I'm curious Zig Forums. Which variant of not real communism is commiecat supposed to represent? Is there a particular kind, or is it just a stand in for whichever variant of not real communism each of the individual not true scotsmen here believe in?
I'm curious Zig Forums. Which variant of not real communism is commiecat supposed to represent...
take autism pills dude
I would of answered if you asked this in a non retarded post, via the fact you parrot brainlet overused boomer memes and appear to be thinking you have some right to demand knowledge from me and in your arrogance believed i would willingly give shitty information to someone who's posts are lower then a incel shitpost about women being collectivized, the mere idea I can slightly frustrate and waste your time and possibly wank by withholding this information and making this post overly long gives me a tiny amount of satisfaction and joy.
Also do you do this everytime the cat gives you a boner or whenever your inner boomer comes out?
U wut m8?
Well sorry Mr. Important, I wasn't aware you and the commie brigade were up to such important shit. Excuse me for interrupting your circlejerk. I mean, here I thought this was just a pointless board on a dying chan, but apparently it's like World Revolution HQ or something.
Are you implying that commiecat rape pics are not top-tier discussion material?
Mostly just when I've got time to kill tbh.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean. Are you just stringing together words in the hope of it having some kind of effect on me?
no u
how bout u
didn't read lol
Psychologists would have a field day with most right-wingers.
it's time to stop posting
Why on earth would I give a shit about your "political dynamics"?
Are you implying that commiecat rape is bad or something?
You made the thread basically asking us about our political dynamics, but in the sort of accusatory way you sometimes get where right-wingers seem to think we’re intentionally making it confusing instead of them just being no-books brainlets.
It’s odd to have such a large porn folder of our mascot, especially when you seem to outwardly disdain this board and our politics.
Nigger what? I asked which variant of not true communism commiecat is supposed to represent.
You on estrogen or something? Because you're acting like a little bitch.
Yes, Zig Forums, I am indeed enamored by just how smart you are. Truly, you are the intellectuals of our age. I mean, you've read books – how can you not be smart? I for one am awed by your clear mental superiority. Simply thunderstruck.
If only it was larger, but alas the drawfag who made these pics has absconded to parts unknown.
What part of "commiecat rape" don't you understand?
Commiecat has a name. If you try real hard you may figure out which political strain he represents.
Remember folks. OP is a voter. THe biggest failure of democracy is when "people" like OP are allowed to vote along with other millions of useless retards that are only kept alive due to human rights laws.
I know. Her name is commiecat, duh.
That sounds like work, and I only do work when there's something I can get out of it.
This little bit of projection after all that assdamage over some slight ribbing is really the cherry on top of it all.
When you ask what ideology Alunya is supposed to represent, you’re asking where she fits within our political dynamic, right? I could say “she represents anti-revisionist Marxism—Leninism or “she represents Anarcho-Syndicalism” and that would mean nothing to you without context, right?
it's in the name OP, you're probably too retarded to get it
You mean shitting on you?
Is it really so hard for you to answer a simple fucking question with a one or two word response?
Like figuring out the answer to your question?
I don't really get much out of that. So I'm not really willing to put much effort into it.
Then why make this thread? Triggering the libtards epic style?
Don’t worry to much about that. People like OP are bred from petit bourgeois attitudes promoted by the bourgeois state and some of their engineering (like the promotion of home ownership to turn proles into petty bourgs). Destroy the bourgeois state and suppress the petty bourgeoisie and these attitudes fade into oblivion.
Because I have time to kill and I wanted to see if the response I got was similar to the one I was expecting.
come on OP keep the pics comin, I need to grow my folder too
Get someone to draw more then. I've exhausted everything the drawfag drew. All I've got left now is retarded Zig Forums shit.
Ancom/Ansynd I assume. we need more pics of Alunya as a dom/top
What kind of shit is that? And why is it spoilered?
She's called Alunya and she's an anarchist!
I mean you’re acting real fucking butthurt over nothing.
To answer your question, she’s a reference to the Industrial Workers of the World and their “Sabotage Cat” symbol. Her name, Alunya, refers to Revolutionary Catalonia, which was governed in large part by the Anarcho-Syndicalist and Anarcho-Communist CNT/FAI. So, IWW and their One Big Union theory combined with the AnSyn and AnCom of the CNT/FAI. That’s what she represents.
Holy shit, it only took thirty responses and about ten times as much text as necessary to answer my question. Congratulations, you exceeded my expectations.
I only even responded because I got bored of your autism. Fuck off.
can't meme
can't fucking meme
I'm well aware you can't meme. Apparently, you can't answer questions in a succinct manner either.
but the right cant meme
hitler was retarded u triggered bro
LOl i can feel ur trigger from half a light years ago
everything i had posted is better than your shitty pepe and trump memes
did i mention that trump is supports israel
2/10 bait; got me to reply
What is it with /b/ or other transgressive-compulsives thinking they're triggering anyone by drawing porn of Alunya? Are they completely unaware that most of the porn starting out was our own making or commissioning? Like frogged/porked for example, which explicitly came from here? What do they think they have left to 'defile'? She's an anime catgirl for fuck's sake, they're all already sexualized by default
Projection. They legit believe Christ-chan, Pepe and other Zig Forums "mascots" represent their ideology and get triggered when people "steal their memes". So they assume we think the same way.
Dude shut up if you don't say anything they'll keep doing it and that means more sweet sweet catgirl pr0n
You're overthinking this mate. I'm not asking for commiecat pics because I'm "triggering" anyone. I'm asking for commiecat pics because I like commiecat rape.
…U Wot m8?
That was /v/
reddit is just called its libtards back
You some kind of faggot or something?
You can have some trap cat
I'm not sure which is worse – the fact that the "art" is absolute shit or the fact that it's got a pencil dick.