So did they deserve it Zig Forums?
Was it the soviet gov being autistig or was it psycopathy?
Is it even real?
Nazino island
Other urls found in this thread:
Kruskev(or however you spell it) wrote an entire book on why stalin was bad.
Russia could have industrilized at a slower pace but without having a monster in power.
People who are stalinists in the 21st century need their head examined.
Inb4 muh zizek, he needs his head examined too
What the hell are you even talking about
The holomodor, nazino island, government officials being killed because they stopped clapping,the cult of personality, i think he even got his son killed…
I think he’s trying to say that Kruschev’s denunciation of Stalin is proof that he was evil.
I meant what the fuck is up with that random mentioning of Zizek
he's a brainlet and thinks that Zizek is an apologist for stalinist ideology.
This is what I want done with bourgeoisie and capitalist ideologues tbqh. Deport them all to a small shithole island and tell them they are free to construct their perfect free market utopia. Then sit back and laugh as they cannibalise one another.
Responded here >>2665063
didn't link?
Blow your brains out.
proof that a negative Autism Level is possible
Thread got deleted, I'll just try to repeat
Siberia 2.0, but rushed by the council due to the beginning of the second five-year plan as well plant rust and drought hitting multiple parts of the soviet union making it difficult to send any large amounts of grain. When food on the mainland becomes scarce, that one island colony of prisoners kind of hits the backburner. Also, island penal colonies don't exactly have the best record. Australia doesn't count here.
OHHH SHIIIT. I'm dying right now.
Nazino more like Nonazi
they deserved it
in all seriousness, from a quick glance at the wiki article and the people who have written about it I can already tell it's propagandized
supposedly these events were discovered in 1988 by memorial which wasn't founded until 1989 (and memorial tried to get solzhenitsyn, known anti-semite and pathological liar on board) and have been partly popularized by le black book of communism man who got his funding from a rightard think tank and among other things exaggerated the death toll in one event in china (cant remember if it was great leap or cultural revolution) by a factor of 10 (2 million became 20 million)
if you take all the sources on the subject you can map out a whole web of think tanks, intelligence agencies, pathological liars etc. pushing this garbage
someone who's more ☭TANKIE☭ than me might be willing to do this
Slavoj "Lenin lived in 1970s through Solidarity" Zizek is a Stalinist. I've heard it all now.
Also this whole event smells a bit off, like fucking-up a resettlement plan doesn't sound that unlikely, but there are two sources: one is an org that didn't exist when it says it found documents proving it, and another is one of the writers of the Black Book of Communism. Tbh might dig into this, see if there is any actual evidence or not.
LOL smells like nazi
inb4 "b-but it wasn't real ancap"
Holy shit I'm dead
It was an experiment to generate an australian accent
this board really is Zig Forumss mimi-me lmao
Truly the smartest kid in the class.
I don't see a problem with this.
Yeah, one big US military base in Syria defender Zizek is a regular ☭TANKIE☭.
Ha, I didn't realize that word was filtered. Pretty funny.
Slavoj "Obama was actually dialectical" Zizek.
Honestly, I love the man and i respect all he has done for neo-marxist thought, but man the concept he is a ☭TANKIE☭ is funny as shit.