Why do so many leftists absolutely hate cops? I don't understand, is leftism against law and order?
Why do so many leftists absolutely hate cops? I don't understand, is leftism against law and order?
Every state has a class-character of some sort. For example, nearly every country on Earth is under control, directly or indirectly, by its country's bourgeoisie. The servants of the state (police, standing army) serve the bourgeoisie class state, which is why they will have to be abolished if a dictatorship of the proletariat was to be established. Failing to do this is partially what lead to Allende's downfall.
Whose law? Whose order?
Y E S !!
Do you think any society can function if people are allowed to harass and violate others scott free? I think we can all agree that any society larger than a small tribe needs to enforce some basic laws to protect the community. I don't understand cop hate, it seems juvenile especially for someone who subscribes to a communal philosophy on life
Do you believe that morality exists? Is it ok to rape women?
Anarchists are against cops outright
M-L's hate cops under capitalism but think some form of police in the transitional state makes sense
The point is that Leftists hate cops under capitalism because they began objectively as mafias working for property owners to protect capital and have expanded to regulate the social lives of the proletariat down to the last detail in the 21st Century particularly in the USA if they are poor and/or brown people
You have some reading up to do. Even if it's just surface level, you really ought to read Stirner and Proudhon to start with.
I resort to giving you source material, because I'm kind of tired of going over the basics all the time
That is not true. If I see a drunk driver I call the cops, because I can possibly save lives, obviously. This is the truth about the current policing stratum: 1) their services are at best tangentially allied with 'common sense' or 'common ethics'; 2) they almost always in reality in the service of the status quo and the ruling class.
'Law' under capitalism is first and foremost bourgeois law. When it (rarely) serves the community, I'm for it, I use it, when it (most of the times) serves the ruling class, I'm against it.
What should be done with the police under and after the revolution is a completely different topic altogether. Lurk more, faggot.
reminder to hide namefags. They will be sent to gulag after the revolution, don't worry.
nice retard
where is that study that showed alternative forms of justice ended up leading to safer communities than cops?
morality is law
Whose law? Whose order? Not ours!
We don't have "basic laws to protect the community." We have bourgeois laws to protect private property and bourgeois class interests, meant to oppress and exploit the proletariat, meant to advance imperialist interests. Cops don't protect you. Cops don't serve you. Cops will kill you without a second thought if you so much as look at them funny. If you don't understand cop hate, you don't understand very much at all, do you?
What is the end goal? That everyone will hold hands and sing kumbaya? Don't get me wrong, I'm against oppressive authority that has no use, but I don't understand this type of utopian thinking, it's quite sheltered.
No thank you
(totally debunked by Marx 200 years ago)
(totally debunked by Marx 200 years ago)
They are the defenders of the Bourgeoisie states and the first ones to step in to break up strikes and abuse the lower classes
Not our law and order, their law and order protect the rich and punish the working classes.
Local enforced justice focusing on rehabilitation without the need to have a oppressive state controlling the lives of local communities, anyway crime is mostly a socio/economic problem. Fed,happy people don't go on shooting rampages or beat their children.
because they are reactionary tools of the bourgouise
this cute little clip from adventure time kinda explains why cops and people who uphold the status quo are bad
of course theres nothing wrong with cops in a socialist/communist country. they actually deserve to be praised and respected for their service.
I'll answer my question for you:
Bourgeois law, bourgeois order
Why are name/tripfags the most under-read and misguided idiots around? Oh, wait, that's obvious: they mask their infantile and totally grey personalities as exquisite shit to 'get into'.
Oh, haha, for a second I was on the fence about these "people." Obviously name/tripfags will have to go through reeducation camps when the revolution comes.
Stop being spergs, having your ass handed to you for beating up an old lady is not bourgeois oppression
I'm not opposed to the function of policing per se but the way it works in the U.S. where I live is so shitty. Obviously way worse in Latin America but I will tell you that small-town departments here and even some big-city ones (Chicago) are basically criminal gangs that pose a much bigger threat to people than small-time street gangs.
I knew a police detective at one point (retired) who said his suburban department wouldn't even work with small-town departments nearby on cases because they were worried about evidence being contaminated as those departments were so corrupt. This is in the South. These departments will often function as extortionist rackets as well. And God help you if you're poor and black or brown and need the police for something (this family in the pic did, and were brutalized by the cops for it). You have a chance that the cops will drum you up on charges instead, possibly beat you up, or just ignore your complaint altogether.
