I'm an English nationalist who has given up on capitalism. I live in poverty in a post industrial Northern England wasteland. A socialist region completely abandoned by the left and shit on by the right. I voted for Britain to leave the EU. I've come to despise foreigners and jews. I dont trust the media and i'm completely disillusioned with the government and establishment. I accept i'm not an ideologue or particularly intelligent but i'm hopeless. Is there any guidance Zig Forums can offer to someone like me?
I'm an English nationalist who has given up on capitalism...
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Don't worry, Comrade Corbyn is going to win the next election and bring back manufacturing. He's also scaring the jews hardcore they're all screaming about him being a Hamas terrorist sympathizer.
NAZBOL gang soon
We will rise brother
Nazbol is the way son.
Embrace it
Every single Jew and foreigners (especially immigrants) are not the problem. Hate the system, not the people
Vote for Corbyn.
While I appreciate Corbyns anti-zionist stance i'm not convinced he can win or would change anything if he did, and there isnt much else about his Labour allies I can support.
I'll have to do more research on Nazbol ideology.
Immigrants are a problem where I live. Pakistani drug gangs act with impunity and i've experienced this first hand. Their culture is foreign and disrespectful. Not to mention the grooming/rape gangs still proliferating in the north. 6 Months ago I visited my brother in Hackney, London and spent two weeks there. It was how i'd imagined an African ghetto. One night there were 5 murders. 4 black on black murders presumably drug/gang related. 1 a black male stabbing a Russian female to death. Eastern Europeans are generally rude and are taking up the few jobs in the area, where wages are stagnant and have been for the decade i've worked. I dont have an issue with Australians, New Zealanders or Irish but the rest I really despise. Don't get me started on tourists.
I'd vote for Corbyn in a presidential style election, but im not willing to vote for Julie Cooper, the Labour MP where I live. She is liberal cancer and was rude to my grandmother. They will win the seat regardless.
oh no, i'd be much harsher than expulsion. Forcing out enemies doesn't stop them being enemies. I was thinking something along the line of gulags or the KGB treatment would be more appropriate. By all means explain why i'm wrong and offer alternative solutions.
Bud, if you think the various races have set genetic characteristics, you can't expect anyone to be kind to or respect the British can you? You're some of the ugliest mutant people on the earth and literally every single one of your leaders and public figures are pedophiles. If any race deserves to be exterminated its the anglos.
Listen to kai murros: the coming British civil war
don't fall for the nazbol meme, bud
At best (and this is assuming he is even capable of winning a general election) he may be able to bring back some pale shadow of the UKs old social-democratic system.
The people that support him so on places like this are typically just leftists that are overly desperate for any sort of win, no matter how minor or short lived.
Corbyn really is not the solution to most of the core problems with the UK.
He is really just a morale boost.
Nazbol is literally just a meme ideology.
Russian ultra-nationalists are really the only ones that take it seriously.
That comes down to a failure of your government to even seriously attempt to assimilate them into your society, rather then being a personal failure of the immigrants themselves; It certainly has nothing to do with race.
A government policy that made permanent residency/citizenship for immigrants dependant upon the completion of an integration/assimilation course and a ~5 year national service period would do much to get rid of such problems.
Cruelty for cruelties sake does not ultimately solve anything.
Nor does punishing innocent people for the successive failures of your government.
Frankly, the UK is not in a very good position geo-politically and economically for much in the way of economic nationalism or isolationism.
Maybe had it not given up its empire things would be different; But one has to play with the hand they have been dealt.
If I were you, I would personally be pushing for the UK to try and reform the Commonwealth into an economic, military and geo-political bloc ala the EU.
Such a bloc is the only real way I could see for the UK to regain some degree of prosperity without a radical, fundamental change to its government and economy.
I never requested kindness or respect, simply voicing my opinion that the way of life that I loved and wanted for my children is being relinquished for that of hostile foreigners. As stated I also despise the ruling class, including leaders and public figures. I agree that they are nonces and want to do something about it, hence why I seek guidance. If anglos are to be exterminated then I don't intend to go quietly.
Thanks for the recommendation.
I need solutions to believe in, something to offer hope. I asked for guidance and research is the least I can do.
That kai murros speech is fire ๐ค
I agree with your point on Corbyn. The masses need the morale boost but im not convinced.
I'll look into Nazbol but I think England needs it own solutions.
Honestly at this point i'm not convinced I want foreigners to assimilate, even if it were possible. I'm unwilling to ignore genetics. I have no faith in the government or their ability to fix this issue. In my experience they have only degraded the culture of this country and foreigners have contributed to it in negative ways that I believe has created a divide to big to overcome. We are fundamentally different to one another.
Cruelty has been inflicted upon the people of my region and now i'm not convinced there is any innocent to be found.
Personally I dont think the commonwealth is worth resurrecting. I dont care about the UK being a geopolitcal strength and i'm opposed to military endeavours. At this point i've come to believe that economic collapse is inevitable. As such its my opinion that a radical, fundamental change is necessary to the government and economy.
Typical baboonery๐๐๐๐
Don't worry chap, brutal people's justice is coming soon
I hope so, mate. I now wonder if its not a question of if but when. Whatever the outcome i'm certain that a difficult period of hardship and bloodshed lays ahead of my nation and its inhabitants, including myself.
