Name your ideal or interesting alternate history paths that could have happend to the GDR
East German Alt-Hist
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The timeline where op stops sucking dicks for 2 minutes and doesn't create 2 threads by mistake
you are such a nigger
You really are that thirsty for ddr althis?
yes i am
Cybernetic socialism achieved
alt histroy is for wankers who deserve to be shot
The DDR was a pretty cool country. Definitely the most advanced and capable country in the Warsaw Pact without counting the USSR.
Zersetzung is a terrifying weapon of political control and puts the shits up me knowing just how much information is willing publicied on the internet, permenantly marking a person with the amount of storable information increasing exponentially it will soon be possible to have a profile of every internet user and everything ever posted or searched will be permenant record requiring only the smallest amount of storage space
I see a future where all political activism must be anonymous, as it is very easy to discredit a person before an idea when you know everything about them
1) The USSR intervenes and prevents the mass expulsion of Germans from eastern Europe in the closing months of the war.
2) After the end of the war, the USSR creates the DDR as per OTL, however they do not strip the DDR of Silesia or Eastern Prussia, indeed they award it Western Prussia.
3) The USSR does not take any of the remaining Germany industry in the DDRs regions and instead invests in the rebuilding and redevelopment of Eastern Germany.
4) The USSR eventually starts to fall to revisionism as per OTL, however the far stronger economic and military position of the DDR allows them to chart their own course rather then follow the USSRs regression.
5) Learning from the successes and limitations of Cybersyn in Chile, the DDR invites cyberneticists to develop a similar such system for them; This system however would be far more robust given the superior economic and technological position the DDR is in comparative to socialist Chile.
6) By the mid 80s, the DDR has integrated the vast majority of its economy into its cybernetic system and is enjoying political stability, regional influence and economic prosperity.
7) The USSR falls in the late 80s/early 90s as per OTL, however the DDR remains strong and leverages its position to not only take over the banner of international socialism from the USSR, but from the ashes of the Eastern Bloc carve out its own small sphere of cybernetic-socialist states (The Baltic People's Federation, The Polish People's Republic, The Hungarian People's Republic and The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic).
8) On October 7th 1999, the DDR partitions The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic between itself and The Hungarian People's Republic.
9) An envy of conditions in the DDR and Cybernetic-Socialist international Bloc in-general results in a uprising in Austria in the early 2000s that eventually results in the creation of The Austrian Workers Republic. The Bourgeoisie the world over panic in a manner not seen since 1917 at this news of this successful revolution, resulting in what eventually becomes a global economic crash; Due to its isolated nature, the Cybernetic-Socialist bloc is insulated from the effects of this crash.
10) The Austrian Workers Republic holds a referendum, the outcome of which eventually sees them formally petitioning the DDR for annexation. Shortly after a new constitution is written in the DDR that reorganises it into a federation of socialist German states - The German Federation of Socialist States (DFSS), comprised of the Workers Republics of Prussia, Bohemia and Austria.
11) The continuing effects of the global economic crash, generations of occupation by western forces, growing nationalism and a general envy of working conditions and prosperity in the DFSS boils over in West Germany. What starts as a national general strike, results in the formation of regional workers councils and soon after workers militias bolstered by members of the Bundeswehr that defect in mass. The NATO forces in Germany attempt to implement martial law and end the strike, however the collapse of the Bundeswehr and pressure exerted by the DFSS results in them withdrawing. Soon after a provisional workers government is installed in Germany by its people.
12) On October 7th 2010, the DFSS integrates western Germany and begins the process of expanding its cybernetic network into comparatively under developed territory of its new western states.
The threat posed by Cybernetic-Socialism means that neo-liberalism dies in its crib and social-democratic parties dominate politics the world over, unions also stay strong and many return to the proudly socialist positions they held before the 70s. Socialist parties across the world enjoy influence and support they have not enjoyed the 1910s and 20s, with all of the largest ones being members of the Cybernetic-Socialist International.
Also, European Union does not exist and American influence over the world is greatly diminished.
By 2018, The German Federation of Socialist States is comprised of the Workers Republics of Prussia, Austria, Bohemia, Bavaria, Hanover, Schleswig and The Rhine.
I invested far more time then I really should of in this autistic map making and write up, but I hope someone else here will appreciate it.
The DDR had such great potential (I would argue far greater then the USSR itself), it really is sad what actually happened to it.
this is cool with the germanization and maygarization of slaves, but prussia shouldn't exist.
Disgusting. Image how more imperialist modern parasite nation Germany would be?
Looks nice though, a bit like france's borders
A GDR which would have allowed their own citizens to leave that police state shithole.
Based and redpilled
Commies btfo MAGA style
it was legal
just not by taking off over a wall
border protection is a sovereign right
The border and cultural policies of the Eastern Bloc is the goal of MAGA redpillers.
It was illegal you liar.
Border protection is for invading armies and not unarmed innocent civilians who want to enter or leave the country. If you disagree then you are a Nazi like the Zionists in Palestine. Border walls don't stop modern armies, they serve to stop migration.
border protection is to protect your border from entering or leaving enemies that might take state secrets with them, spies that came in illegaly, wanted criminals and so on.
border walls do stop modern armies, what do you dunce think the tank barriers were for?
to stop zivilians climbing over? dumbass
it was very much legal to leave, but of course ein amerikanischer hurensohn wird sowas nicht wissen, weil er nur propagandascheiße frisst, weil du ein dämlicher spast bist der sich nicht über dinge informiert sondern "informieren" lässt
Tbh semi-plausible. Only reason USSR didn't pursue cybernetics was prohibitive cost of new information infrastructure. But DDR OTL was actually a good deal ahead of its eastern bloc allies in terms of computer availability and information technology and feasibly could have been ahead of the USSR if it was economically bolstered by a larger population and territories.