Case in point: dallasnews.com
What's even more remarkable is the police chief said in response, "If you comply now, most of the time, we’ll get it resolved without anyone getting hurt.’" Meaning that even if you do comply, the police might still beat the shit out of you. So the result is that people just won't call the cops for anything because it's not worth the risk.
Just quoting this:
He'll help you to not be afraid, laddie. Look into it.
How anarchist of you. Really.
It isn't.
Don't forget, Bakunin debunked Marx.
MLism has brought us nothing but trouble. Thundershirt kids are so dogmatic for their personality cults.
This would happen to you under every system or mode of production. I'm sure your purposely not admitting that the police and military protect the status-quo property relations, state and conditions because it is in their interest
I'm sorry that it came to this, but…
Bakunin's literary output: 1.000 pages
Marx's literary output: 50.000 pages
So ass-blasted.
You do know what specific issue he got him on, don't you?
Bakunin didn't need to right billions of pages to debunk Marx. Marx had to write that many pages because he was desperately confused and a closet authoritarian
Freedom is not a positive force, it's only useful as a means to chooses righteous action. People who think that the ultimate goal is freedom, are irrational and scared
I work for a living. this is slavery.
I want freedom.
The only way to escape work is death and annihilation, is this what you mean by freedom? Because that's pretty emo
Fuck man. How much more hand-holding do you need? In this system we overwork ourselves, and if not needed, or incapacitated in some way, are sent off to live in poverty, the streets or just die. The master class, the owners, make money from our labor, but we see little to none of it.
Under socialism you only work for what is needed, and all profit from it. And I mean real profit. No money is necessary. It's a human invention that is at the heart of why we are so shitty to one another.
Stepping out to enjoy my book
Were on the same page here, I don't believe in work for the sake of work or some great industrial leap forward, I believe in simple living and a love for community and god.
Read Marx please.
Marx here criticizes the bourgeois individualist notion of freedom that Bakunin and other anarchists subscribe to. The bourgeois notion of man views him as solely an isolated individual. In constrast, Marx recognizes that man's real existence is social. To borrow a Hegelian term, society is the Ground necessary for the development of human beings into full individuals. We engage with the world based on the concepts given to us by the social a priori, which arises out of material conditions. This is why shared culture and shared language even exist. True freedom therefore consists not in the isolated individual. From the very moment you are born, you are a social creature, engaging with the world based on the concepts given to you by the social a priori. So true freedom does not consist in casting aside others, it involves engaging in directly social behavior. This does not involve acting "naturally" and without restrictions like Bakunin believes. Rather, this freedom is engaging in directly social action in a conscious, collective, and planned way. Man's social existence without alienation is freedom.
Bourgeois freedom, which the anarchists adopt is in reality, slavery. Marxists do not seek freedom in estrangement to one another like the anarchists do, we seek true freedom in the real human community. Compare what I have just said to Bakunin 's viewpoint and you will see how lacking it is.
It is ironic. Bakunin, in adopting bourgeois individualism, promotes exactly the kind of atomistic view that we are enslaved by today!
Police largely exist to protect capital. Other things are secondary, and they're generally less good at them. As a defensive force, they end up doing utterly reprehensible things and causing damage to communities too often considering their position… and in many cases entire departments end up engaging in completely mafioso shit, often with encouragement or indifference from existing law. A lot of the motivation for police ends up being, effectively "if we arrest x number of people we get more money," which leads to entrapment or draconian techniques designed to skirt civil liberties for max copping money… a similar principle guides (assuming they still do it) seizures by police, where they can just take money or drugs forever cuz it was around.
Well that too.
Freedom for me, from the people who force me to work at their work, which is a detriment to all parties involved.
Yeah. Grab a bite to eat and finish a good book. What's so funny?
Thank you.
What's the video?
Cool thing about being an anarchist is that I don't hold a single one of our thinkers as some sacred cow. His thoughts are perhaps full of holes, but in his simplicity he "btfo" of a portion of Marx (as did Stirner, and oh boy did Karl's face turn redder than the Republicans flag)
Stirner is rather flippant on this point, but he too acknowledges the collective and the need for a functioning society. One and all we should recognize the need for balance, for the individual and the communal are both reality.
