Where can I learn more about Marxist education in the Soviet Union?
What aspects of Marxism were and weren't taught? Especially curious about education under Stalin.
Marxism in the Soviet Union
there's some interesting stuff about schools in the soviet union here:
Russian children go to school at the age between 6 and 7. They attend school for 10 years and then finish it at 16 (or17). If one does not perform properly during the acadenic year and one's grades are below satisfactory, he or she can be forced to study the failed year again ('to be left for the second year' as it is said here in Russia). They usually spend all the ten years in one buildingas all the three schools are in the same building.
School years are divided into 3 sub-schools: primary, secondary and high. Primary is 4 years, secondary is 5 and high is 2. School starts on September 1 and remains in session till the end of May, with June being the month of exams.
The school year is comprised of 4 terms with vacations in between: one week in November, two weeks in January, one week in the end of March and almost 3 months in summer (except for the time when students are busy with their exams).
Some subjects are a must, some are optional. This is list of the normal classes tought at Russian schools:
* Russian Literature
* Russian Langauge
* Mathematics
* Algebra and Geometry (mostly studied in senior classes),
* Physics
* Chemistry
* Russian History
* World History
* Geography
* Biology
* Foreign Languages (English, German, French, or Spanish), usually one at a time
* Physical Educaion
* Cooking, Arts and Crafts (for girls)
* Manual Work (for boys)
* Art of Drawing
* Music
* Astronomy
Some scools may devote more attention to certain subjects. Then it is a Spanish, Literature or Math school, whatever the area of the major school interest is.
The normal class size is 20-30 students.The students are together from the 1st till the last grade. The primary school pupils have one teacher for all the subjects tought (reading, writing, mathematics etc). As so children do not have to adjust to every new teacher of a differnt subject.
The school day normally starts at 8 o'clock in morning and finishes at 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Students come to school 5 days a week, some study on Saturdays.
The period lasts 40-45 minutes with a 5 or 15 minute break in between. Students have four classes a day in the primary school, five or six in the secondary, six or seven if it is the senior high school.
Students are normally graded on the scale from 2 to 5 , with "5" being the top grade. Each student has his or her personal book of records of academic achievments, or the "diary" (the word, a lot of students and teachers would call it), where the teacher would record the grades for the student after a test or an oral report.
Unless you went to school in Russia then don't post things you have not experienced. I went to school in St. Petersburg from 75 till 79 before my Father got moved to a new position out of the Country. I never had to take apart any guns. I did get taught about the lies of the West and how they would someday try to rule the World. Imagine that huh.
messed up greentext woops
Marxist education in Soviet colleges consisted of such subjects as: Scientific Communism, Diamat, Histmat, Political Economy and Scientific Atheism. Even if your degree wasn't about social sciences scientific marxism was mandatory, like philosophy is often today.
Later if you have specific questions I could help with answers.
You keep posting this picture, what is wrong with it? Reading is authoritarian?
he's trying to burn people because the library shelf has a lot of copies of Collected Works of Lenin, like its somehow not a popular book in the birthplace of Marxist-Leninism. Imagine if people thought it was weird that US libraries had a lot of those books politicians write to explain their (donors) views.
Those aren't copies, the latter editions of the collected works of Lenin have over 50 individual tomes.
she's owning the gabidalisd tangies :-DDD
There was quite a lot, and a lot of pro western Russians complain that Soviet education was poor because of all the Marx related classes.
Uh…owned…epic style? I guess?
i mean its butterfly so
she's posted it like 50 times already and knowing how she has to shoehorn shitting on ☭TANKIE☭s in every single thread i'm gonna assume the image is supposed to BTFO us somehow
she didn't even post anything useful, just the same old pic of lenin books
soviet boomers
oh yeah and in case you think that's my story it isn't
i was supposed to greentext the whole thing from the soviet empire thread but i goofed
look closer, that's not an encyclopaedia
What's wrong with owning the collection of works of Lenin?
You weren't allowed to read Capital because students kept pointing out that the Soviet Union was still a capitalist nation.
Hello where are the proofs
no it wasn't.
Hello, where are the proofs?
It's simply deranged leftcom bullshit. Das Kapital was reprinted dozens of times in the USSR, was available in every book store and was put down as mandatory reading in every university course and textbook.
das kapital was not banned in the USSR, and there is no evidence of this at all that i can find.
if you're going to peddle such a bold claim, you have to provide the proofs.
Well, you see, the USSR reprinted Das Kapital dozens of times and there are references to it in every Soviet book on political economy…but in reality only nomenklatura could read it. All copies of Das Kapital available to proles were actually blank or just quotations of Stalin printed under a fake cover.
you might say this jokingly but i can imagine people believing shit like this
i swear to karl marx (pbuh) you are the dumbest poster on this board
stalin ate all the copies of capital and that's why ukraine starved
the anarchists man, they were like *smokes* freeing their inner beasts man…
they were the ones giving the people real das kapital but then the fucking capitalist ☭TANKIE☭s ran all the copies over with tanks and took away their freedom
Damn Stalin had a varied diet. Copies of Capital, rain water straight from the clouds, all the Ukrainian crops, German babies…
those goddamn ☭TANKIE☭s and their mean ol state killed all the real workers and made them read lenin instead of marx, marx was actually banned
proof? here's my libcom article
don't forget the flesh of all the freedom loving libertarian socialist heroes
you forgot how he also ate happiness and made everything grey
here's a picture the ☭TANKIE☭s do not want you to see, which was hidden by the NKVD in the secret archives
That I can believe.
This is not me
Lenin was dumb on purpose, I am just a self taught working class nothing. What's your excuse, NEET?
i could hardly call you "self-taught" because that implies you'd actually know something
>Marxist-Leninism is he only thing worth knowing. Therefore you know essentially nothing.