Ok, commies. Explain me one thing. What will people force to work under the communism? Really what will them force to work if everybody gets according to his ability and his needs?
What will people force to work under the communism?
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A sense of self worth and freedom
Under the communism, people will force to work their machinery and labour-power, according to a national plan and labour accounting.
Shit man, I don't know. Maybe… compensating people for the amount of hours worked and the type of labour? Surely no one has ever come up with the idea before.
Is this "we pretend the Eastern Bloc didn't exist" the thread? Workers will get material rewards for their labor, as well as social capital. There'll be a form of currency based on hours worked, multiplied by physical or intellectual intensity of labor. You could be a labor voucher billionaire for all we care, all that matters is that you can't purchase private property and start exploiting other people with it. Why is it so hard for someone to imagine a system of incentives without a fat capitalist at the top making profits off everyone?
If we're talking about fully automated etc., then there's no answer other than idle speculation. Robots will do everything ;^)
Oh, I don't know. Sense of community? Natural will to express creativity? Desire to keep society functioning? Rewards for their work? Giving fame to those deserving of it, like Alexey Stakhanov? Who knows, guess it's a fucking mystery.
Wait, you didn't get the memo? Warsaw Pact countries had no pay differences in any way or form. In fact, you weren't even paid an hourly wage, each person just got their share of the almost non-existent national economy (since only 1% of people actually worked)
Those 1% later formed the heroic entrepreneurs which turned former soviet republics into free, democratic and prosperous countries ;^)
*a wild romanian appears*
Um, actually, it wasn't so simple. Literally nobody worked because there were no incentives. Workers just sat around doing nothing and stole shit from factories. And the factories were all bought from Americans using Tsar's gold. And because of this, 100 million starved. This is proof socialism does not work
In communism there will be nothing 'forcing' anyone to labour as no one will have any cause to use violence or coercion to take labour from others.
Labour will still be done, albeit less and less as we eliminate need for it bit by bit, perhaps never making it entirely obsolete but with the aim of reducing it maximally. What labour remains necessary will be shared out among all so that no one is burdened unduly and so that individuals remain maximally free. Doing one's share of the necessary labour will be a duty for which there need be no reward other than the guarantee that one's life in society will continue well and harmoniously.
As such in communism there is no need for forcing people to work anymore than there is a need to force people to flush the toilet. It is simple social duty which minimally burdens the individual while benefiting all in the grand scheme of things.
What's up anyways with illiterates all making the same fucking thread? There's been like 5 threads about "muh incentives" in the last week, all of them low quality. Do you NPCs not question your capitalist programming?
Prisoners get punished by taking their right to work away. The idea that people will just sit around all day if they weren't under constant threat of starvation is idiotic.
There'd probably need to be incentives for the shit work, but there's plenty of ways of doing that aside from forcing poor people to do it. And in a society meant for people, we'd minimize that work as much as possible.
He who does not work, does not eat.
-me, quoting Lenin, quoting Jesus
getting real tired.
Welcome to imageboards
I know.
Im fine with one per week, but this is getting ridiculous, especially after the npc meme.
Having said that, communism will require work only of exceptional people who will create, invent and do things out of their genius and passion.
Sure if youre 114 millenia old
don't worry, the commies figured it out a century ago, they'll just institute a "new economic policy" a couple years into the communist experiment to ensure people work, then the degradation to "not real communism/state capitalism" will begin
I was hyperbolic, but there were millionaires in the USSR (and I don't mean during the Perestroika). In future socialism there might as well be "rich" people who got there through exceptionally hard and/or smart labor
you shitpost here 24/7 babооnposter, you should know no one here says "not real communism" or "state capitalism" except cretins like butterfly
Just as we do under capitalism. You don't work you don't eat. In capitalism we ensure this through the wage system, under socialism it's much simpler. If you want the community to provide for you, you gotta provide for it. Don't, and they have no reason to do so in return. Isn't that more natural than your dumb private property system.
You forgot a critical difference.
Communists actually take care of the elderly and disabled.
"He who does not work, neither shall he eat". Ergo porkies, landlords and shylock bankers get the fucking gulag to repay their debt to society.
Investment does not exist under a labour voucher system though, since labour cannot be "saved". All vouchers not spend just lower the price in the end, hence why labour vouchers have an expiration date. You cannot invest labour if its not a commodity. It makes no sense. During wartime the amount of labour is smaller, no amount of printing money will increase the labour supply, but because under labour voucher labour is directly social it can be directly reassigned to do the necessary labour, removing the need for things like war bonds.
Under capitalism, in schools kids are tough that they must work to earn money to buy food, goods services, under communist in schools kids will be tough to work to receive food,goods and services.
Key difference that in communism you work for yourself and society and are not exploited. In capitalism you earn money for your boss.
there were plenty of kolkhoz workers who were ruble millionaires, maybe try and learn a thing instead of resorting to memes
If you don't work the NKVD will take you to the gulag for being a social parasite.
pic related
you are too illiterate to even get the quote right and understand it
no amount of explaining will fix your stupid ass
fucking… imbecile
i mean, of course, you are an idiot, you're a right wing spastic, but goddamn
fucking hell
People will force robots to work under communism so they don't have to work under THE communism.
Hah, I even answered your question properly.
It look good. It is a shame that the elite communists shut that down. I bet it would run USSR better than human.
Stalin was the last communist among the soviet elites.
if u dont work you dont get to suck on any gamer girl dick
The same thing that drives people to work now, except the products are handled better.
Since when is Pinochet an "elite communist"?
Stop with this meme quote. Here is the actual quote.
This quote wasn't even from Marx, Marx was quoting the French utopian socialists saying that "from each according to his ability to each according to his needs" describes the later phase of communism, or full communism. This does not occur immediately after revolution. Socialism is the intermediary stage between capitalism and full communism. Under socialism, the rule is "to each according to his contribution." Lenin famously said "He who does not work, does not eat." Under socialism, you would reap the majority of the fruits of your labor, returned to you in the form of higher wages and social programs such as education, housing, food, healthcare etc. A little bit is obviously not directly returned to you because of the costs of production and running and expanding the enterprise. However, this is still kind of returned to you as it keeps your job in existence. Eventually, when the productive forces advance and society begins to become more harmonious and self-governing, abundance can be produced with very little human labor. The state is eventually no longer needed and withers away. Communism is inevitable with the rise of labor automation. Think of full communism as essentially a post-scarcity society where so much is available and such little work is required to produce it that people can just produce goods to meet society's actual needs and not the artificial demand inflated by planned obsolescence and mass advertising. Essentially, when Marx said this he was describing full communism and not the intermediary socialist stage where there is still a state, some private ownership and some commodity production etc as society is still emerging from the capitalist mode of production and is still transitioning to socialism.
Lenin disagrees.
You don’t understand the point.
Did the past leadership really reduce the session?
What point?