/Leftybritpol/ - Liverpool Rising Edition

Lads, it seems our thread is bumplocked again. As such, another thread for your Britpol needs. This edition starts with the on-going Liverpool Conference, which seems pretty based so far.

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want me to make the previous thread cyclical?
gimme a yay or nay

I normally make these threads and I want to say nay: purely from the standpoint that it is nicer to renew every one in a while.

If god forbid corbyn loses the next election will their still be a chance for someone with similar views to him to step up to the plate or will the blairites basically use it as a excuse to throw away everything corbyns done?

Chances are a soft-left person will take over, so the ideas will be watered down but the Blairites will never get in power in Labour again, not for a long time.
Besides a lot of the Corbyn project is extra-electoral: it's trade unionists and civil society orgs working together for a lot of shit.

When will Corbyn and MacDonnel exile all the Tories to the frozen gulags of Newport?

And it sells well.

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The left is firmly in charge of Labour now. Corbyn won a massive mandate in 2016 when Labour was doing shit in the polls so I don't think electoral failure would make much difference. And now that you only need 5% of MPs to nominate a leader there's no chance of a Corbynite candidate failing to get on the ballot.

Well it's 10% but I imagine next election we may see at-least two Corbynites, more if soft-left pro-Corbyn peeps like Rayner or Lammy get on.

All of the conservative student union members at my uni (of which there are very few) literally look like reviewbrah but of course without the charm.

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Yeah tbh. I have never met a young tory member that wasn't a right prick, and I'm from a tory safe seat.

if Jezza loses, you lot should just go full-on Robespierre on the blairites, completely unironically.

something something NAZBOL GANG

Luciana Berger has demanded (and got) a police escort at the Labour conference because she is so very at risk of antisemitic violence. Pretty brave of her to come at all tbh.

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spot the difference
pro tip: you can't

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Why did the unions help block mandatory reselection? And will it get through next year?

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you all dun goofed

first as tragedy, then as farce

Melenchon and Corbyn are not sons of rich capitalist parents to my knowledge? Have they written any noteworthy books? Also Marx was German while le Melon man is French.

Other than that yeah, totally identical.

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I fucking love HItchens. But yes, his "Blair was a eurocommunist, Corbyn is a patriotic British socialist" is wrong, it is also useful for selling to various people. Also he equates eurocommunism with idpol and thus separating Corbyn from idpol is a good thing.


The next leader of the party will be on the left and will be endorsed by Corbyn. But unfortunately the Bennite roots of Corbyn and McDonnell are not shared by the younger generation of the Labour left, which is far more pro-EU and less sympathetic to genuine socialism. I fear that while guys like McDonnell are constantly trying to pull Labour leftwards (towards their privately held positions), their replacements will be satisfied with what Corbyn leaves them.

I fucking hate the Hitchens, both of them. Middlebrow brainlets with delusions of grandeur. Maybe they're a bit more interesting than generic liberals or conservatives but they have promoted horrible shit and contributed to the perception that leftism is something to be grown out of.

Lads, I fear that if Jezza wants to win the election, he will have to capitulate to the EU to gain the votes of pro remain and soft brexit voters which if he does will curtail their control over the economy. If the tory deal fails to pass(which it probably will) and a new election is called, Labour must run on a platform of at least soft Brexit if not a second referendum or even just flat out remaining. What can be done to ensure UK's economic independence in case of a Corbyn government?

You forgot to mention that their beards are inferior too.

Also fuck me this is quality, the real good stuff.

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Can anyone here explain how electionds in the UK work? Like how are PMs elected.

Had me until the nogs and the wogs.

You know it's insincere.

I will remember when people say Corbyn is pro-Brexit more than UKIP.

And I will tell them he lies.

Nah mate, there's a lot behind the scenes: Pidcock is almost certainly a crypto (she did poli in Manchester and her other actions say it), Momentum has a lot of interesting radical stuff, the fucking Fabians are saying people need to go further and an entire generation is actually getting educated. The thing is with Corbynism is that it cannot be killed: it is in the heart of a generation now.

You would rather see us all suffer than help a few people with more melanin: just admit you're a cunt lad.

bet you don't even live near any of them lad.

Nah, m8, I would like to help brits, not nogs and wogs.

I would prefer not to.

Nah, all we need is a soft brexit deal that is far /enough/ away so we can ignore state aid rules. He knows the game, McDonnell knows the game, and while Kier is a remainer at heart he is also committed to the platform: and considering his understanding of EU law he will find a way of making it work. It is true that the remaining Kippers and Lord Tory Brexiteers will get triggered by the deal but tbh Britain doesn't need free trade, just the ability for the state to reorganise our economy. Besides, European capital has far greater threats than a reasonable brexit (Italy for example).
Also there is the 2019 election factor: if Varoufakis GANG does well we will be bretty gud.