Just make sure you listen to that speech. I also highly recommend you look into the old Jonathan Bowden lectures. You can find it all on YouTube if not live leak.
You absolute peat-gavel, nationalism will wither away, learn2dialecticate :DDDD
Just become a Agrarian Monarchist and advocate a return to the old feudal system of highly autonomous municipalities towns and dutchies / counties
Are you the one who posted pussy gore in the crisis thread?
Once was hanging around and noticed a bloke of clear subsaharan ancestry chatting happily away to a mate on the phone in the local patois
The attacks on Corbyn by the Jewish press (like actual Jewish papers) over purported anti-Semitism in Labour has been a sight to behold. But when it comes down to it these are bourgeois papers and there is a Jewish left, albeit diminished, that also thinks these editors are full of shit.
I didn't know Morrisey browsed Zig Forums,welcome!
The funny thing is that Moz is of Irish ancestry. It really goes to show the perfidious side of Anglos doesn't come from genetics, but rather culture.
you don't even know what socialism is, mate.
you are spooked. read stirner.
also good
look att the FAQ, literature and theory threads. don't let this destroy you, but radicalise you. T. Britfag ancom.
Fell asleep but ill listen to it today. Ive heard a few Bowden speeches and while I think he is a good speaker with the BNP gone there doesnt seem to be any hope of an electoral solution to Britains problems.
I dont have the money to engage in such theoretical nonsense.
I dont follow any particular ideology.
Your interaction with one subsaharan stranger who fears blacks doesnt chance my opinion on them. I dont fear blacks as an individual because im not an easy target and I dont engage in gangs or drugs. Their genetic and cultural differences are obvious and I wouldn't care if they weren't occupying my country.
I've seen a lot of jews attacking Corbyn. Not aware of any who stick up for him. The supposed jewish left are nothing more than cancerous neoliberals posing as left wingers such as Owen Jones.
The truth is that most Irish are as anglo as the average Brit. Name a superior culture.
The area I live has returned a Labour MP every election since 1918 (with the only exceptions being liberals in 1931 and 2010). While socialism is dead and at its peak was only champagne socialism in Westminster, on the streets of post industrial Lancashire it was alive and the dominant ideology for a hundred years. I'm not interested in USSR or Chinese style socialism, it would never work here.
I'll look into Stirner but the spooked meme is daft and I dont see much to be hopeful about in nihilism, existentialism, psychoanalytic theory, postmodernism and individualist anarchism. Its my opinion that the collective needs to come together to overcome the issues in England.
At this point I wonder if any Brits who aren't becoming radicalised are slow in the head. Around here we don't have the luxury to bury our heads in the sand, although people still do to their detriment.
I will try to awnser to the whole thread
So i have some questions
1)i have been to UK the englad sucks and the people suck with it, like white gangs exist there(selling drugs n shit) especially right wingers in europe are mostly lumpen thugs
2)why would gangs exist under communism?
3)why do you hate jews?
I live in a poor area of europe as well with many migrants but i dont fall for spookes bro
1. Yes there are white drug gangs. I have never denied that. However the drugs are obtained overseas and in my area the most problematic are the pakistani heroin gangs. I have experienced this first hand. Imo the reason masses turned onto drugs is because their way of life was being eroded.
I'm not aware of any skinhead gangs in my area. The lads who used to be doing that are in their 40's-50's and their glory days are long gone.
2. I never claimed gangs would exist under communism. I expect that criminals would be purged or sent to a prison/work camp. That being said i'm not convinced that communism isn't flawed just because drugs/gangs are repressed.
3. Jack Straw. He was a local longtime Labour MP and traitor to the working class. A close ally of Blair who engineered the mass immigration of the era and the Iraq war. Israel is a tyrannical state, its existence an endless war crime. The more I look at the banking elite the more jews I find occupying the top jobs. The media is full of them. They subvert parliament from inside and out. The jews I have met in person were unpleasant people, although that was only a handful and i'd hope not representative of the lot. My grandfather liberated Bergen-Belsen at the end of the second world war but in return jews in the ruling class of the UK and internationally have conspired to destroy my nation, along with the European continent.
please state where because I find it hard to believe your in conditions as bad as the north of England. Being hopelessly impoverished in a supposedly wealthy (expensive) country with a ruthless class system is frankly worse than being poor in a poor country.
Yes but that has rarely something to do with migrants
Maybe in UK migrant gangs are rich enough to own ships
So if you lived in chinatown you would have hated triad and if you lived in iraq you would be flying planes at towers
Tbh you seem too feel over reals about people from different nationalities
I am pretty sure you have not met to many bad british people at the moment
Do you really think ussr did not have crime mainly cause of violence
Jesus fucking christ
That sounds like a weird take from a shitty nazi website
I live in athens btw
The same Pakistani smuggling gangs that run people from Pakistan and Afghanistan also bring the heroin. They have sophisticated methods. They exploit the poor and make up the majority of rape/grooming gangs. The police and establishment do nothing about it, if anything its condoned.
I dont live in China town or Iraq so I cant presume how I would feel about their oppressors.
I dont hate people in other countries but I do believe that England should be for the English, Britain for the British, and as such I hate other nationalities occupying my country.
I dont consider myself a nazi, although I am a nationalist and have some socialist sympathies.
I expect Athens is completely different to where I live so I don't think a worthwhile comparison could be made.