Only thing is that I can't see a single way that actually awarding the DDR territories and not demanding mass reparations would've flown in the post-WWII climate. No fucking way. Eastern Europe would have been literally up in arms if the krauts didn't get a fucking licking. Stalin would probably be assassinated and disgraced. Even the West would be outraged (although porkies would love the Soviets shooting themselves in the foot for no reason). Moreover, it would actually destroy the USSR's ability to rebuild and put them at an industrial disadvantage for a long, long fucking time. We're talking decades more time than OTL to completely recover from the Patriotic War. Why any Soviet leader would do so willingly is beyond me.
Do you also assume every brown-skinned migrant is a potential terrorist or rapist? Honest question: are you a Nazi?
Tank barriers are not walls you dunce.
It was very much illegal to leave for most people you propagandist. I am German not American.
I don't have anything insightful to say just posting a meme
translation for you:
CIA financed terror attacks in the GDR
they put them down right next to the wall, trottel
natürlich bist du das, mutt
it was illegal to cross illegally
all you had to do was fill out a form and they'd see why you want to leave, when you did illegal shit you thought they didn't know about yet you're a dumbass for trying
and of course it'd be harder to go to the west
again, spying was wide spread, even acts of terrorism and sabotage
you just love to conveniently forget about those things
your comparison with "brown-skinned migrants" is ridiculous
"hurr you're a racist"
said the kid focusing entirely on the inner-german border ignoring the vast open space towards the east
there were no poor migrants coming from the GDR
but funny enough they'd often end up poor and depend on welfare when settling in in the federal republic
Interesting. Is racial purity suddenly valuable on Zig Forums all of a sudden?
you seem flustered, reddit friend
I am surprised, isn't that a spook?
It's not true. Majority of emigrants from East Germany were legal
Sound awful.
Yeah, historical revisionism and propaganda is pretty scary.
Sure, go to Eastern Europe and ask people.
That has nothing to do with the above paragraph. And that poll is from the 00s.
It does. Use common sense, if people miss the times, it means that they weren't bad. Also, if you have problem with source,the only option then is to move to east Europe and ask people. Also, as bonus fun article.
Though his moment of daring won him a degree of freedom, Schumann became lonely and isolated, only able to communicate with his family through letters — which were monitored and dictated by the East German secret police, who wanted to lure him back for punishment.
He settled in Bavaria, started a family and worked on an Audi assembly line for 27 years.
When the Berlin Wall finally fell, Schumann was able to reunite with his family and friends, but was shunned by some for his desertion.
In 1998, without leaving a note, he walked into the woods near his home and hanged himself. (He never earned a cent from the photo)
Still it's quite a sad history of East Europe. All the economic problems were because of WW2. Millions of young people dead. Land burned. Cities destroyed. No colonies to exploit. No american gibs and debt forgiveness.Yet 100 percent literacy even in places like Tajikistan, while Afghanistan has only third literate population and well of Pakistan 60.
All i fucking wanted was alt-hist scenarios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Play Ostalgie and make your own.
That doesn't justify becoming a tyrannical police state which throws out presumption of innocence and assumes everyone (including their own citizens) are spies and wanted criminals.
Thanks for admitting to being a Nazi.
Those polls only prove how most eastern europeans are reactionary subhumans. Old people from former far-right police states also say they miss the good old times of Pinochet's Chile, Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal, the Right-wing Military Dictatorships of Brazil, Argentina, etc.
Suffering is the price of freedom. Pleasure is the reward of enslavement. Of course a hedonist/marxist like you would not understand true leftist values.
High literacy is bad. We don't need more literate rightists who are able to organize themselves by writing and read and write propaganda.
Really makes me think
Be careful now, you might fry your brain with all that thinking. I said that MOST eastern europeans are subhuman because of their reactionary values (which might stem from their individual genes) not because of their "race". There are a FEW eastern europeans who are superior to the majority. Same thing happens in all other populations: the majority is always worthless scum with only a small bright minority. You cleary fall in the majority category as demonstrated by your misinterpretation of my post and your use of memes (subhuman languange).
A mongrel with delusions of grandeur
Are the Jews stalking you too?
1) Stalin was nice and left them keep East German pre-war territory.
2) EastGermany invests a lot of there resources into computers and by the 80s has gone full Cockshottist with Direct Democracy and all.
3) Both happen and the DDR still exists to this day and while far from a superpower, is a world power, that makes people think twice about being mean to Commies.
Would be really cool, but it’s very unlikely. The USSR had to give Poland compensation for annexing East Poland. Also the WAllies blamed Nazism on Prussia so the put Pressure on the Soviets to give it to Poland, where they just annexed the valuable parts of East Prussia and gave the useless parts of it to the pols.
Say what you want about Prussia, but they had good hats.
You could say the same about Israel’s border wall with Palestine or the MAGA fence.
Thanks for being honest about communists being white supremacists I guess. I'm really feeling that Bern.
No, just you. You being mentally impaired and all, how does that feel?
Israel occupies all of Palestine with the exception of a few enclaves. Also Israel is a far-right apartheid state that needs to be invaded and conquered. Can you provide a single source that Mexico is planning an invasion of the US? And explain how a fence would stop it?
Is this guy larping as a blanquist or something? That's pretty deep.
Not as deep as declaring "All power to the soviets!" and then proceeding to create an one-party dictatorship when the soviets vote you out.
nice alternate history user! very creative
Thought you said boarder walls are for stoping civilians not invading armies.
Yes and that's exactly what the Zionist borders in Palestine and the MAGA wall are meant to do: stop migration. Are you under the impression that I believed otherwise? Let me be crystal clear: the Iron Curtain is the dream goal of the Far-Right.