Restructuring the economy helps them since it helps us all, you would rather not see that happen because it helps them and thus condemn us all.
Fuck off bruv, you're no better than a tory.

I would remove them while we are restructuring the economy m8.

Perfect excuse.

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So you don't live near none of them, yet you want to remove them? fucking mug, you'd rather keep the boot on everyone in this country because you might not get your Nazi masturbation fantasy, bet those fucking "wogs" & "nogs" care more about this country and the people that live here than you do, so why shouldn't we remove faggots like you?

Yes, deport people who were born in this country to where exactly?

Yeah, I would prefer not to.

To where their ancestors come from, just ask them, they will tell you. They are incredibly proud of their home country.

And for what purpose? What if they say Britain? I me-.
See you are just a closet tory, shilling for capital because black people might be helped in its felling. Fuck off cunt.

so uh. the french-canadian-descended part of my family would have to go back, right? or do the white ones get to stay?

Just depopulate Britain until it's only people of 100% Celtic ancestry tbh

Purging the Norman aristos and the krauts is the first step to british socialism.

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For the brit people of course.

Wogs and nogs do not believe in Britain. This is not America.

Yes, because french means african nowadays.

One of the finer parts of growing older is gaining appreciation for things, Peter Hitchens certainly did so, and I appreciate his reminder that the world is a lot older and bigger than the youthful perceive it to be.

What is this, the 1970s?

Tbh the celts were European invaders we need to pure everyone since they original neolithic population is dead.

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Pick one lad

We need to reconstruct neolithic as a language of our people, create our neolithic nationalist party, get official minority status for our neolithic people and get the EU declare it a human right violations of a national minority if we lose funding.

West Doggerland for the Doggerlandix.

We Doggerlandix demand an end to indo-european colonial normativity, the stigmatization and marginalization of the traditions of the Doggerlandix community is fuelling a climate of hatred and exclusion. We demand a BBC Doggerland.

We also demand terrestrial land rights over the entirety of the north sea, a part of our ancestral home.

People vote for the MP who represents their constituency.
The MP's are usually members of a party.
Members of the party select the person they want to be leader of the party (JC or Theresa May)
The MP's nominate a prime minister from among their ranks.
The party with the most MP's gets to choose, and they will choose their party leader.
Technically you are only voting for your local MP, but most people are swayed by who the prime minister will be, and vote on that basis.

can someone post the stewart lee bit and tell this guy to fuck off?


100% they do not sing that: the syllaballs don't fit.

will there be football culture under socialism?

sounds fine to me. then again I pronounce arsenal closer to "arse-null" so whatever

And when is the next election happening?


Most fans I know say "Ar'-sen-ull".

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Scheduled for May of 2022, likely to happen before that. An election requires 2/3rds of parliament to approve it or a no confidence motion ot pass and 14 days of no one being able to form a government.

Of course, but like in Yugoslavia all clubs will be called
Red Star, Young, Steelworks, Partisans, Brotherhood, Unanimity and so on

fair. guess it's a black country pronunciation thing, since "arsenull" is basically how I've always heard it here

Gooners out

Excuse me this is an lfc thread

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Thing is I'm from the East of England, which would make you think we pronounce it differently but nowadays most gooners commute into London.

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makes sense since Woolwich Arsenal commuted into North London to begin with.

union FCs would be pretty fun.

Tbh Momentum organised an international five-a-side footie tournament.

*interfactional sorry.

Any user's here got a clip of Jason Unruhe saying "Fucking end yourself"?

Anyone here been watching that Michael Palin doc on channel 5 where he's travelling to Best Korea?

So is Corbyn a socdem or a demsoc? What are your takes?

Legitimate DemSoc, and his is surrounded by actual marxists.

I haven't watched it yet, but I've always assumed Palin is atleast roughly left wing considering he was part of Monty Python.
I'll update when i see it tomorrow.

DemSoc LARPING as SuccDem

How do you guys know he’s a legit comrade and not a socdem?

You managed to see it yet?

I thought it was pretty good, aside from a couple dumb things he said in the narration where I couldn't help but eye-roll

Pic related is his best mate and shadow chancellor.

