I've noticed that even during the Donald Trump years and the rise of the right in Europe, the left's response to these events have been terrible to mediocre at best. Donald Trump still remains to be a popular leader particularly among the white, working class and people in geek culture. Youtubers like Rags, Mr Metokur and Sargon of Akkad have gained massive amounts of respect while the red liberals that masquarade as leftists such as Hbomberguy, Contrapoints and Shaun have floundered and failed to gain much traction at all. It seems as if the proletarians love being oppressed, as they have a hatred for even mild succdem policies, let alone full on marxist leninism. I have even found videos of Katyusha from Girls und Panzer where the most upvoted comments was the one where a pepe avatar wanted to rape the little loli character and kill communists.
The left is failing to win hearts, and even if Contra is a bit of a lolcow, we must take her new video to heart. We must become aesthetically pleasing, but we must not embroil ourselves into femininity, as that lacks the power to fight against the raw masculine power that the right can project. We must completely embrace machismo and manly virtues. We must promote become swole, we must become powerful and we must fuck a whole lot even if we don't find women attractive. It's the age of aesthetics, and we must revive the old aesthetic of the soviet era in full, because there is a lot of sex appeal to invoking communism. After all Che was a hottie.
You might right this off as ID-pol, but the embrace of masculine values is the path to power. This doesn't mean we should be a dick to women or trannies though. We still fight for proletarian values, but we must show and tell our virtues by gaining large muscles and becoming so good looking that even the right will jerk off to us. We must become good at video games so that we can harness the power of gamers to our side.
Abandon the SJW shit, forget about 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧marxism🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, and stop advocating for open borders. That's how you can actually appeal to working class people.
Henry Barnes
The White Left has aligned itself with transnational conglomerates and debauchery. Luckily, they don't reproduce and they'll be replaced. Turd world left are just right wing brown people that rich White lefties like to keep around.
Adrian Hughes
We aren't trying to get more suburban teenage suburban boys on our side. Also proles love socdem policies which is why America doesn't make it easy for them to vote and tried very hard to pretend they don't even exist.
Leo Richardson
My God, it's pure ideology.
Seriously, OP, if you want to gauge the relative strength of the left and right and what the causes might be for those relative strengths, maybe actually look at some hard data instead of just giving us your impression of various irrelevant Youtubers.
Jonathan Walker
If you ever start to believe that there is an identity that transcends class or relations to the productive forces of society (e.g., 'The White Left'), you have left the realm of materialism and entered into idealism.
David Peterson
People vote right wing out of anger or desperation, not because their values make any sense. The left needs to reject emotional appeals entirely.
Jaxon Robinson
There are some points I disagree with but other than that I completely agree with the rest.
Because trots arent illiterate like â˜TANKIEâ˜s.
Chase Bennett
It's winning minds though.
Logan Walker
I think you're being a little glum, but I can understand. How exactly? We've seen riots, black blocs as well as prison strikes. So unless you want to demean the actions of anarchists which seems to be a growing trend then yeah, no shit it looks defeatist to you. Problem is, we have an issue of shifting the over-ton window. If we're talking about the first world left, we are fighting an over-ton window. Where? You mean the drop-kicks who bitch about minorities in vidya? Where exactly is he popular as a whole? True, most people who would support Trump are white folks, but they don't represent the entirety of the population. And furthermore, which ""white"" people? Internationally or in Burgerstan? Mostly based off drama mongering and their fanbase post-gamer gate. Most of youtube politics can be traced back to them. No shit they're bigger, they capitalised on this shit and grew in size. And let's be honest, when most people find out their bullshit, they'll be quick to move away. Most of what they do is the same shit over and over again. However, if you want to gain traction, make vids surrounding new political events. A video on socialist history is all well and good, but spending 24/7 defending (insert socialist icon here) against (x, y, or z) lies, is slightly redundant. Liberals and succ-dems sure, but I'd say they're useful in shifting the over-ton window. You're right that the contemporary left doesn't have much appeal outside of the occaisonal response vid debunking right wing bullshit and shitpost, but even when they do, algorithm's that you might see would shift to right wing vids. For example when I made the unite the right amerimutt boogaloo vid, I saw the recommended vids were stacked with black pigeon speaks and Jared Taylor recommendations. They're too busy obsessing over history while purity spiralling and supporting causes and people which most people have negative views of, not to mention willing to demean other forms of theory without reading anything about them. Where? Australia has a booming union movement (though where that goes has yet to be seen), America staged prison strikes, Jeremy Corbyn is still a popular politician in britain.