Strict individualists do tend to be edgy youths, eager to stretch their wings, so to speak…
Yes we are against all capitalist "law" and the capitalist order in general (socdems aren't real leftists so they don't count.)
so detrimental, in fact, that one side operates an entire state apparatus to keep the other side in its place. if only they'd see the truth of our Good Ideas and realise that this actually isn't in their interest :((
Literally true. I have a smidgen of sympathy for the idiots helping to keep this rotting system going. Not much of course.
Yeah, you can keep that trademark. It's going to take massive numbers of individual people to organize the community and make a successful revolution. Re Proudhon/"O" is for organization, re Rocker/syndicalism, re Bookchin/ex-communist/ex-anarchist/communalism
Stop shooting them.
Capitalism is so horrible that it forces itself upon society from outside and is kept going by idiots that just need to be shown the fundamental error of their ways; class interest doesn't enter into the picture at all. Jeff Bezos is just a big dumb dumb who doesn't realise how much he's hurting himself by exploiting all those people. Maybe we should send him some Proudhon!
Yes, if a small group of wealthy capitalists decides what "law and order" is, then we are against it.
Uh, no. He's fine. Fit as a fiddle. Physically. Mentally he's narcissistic sociopath, and that hurts the rest of us. The world is going to shit and he doesn't take any responsibility for it.
But are you a free-will-ist or determinist?
It's just typical leftist doublethink. The first thing they do when they seize power and establish a socialist government is establish a super strong police force that executes people for wrongthink on behalf of the commissars.
He's mental. They're mental.
Are you drinking?
Me too. Hi.
The difference is in the names. Authoritarian-socialism will establish it's authority. (You like this sort of thing)
Libertarian-socialism is against the law. State and capital.
It's almost like killing oppressors and exploiters in order to create a non-capitalist world order is a good thing.
"Wrongthink" is only a bad word when one assumes all ideas are equally valid.
I hate capitalist police and how they're organized n shiet. A tool of the state to opress the proles.
I, (an intellectual ML with a +2000 Autism Level) think the best way to go about policing type shit is to have each community have their own militia and police themselves with sum fucking KGB type org acting as a watchdog/backup.
Some cunt stealing a couple apples? I'm sure their parents will have a talk with them.
Assaults? Local police can deal with that.
Fucking sabotage, terrorism or murder can be handled quietly by the KGB.
The bottom line though is that police won't really be needed. I don't see why people would commit any crimes.
Assume Zizek was right, and personal drama will go up under socialism. Murder associated with infidelity comes to mind.
I guess there wasn't really a social revolution in this case.
Must have been forced by an elite paramilitary group of some kind.
I'm being honest, does anyone really believe this is possible?
Never assume that everybody who lives in a culture is happy with it.
All leftists hate cops because they want to be the cops telling people what to do. It's pure envy.
Can you believe there's "leftists" whose idea of "communism"/"anarchism" includes cops (usually under a different name)?
Wow, greentexting. A very intellectual thing to do, as expected from a tripfag anarchist.
Dude, where's your argument?
Another stupid shitpost based on false assumptions and lies. Why are people reacting too this bait?
Leftists only hate western police.
Chinese, North Korea, Cuban police are absolute comrades who are fighting against the bad reactionary populace.
I'd be okay with the police beating me if they wore North Korean dresses.
Why do Zig Forumsyps go out of their way to defend cops but in the same breath call them jewish communist antifa drones?
No they haven't lol, Travellers still participate in Society, usually at the fringes of it parasitizing off of workers. In that sense they are not free because they still need to operate under a certain set of rules within modern society that usually denote transgressing against laws under that society and as a result have the weight of the bourgeois state brought against them, as the workers aren't allowed to defend themselves properly. Bad Example imo.
Start by not putting your dumb thoughts in my mouth.
So, you're a free-will-ist. 'kay.
Read it or don't. You've only your chains to lose.
No no, he's claiming freedom is alienating. The Roma who get caught and put in jail are then participating in the community and become free
Reminds me of Meursault.
Man, I love this.
Please spread it.