.

Could that potentially be a good thing (if it stops there, which it probably won't). The problem with leftist subs is the absolute shitness of the mods.

leftism is a mental disease
I hope you all die a painful death

Personally, I hope people stop posting right-wing clichés believing them to be still new and provocative.

Day of the rope amiright my based magapede xd.

What goes around comes around you fucking faggots
Welcome to the new internet, censored by Neo-liberals, YOU supported it

we did?

What leftist sites are redditors likely to go to? I imagine that other sites will soon crack down as well.

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holy shit it actually links to some BBOC tier propaganda, this is advanced rationalwiki liberalism

I think there is nowhere to go for them.

remember when BO talked about this board not being safe either?
and how people started screeching at him yet again for being so "paranoid"?
the only thing why we still can go on is that the whole place is small that nobody cares yet to clean it up
why put so much trust into those running the site being content with that?

Rightism appeals to the most basic of mammalian thought. It is purposefully crude and easily digestable.

Continue these beliefs and you will find it leads to mass extinction of life on Earth So we will all die a painful death.

Maybe you first because of a lack of insulin

Ok fuck that shit
The reason BO maked that shitty thread was cause he realized that he could not actulally create an ml movement inside a site owned by a mutt(the BO is also a mutt so fuck him too)
And yes we are small compared to other communities
But even if we were larger, no one was going to kill che
Why are you all sectarian by supporting BO in every thread
I know i am biting bait here but fuck it

You guys truly are delusional.Reddit has a long history of banning right wing subs (european, altright, uncensorednews, mde, + basically anything with something far right in its title).
They've always used silk gloves when dealing with leftists, now they quarantine (quarantine, not ban) a single meme sub so now you complain about them being partisan?

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t. "victim"

Based and redpilled fellow MAGAPEDE :D

i don't even know what you tried to emote with this rambling, if that's just you having a seizure over your butthurt or can't articulate yourself in english on a intelligible level
take your pills

t. "victim"

Attached: 1478214205830.jpg (966x541, 38.51K)

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Looks like we're all hypocrites, huh?


Attached: 0e9d93905100143c26b4aa4de70f1659169382ee8c371d453589b32a0d38f911.webm (640x358, 4.06M)

Shniffing intenshifiesh


This thread is literally about Reddit you fucking baboon


what in the fuck is wrong with reddit man

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But you're from reddit

to the gulag with you, fuck off back to your shitty sub

I visited the sub to see what the fuck was going on and saw an image I thought was apt. Pull that stick out of your ass you fucking autist.

Yeah wtf

Sure you did redditfag

Attached: reddit cucked.jpg (848x959, 454.97K)

Attached: (YEEEREEEET).jpg (630x766, 109.25K)

Probably a newfag trying to fit in while the only thing he knows about Zig Forums is that it hates reddit

Never been to reddit, i got the image from an imageboard probably

ive been on imageboards before 4chan was around

Yeah proba-


Then how do you know that our images are from there

Attached: 0fdab737ed199eb466c6b2124247c5ea1731e17a010a239a1b409a5c2d70934d.jpg (469x452, 23.9K)

Get out of here you fucking tryhard brainlet

reverse image search?

fuck off to 4chan and stay there

that's even sadder

The reactionary shrieks as it lashes out, knowing it will soon go to gulag

It's called an extension that does it for me, does it to help find the image, useful for shit like pixiv/boorus
it just happens to include reddit


out of curiosity, what is it called?

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Reddit admins are fascists.

You got jewed.
I mean "porkied".
No, I actually do mean jewed.

Reddit was a mistake.

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christ you guys are as predictable as a fucking house tour

Reddit has been banning lots of shit lately. A wide variety of shit too, like MillionDollarExtreme, WhiteBeauty, FullCommunism, etc. And they're planning on getting TheRedPill soon. Wonder how long til they ban The_Donald, that'll be a show.

Get ready for the incoming influx of redditors that will go here on Zig Forums.

The union movement was at its strongest when it was literally illegal.

That's liberals LARPing as anarchists

Tech companies that do social media are terrified of being regulated. This is their attempt at heading off calls for government involvement in moderation I think.

It's literally one subreddit. No one would have shed a tear had r/socialism been taken down. If you honestly think that there are no alternatives on the internet that may discuss leftist politics, you're a fool.

t. redditor

No mods, no masters!


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is this…the power…of leftcom?

Soon the "Internet" will just be AOL-like crap.

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That's called x-washing, where something that a group accepts (such as socialism or communism or nazism or homosexuality or Christianity or net neutrality, or pretty much anything that might make a group", that thing being the X, X-washing something else, the "trojan horse". In your example, in the first image, Socialism is the X, so it's socialism-washing, or perhaps "redwashing". In this case, the redwashing is of a feminist/homosexual agenda.

If a gay group had the unwanted co-mingling of beliefs, it would be called "pinkwashing". Pink meaning gay. So pinkwash is like pink paint being applied to that other belief. Say it's a hammer and sickle. Paint it pink, now those are merged, pinkwashed. But, obviously, while they could be allies, it's incorrect to merge them.