How deep into Internet Ideology are you right now, user? Also: you have to be kidding me. This post cant be serious Sage because of absolute retarded OP
seriously OP I see you post a lot and it's all "the left is doomed because these e-celebs are right wing". you sound like a teenager to invested in internet drama. follow your own advice and start working out, getting laid and maybe read some books. you're too obsessed with memes
Brody Collins
Eh, I post with the â˜TANKIE☠flag not because I’m some rot brain M-L who thinks his outdated theory is still applicable to the modern bazaar of fragmented neoliberal capitalism, but because I realize Marxism is not either inherently libertarian or authoritarian, but due to the circumstances we deal with internationally, probably have to in general use ‘authoritarian’ solutions.
Also tanks are sick
Good post
Wyatt Taylor
Look, Contra's vid said a lot of true things but we can't only be show and aesthetics. We need to mix this with actual arguments, facts, and reason for the people who are actually smart or willing to learn. Most people who only get into politics for aesthetics will only be useful idiots. that vid still made me want to eat a bullet though
Daniel Howard
What left? Where are the leftists you speak of? Assuming, of course, you are talking about the socialist left. Donald Trump isnt the world, for one. Two, there wasnt a meaningful alternative to Trump. Hillary is just a based woman who would have been polite. Bernie Sanders is an establishment cuck, but he was the "more socialistic" choice and he was immensely popular. Thirdly, he isnt a popular leader. projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ I literally just looked up "trump approval rating" to find this. Fourthly, education is a cesspool and the media is entirely capitalist. Blaming people for being Capitalist is like blaming cows in a slaughterhouse for being dead. No one is in control of what society teaches them. They cant offer solid alternatives, they do not have benefits of being pro establishment, AND they are often idiots. In short, it is no surprise that the dumb and uninsightful can not overcome societal conditioning. A lack of these people gaining success shouldnt be seen as a failure of the left; it should be seen as a blessing. One less redliberal is one less reformist, one less based black man who sees both sides, etc… This is just defeatism. This is a pure, uncut example of idealism. Instead of "These are the conditions that are shaping the minds of the proletariat" or a likewise statement, you are accusing people of having some inner flaw that makes them love oppression. This is truly baseless and should be thrown out by any who believe it. >ecelebs Oof The left is failing to exist at all, really. Why does this sound like a bad anime? I mean seriously, "raw masculine power"? Perhaps we need to find the mystic springs to rejuvenate our chakras so we can generate enough "raw masculine power" to win the karate tournament? This is stupid. The left isnt failing because of a lack of aesthetics. I cant even argue against this because my mind fails to grasp what you could be getting at. Dare I even wonder? Idealism, idealism, idealism. Really, no one needs to be swole. Are you going to be killing people? Running around and lifting things? No? You dont need to be swole. Do it if you want to though, it is a great use of your time and a wholly respectful pursuit. But lets all be realistic, for the vast, vast majority of people across time, no one was swole. Really, modern day combat makes having big muscles more irrelevant. Troop movement is an endurance game, and piloting isnt a strength activity. Thats about the entirety of human warefare summed up. Now, if you were suggesting muscles for politics, thats really autistic. Women do not care about muscles like you think they do. If they did, we would have a terribly declining birth rate because most men do not have large muscles. I hate to break it to you, but those guys who tell you no one likes you because you are skinny fat are just shitposting. This will do nothing for anyone. Virtues are a human thing and should not be cut across the sexes, and neother should Communism, just to address this whole post's vibe. No
Kevin Baker
Luis Cox
Wow. You're failing to draw people, and your response is to become good looking and good at video games. Something tells me that blue wave isn't coming. Here's some thoughts. These are things that would get me voting left again. Oppose mass surveillance. Oppose interventionism. End the drug war. Shut down the secret prisons. Where the fuck did the left's morals go? Make a stand! You people seriously wanted Clinton, and she's a warlord. You fail because you offer nothing.