Monty python might be situationists tbh, Terry Gilliam made fucking Brazil, a major part of their shtick was deconstructing british nationalism & reactionaryism that existed in the 1960s & 70s, Cleese despite being a Liberal since the 1980s supports Corbyn & calls the media out on its shit, and they sound familiar at-least with some marxist theory & university trotskyism (people's front of Judea, Marx vs Lenin vs Mao vs Che gameshow ect.).

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Eh opinion of DPRK is changing: the common line atm should be encouraging peaceful and mutual reunification of the two Koreas: that way you shut down the libs and the warhawks.

Yeah i just saw it a few hours ago, i feel pretty much exactly how you do.
I really really appreciate how respectful he was, he didn't once talk down to anybody, and a part from a few parts of the naration which he probably HAD to say tbh the whole thing was great

I havent watched as much Monty Python as i should have, but i always assumed they were leftists because of that bit in Holy Grail with anarcho-syndicalist commune joke plus the "peoples front of Judea" vs the "Judean peoples front" joke

I don't know if they are leftists, but they have a very solid understanding of marxism et al.
As I said, John Cleese was an Alliance and then Lib Dem supporter.


IF a hard Brexist happens, there’s no going back. England left the ship. There’s no going back. No “second referendum” or anything else. Besides if it’s smarter for Britain to trade with former colonies like India than with the EU. Besides a lot of the people who want a second referendum are petty bourgs and labor aristocrats. Jermy will be wasting his time trying to court him. Instead he should go after workers in the North of England who vote UKIP or don’t vote at all.

When Jermey comes to power, should he kill all the aristocrats, or let them live in a new home.

Literally who does that? LMAO

They can just go to Canada as the Escape plan states and we can Jam all TV and Radio Broadcasts from that Doomed continent
MonarchyBoos Burgers and AnCraps can all just go live together

In 2015 they had 10% of the votes.

Yeah the thing about that is….

mind if we borrow corbyn a bit? we need it badly rn

t. netherlands

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You actually had him for a bit: independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/corbyn-european-social-democrats-reject-austerity-neoliberalism-warning-a8432511.html

Watching this, and thinking about what Labor is offering and what the Tories have done to Britain, i honestly struggle to find any sort of reason as too why anyone from the working class wouldn't vote for them. Am i just incredible disenfranchised from the average working class voter? Is there something I'm missing from the Tories that make people go "hey i know that by all means my life would be far easier for myself and far better for my children with better healthcare, free transport, controlled capitalism and power being given to the workers, but this election I'm voting Conservative"

Like it honestly boggles my mind that someone who works a 9 to 5 job and gets yelled at by their boss on the daily could watch that and immediately discard Labor as a real option

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I don't disagree with Jeremy wasting his time courting 2nd Referendum people, because that's just a strategy to split the leave vote and basically no-one wants the hardest possible Brexit because that just gives license to Tories allied with Domestic Capital to absolute gut the Working Class in the intermediary. However people in the North of England don't vote UKIP for the most part, UKIP is a meme party and at least 60% of former UKIP voters came back to Labour after Brexit was won, because the working class in a place that was decimated by Tories aren't so spooked that they would vote to get fucked again.

I know but I really doubt the PVDA is gonna follow his advice
if they're not retards they should already know what to do, you don't need corbyn to tell you to reject neoliberalism

Never underestimate the power of class cuckery.

A lot of working class people do not vote, a lot of it has to do with New Labour cucking out and general apathy: it can be best explained by the 4th most "non represented view" being anti-war, despite Labour last election running on an perhaps the most anti-war platform it has since 1983. Also a decent amount of working class people voted tory in 2017 because they want to see brexit: in a post-brexit election Labour could really court those people back. And a decent chunk of nationalists are turned off labour because "muh mudslims" or "muh gommunist traidor".

What does labor offer the working class? It offers a lot to the middle class but I haven't seen much in the way of working class policies.

What labor will do when they get in is appease the middle class with "affordable housing" in London (meaning housing that's NOT affordable to the working class but is just in the range of middle class incomes). And give some concessions to students.

Labor realizes who the voices are in the UK, if you appease the middle class, they will extol your name in the press/media. The working class will not. Working class people get token appearances and are hardly seen again until some middle class prat wants to legitimize himself/herself as a "leftist".


Labor is not doing anything about this. NHS will proceed to be under threat from further public spending cuts even under labor.

Sorry for being cynical but all I hear are weasel words.

You legitimately don't understand what Labour is offering: for example last week McDonnell put forward a plan for 10 million workers in this country to gain representation on boards and income directly from company profits. And this is just the start. We are past socdem taxing and spending (which you yourself seem to doubt), we are hitting some real shit.
Oh and the best part? McDonnell has basically just said he willing to engage in Socialist Shock Therapy.