Blake Walker
Sorry but this sounds so cringy, never repeat any of this in public or pretend it's a good idea.
Something tells me you'd be interested in the social democratic leftists over in the Green Party and on Secular Talk if this is the kind of shit you're worried about rather than class issues.
Jayden Myers
it's not like those are unrelated things, but addressing them without class perspective is pretty sad reformist bs in itself i guess
Bentley Watson
The odd thing about Zig Forums and these d-list YouTube celebrities is that it all adds up to voting… Trump. If they're American. They see themselves as the radical right, but the outcome is voting for a game-show celebrity from Manhattan who is carrying out the same neoliberal policies as his predecessors. All this energy is being expended so nothing really changes.
I'm in my thirties and I honestly have no idea most of these people are. I know about Contra and Sargon. I would reckon that most people around where I live have no clue about any of them though. Even among my local lefty D*SAers (I live in Texas), they might know about Contra… maybe.
I have waisted a lot of my life on the internet and even idk rags Mr metokour is an autistic edgelord that became famous by copying ED articles, he was never really famous or influencial Sargon is hated by everyone… i am pretty sure most of his subs are from people that have forgeted to unsub In general the op is a poltard tbh
I'm gonna leave other people to make fun of you but you do realise that the entirety of the overwhelming support for the "right" on youtube is Astroturfed, Brigaded & Botted right? It's really not difficult to get sockpuppet accounts to upvote or post videos in backwater Zig Forums discords, and we all know about how Thinktanks, NGOs, Corporations employ people to literally astroturf responses to things. I've personally encountered a ton of of bots or autistis who will do things like delete their comments when replied to and repost them, mysteriously garnering droves of likes after they do so.
I hope you're not half-serious with this shitpost.
Robert Wilson
WEW ok I see now this is a Defeatism Troll thread, you were probably linked here by OP
Austin Stewart
the left hasn't quite figured out the appeal of the aut-right yet, but they're working on it.
Mmm yep. Well my feeling is that these YouTube d-celebs are just responding to audience demand. When you got hundreds of millions of people on the internet of course you're gonna get dozens of millions of right-wingers on there too.
The lefties out there building channels are guys like Jimmy "Buckshot the Bourgeoisie" Dore and he's a good, honest guy. If you build it, they will come.
lmao @ Fareed Zakaria. He thinks Bernie Sanders' milquetoast social democrat positions are evidence of crazed radicalism. Then he wonders why people vote for right-wing parties.
3 million less votes. Than Hillary Clinton. That was 2016, he's in the toilet now.
Nope. What you're seeing RE whites is essentially still the GOP/DNC rift. This can be totally subverted with anti-idpol, because that really is all it is. The Geeks thing is probably a total fallacy - it's the whitebreadiest of "geeks" who like this guy.
I see Contra posted more than Metokur nowadays - but who knows, I could be wrong about where that's going. Sargon is a perpetual joke, and his heyday was years ago.
They don't really. Jim Hightower (a "progressive" ftr, not even full socdem afaik) successfully explained the situation back in the '90s. Economically, a lot of rural social conservatives would be relatively left-wing if those policies were presented by the Dems instead of just more neoliberalism and idpol. The Dems won't challenge the corporatization of rural labor, now, so the Republicans do the "next best thing" and offer subsidies and appeasement to corporations which specifically operate rurally.
Not really afaik.
The first step in not being a little bitch is to stop thinking you're a little bitch. Which I guess means I agree. I mean, I think leftypol already knows this stuff, but I know it was big during the last years of Obama - someone took me to see Maleficent, and it was a double feature with How to Tame Your Dragon 2, where the villain is loudmanlyMcManowar and the hero of course is a 20-something pussy who would have been like 13 if it were the same character an '80s flick. You can be anti-chauvinist without just arbitrarily hating every "masculine" thing, yeah.
Connor Phillips
That's because the only people doing anything about it are fat liberal-esque SJWs, because we really have no reason to go outside and insult people's country.
Going to the street to yell about how the past is wrong and that innocent people should feel guilty of it because of their skin colour is alienating and retarded, again only white SJWs who live in protected bubbles think this is something worth talking about in such awkward manner today.
Sebastian Perry
Nailed it.
Kevin Collins
I noticed the left tries to appeal to the working class, and is subsequently perceived universally as the 'those pro-labor guys'. There is a problem with this, the identity of the left to the public is rooted in these things as the primary concern, as the fundamental impulse, when this is not true. The left is not about the workers, its about abolishing classes. This has the result of being pro worker in the end but only due to practicality and necessity. This is where the problem lies, particularly in america, where workers dont even necessarily self identify as working class. Its well and good to say that it is workers who will need to take action to actually cause change, but this is a practical matter, if you are worried about winning ideological support then 'class struggle' will just fade into all the identity politics out there and be seen as nothing unique or new to the average person. The message of abolishing classes however can be walked through to make an argument about how everybody (or nearly everybody) would be better off, and how problems would be solved.
Aaron White
Nice try FBI
Anthony Brooks
Its self sabotage to spend all that effort appealing to a class when the goal is to abolish class. When you learn the fundamental root of the worlds problems you cant stop seeing it, everywhere you look your mind easily sees how it inevitably comes back to disproportionate control of wealth and the ability for some to exploit the labor of others to snowball into vast and powerful economic entities which hold sway over the population. The idea alone is all that needs to be communicated clearly, its a self extracting compressed file. Teach it to everyone and they will synthesize socialism on their own.
Lincoln Sanchez
Look, I go on here and Zig Forums and I still don't get why the fuck you retards are even voting for Democrats or the Zeitgeist """"""""""""Leftist""""""""""" parties even though the "right" parties right now probably align more with your politics if I'm to believe you guys are actually communists and not "communists".
Asher Butler
Not when only one class (the working class) is capable of leading the movement for the abolition of classes.
No one disputes that a classless society is in the best interest of everyone on the planet, but abolishing classes only appeals to the immediate material interest of the working class, so they are the only viable vehicle for revolutionary change. Even the petty bourgeois, who objectively get fucked by capital, are incapable of leading the charge because of their intermediate position between labor (the force for progress) and capital (the force for first stagnation and then for reaction).
Communists don't appeal to the working class because we believe in a working class society; indeed, once the bourgeoisie have been eliminated, the 'working class' ceases to be an intelligible concept at all. We appeal to the working class because they are the primary force for revolutionary change in our current society.
Eli Torres
why are anprims so retarded always
Landon Powell
As i said, practically. The problem is in the current era of identity politics there are many identities to chose from. Why would a working class person pick 'working class' as an identity when they are behind handed so many other options with much louder public support? Why say "im being oppressed because im lower class" when you can say "im being oppressed because im race/sex" to loud public applause? Unfortunately the class message has been drowned out by idpol because normal people dont see a difference. This is why i say instead the fundamental concept must be focused on with out invoking class antagonism, you want antagonism against the concept of class, idpol can not follow this because it would self destruct since it draws its power from the thing it criticizes instead of seeking to abolish it.
Luke Phillips
Nathan Lopez
So you never go here Here's a (you) though
Nathan Torres
you niggers sure seem fucking excited about them lol
There are socialist parties, so I'm not sure exactly why a communist would vote GOP or Knights' Party or Nazi. What is your rationale here?
Josiah Campbell
Nigger, do you think you have anything to gain from lying like this or are you actually just retarded?
Noah Phillips
that never happened grug dont you have some rocks to bang together for warmth?
Ryder Thompson
this is how i know you're a darkie lol
pretty sure you guys were bernouts tho besides that claim's just like how Zig Forumsfags like to say they never really supported trump once it turned out he wasnt hitler 2.0
Jason Richardson
No we actually tolerate dissent unlike 100%of all othrr ideology. Read book ya cuck
Jace Anderson
That's my point communists are (and i hate to use this terminology) inherently homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, et cetera stop aligning yourself with people who care about that, you'll never create a strong movement that way. but i'm guessing a lot of you guys are fucking mentally ill reddit rejects who are simultaneously too edgy for liberalism and too faggotted for actual communism
FYI a lot of leftypol supported Trump just out of how shit it'd be for the US. I didn't.
Your point is that you have no point? Is your point a circle?
Sebastian Richardson
Nice non-response.
Wyatt Johnson
Your assertion was a non sequitur.
Jackson Anderson
It was a response to the image, and more-than-tangentally related to the thread
Luke Barnes
I will address some common complaints.
1. Why obsess over youtubers? Because they portray themselves as unbiased independent reporters who are able to sway the masses view over what is acceptable and not. Do you seriously believe that people are able to independently think? Of course not, because people are largely programed either through the womb or through media. Have you ever seen anybody actually change at all? Religious boomers stay religious boomers, Gen Xers remain to be nihilists, and the boomers remain to be spineless and lost. Generation X is falling to the sweet poison of fascism, as all the discords I am in shows me that communism is viewed as a joke and they constantly talk about helicopters and how evil commies are. All Gen Xers give a damn about is video games, and all the reactionaries talk about video games in order to trap the youth into their ideology.
Rural folks remain reactionary 'til their dying breath, urban folk have no means of fighting against those with guns and food. In any revolution the hicks will be able to have a stranglehold over food and effectively destroy any active revolt against the capitalist class. The CIA and FBI have infiltrated everything, making even those aware of their presence afraid of doing anything at all. Even if the proles hate being oppressed, they also hate communists much more and the only thing they care about is cheap, shitty beer and the ability to look down at negros. This is the state of America, in Europe things are somehow even worst.
Needless to say, the left is doomed and the world is shit and getting worst. People think corporations are the left because they have a few fags and negros in it. EA and Nintendo have legions of fans that will defend them to their deaths, simply because they bring out distractions and trinkets made from the labor of overworked video game creators.
The right controls the memes of production, and they have us outflanked in the meme creation side of things, even if we think it is lame, the proles love that shit because they WANT to be oppressed. The pain that they feel validates their existence and people are adverse to change as much as possible. If life was a story, everyone would be a static character, unchanging and unable to adapt to anything at all. This is why fascism will succeed, because everyone is afraid of the collapse of capitalism.
Heed my warnings or don't, it doesn't matter in the end. I'd rather die red than live brown.
Leo Wilson
This is fine.
Andrew Rivera
its fucking youtube you tard noone in real life give a flying fucks about them literally only 14 y ear old magapede burger mutt kids
Henry Hughes
Labour and hard work are more important than children
Kayden Davis
Jacob Price
Go to bed Foucault
Jaxson Reed
Just find some sexy people to be the face and have the brains help guide them.
Alexander Johnson
oy vey
Henry Cooper
Jason Richardson
fool's errand Hneoliberalguy and Shawn and Hontrahon exist to confirm biases and reassure deviantart graduates. outreach was never on the itinerary they do. it's conditioned into you we could improve our optics overall, she's correct. stupid fucking twitter memes from five years ago aren't the avenue for it not going to help. will 100% alienate the FALGSC crowd and chappie trappies who've been exposed to like 15 years of Brooklyn washouts whining about frat boys online. would definitely weird out regular people too
you're never going to convince political illiterates raised in the United States in this environment. material conditions will have to get horrendously bad before they'll be receptive