Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales publicly denounces Jeremy Corbyn and implies he's an "anti-semite"
Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales publicly denounces Jeremy Corbyn and implies he's an "anti-semite"
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So glad I never donated to that ugly piece of shit.
where did this israel = judaism meme come from?
Rich jews have promoted the "zionism == jewish identity" to their prole brethren for a while now. Idpol is a powerful drug. I've met atheist secular jews who defend Israel constantly. It's fucking ridiculous. Just another reason why America needs to go.
why are you guys still pushing for this radical?
nobody will vote for him, his ideas are too out there, people are too comfortable with the system as it is, we need to be more reformist and ask for concessions, not act like an axe in the woods and spread antizionism like that's popular in the common population
geez you autists will you ever learn with your ideological puritanism and sectarianism?
t. SDP Gang
fuck off :DD
Really user?
Also the fact that he has done nothing anti-semetic (and is actually way too zionist) has not stopped the media from simply declaring that he is an anti-semite over and over again for months. There is no way to appease these people. You have to completely annihilate them.
what could be the reason for an ML to go so overboard and pretend that corbyn doesn't work for real politics?
any idea?
How about editing the wiki page for Cornyn that debunks that claim so if anyone looks him up they see it's not antisemitism but slander against him.
only rarely edited wiki, not much of an article writer
but would be a fun joke to play on wales, best to also mention his tweets and describe them as defamation or something
This is a joke right? No one is this retarded.
Unironically disappointed in Jimbob.
Wiki is cool, great concept, etc. One of many proper uses of the technology, etc.
This is idiotic, and the case against Corbyn is insanely weak. As in this case - it's basically asking Corbyn to pretend like Israel's pain is more important than anyone else's. Who all gets killed in terror attacks, invasions, etc. every day?
How many politicians make an issue out of each and every death in every region of the world? I don't think anybody does that, that's not how politics works - and this is just asking him to grovel. Corbyn's absolutely right not to - when you look at the Tories or the BNP or whoever else, no way in hell are you looking at parties with fewer anti-semites and racists than the British Labour Party. Burn down the vampire castle, etc.
Fuck Jimbo. The dude is a reactionary lolbert. Despite what he wants you to think, he is not the only person responsible for Wikipedia.
Probably covered for CAMERA as well. Wikipedia is trash.
stupid and stupid and stupid if not outright shitposting.
also if there's one lesson Corbyn can learn from Blair it's that no matter how much they moan, the British people do not vote based on foreign policy. Churchill was nuked after WW2, The Conservatives got back in after Suez, Wilson got back in after Rhodesia and Blair got back in after Iraq…
David Owen generally speaks positively of Corbyn and donates to the Labour party, so it's even worse than the SDP.
Jimmy Wales is a lib, this should be all clear by now, and Wikipedia is indeed a great concept but lacks in execution. Moderators and admins are given absolute power together with complete anonymity and no responsibilities towards their users. Therefore, it's full of gatekeeping accounts that are always online, probably administered by alphabet soup or similar groups.
Try to remove the unsourced claim "Human rights violations in North Korea have no parallel in the entire world" (that literally says "citation needed") and it takes 1 min for a mod/gatekeeper to change it back. Ismail's articles also get brigaded, regularly, with mod support (and I don't even agree with Ismail).
Is this quote real? Looks like fake to me.
yes, it's on his wikiquote page:
And, erhm, well, there it is.
Pretty cool for someone who regularly begs for money to run his website
As someone else pointed out, tho, Jimbo's not the sole guy behind Wiki.
Oh Dimmy
At least there's a good amount of people calling him out on his bullshit. People should know that Jimbo is a lolbert, so it makes sense for a guy like him to be against Corbyn.
Even if you're being ironic, people do genuinely think a lukewarm socdem like corbyn is too "radical" and will bring around communism.
That's how right wing the entire western world is, we're on a spiral to fascism and there's nothing but revolution that can stop it.
Yeah although he supported Ed Miliband for whatever reason, although Ed Miliband rejected his offers of help…
like this?
The fact that Israel was explicitly established as a Jewish ethnostate - hence, if you criticize Israel you're not only criticizing the actions of the state but the actions of the Jewish people and that is easily construed as anti-semitism.
Wikipedia is a marvel of the modern world, but Jimbo is a proper idiot. He identifies as a Randian objectivist.
I found it strange that as an "Objectivist" (Randian shitlord), Wales hasn't yet attempted to monetise wikipedia. As I became more politically conscious and thus aware of nature of the ever present propaganda it dawned on me.
On barely 35% of the vote. Labour went down 6 points from the previous election and most of that lost support went to the anti-war Lib Dems (and Greens). If was a pretty pathetic victory and they actually lost the popular vote in England.
Also it is arguable that the Falklands War made a big difference in the 1983 election.
I should have said not directly monetised, I'm aware of the PR companies involved. Or are you referring to something else?
Wikipedia IS monetized. It's never been desperate for donations, it's too relevant to let die.
Blind Jewish support for Israel in the UK is largely because being critical of Israel is very politically incorrect in the Anglosphere, especially the US. Keep in mind that even Israel itself has a fully fledged left wing.
Makes sense but how?
You've really never seen one of their advertisements asking for donations? Even as the number of editors has dwindled, the cash just keeps piling up.
So they manage to find enough idiots to donate to turn a profit?
[muffled JOOOZ in the distance]
Wikipedia is one of the most popular websites ever made, and most of the non-technical work is done by pedantic sperglords for free. They don't even need most of the cash they receive.
It's basically an open secret that "nonprofit organization" is a white lie, since personal uses of funds are simply written off as business expenditures.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I don't think they're the only ones involved in editing certain pages.
Forgot to add, that I'm damn sure some people don't do this for free.
Polite sage because it's a clarification.
I mean the actual intended editing work, not the feds and corporate shills that try to manipulate pages. Most editors are unpaid volunteers.
are you a burger?
Even jesus won't forgive you.
Zionists are fascists and fascists are demonic. There is nothing wrong with eliminating them.
I agree he should be throwing a huge party.
Your lack of reason is hilarious and ironic. The fact that there are "communists" here right now that do not believe the proletariat can be radical is astounding. I will say it here and I will say it forever, the proletariat are the revolutionary class and they WILL be the ones who will destroy exploitation. Giant media bourgs can meme everyone into thinking the masses are ignorant, but everyone wants the truth, and when they get it they run with it. The truth will set everyone free whether or not you believe they can handle it.
the absolute state of leftypol
The problem with that post is that there are people who unironically say shit like that and they get massive amounts of press. Also the stache flag is often used by trolls.
in the context i kept the stache to make obvious that i was joking to make a point, i'm quite surprised how it goes over peoples head, i really tried hard to go over the top and all
maybe i should end with a ;) or some dumb shit like that
I agree, he should be celebrating tbh.
don't they usually just knock over chairs and leave some dirt on the road?
Is this why they are in financial trouble, always begging their users for donations?
Obviously capitalism in general has to go but I'm absolutely convinced that to at least get the process started the USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will have to be absolutely obliterated and their dust forever scattered to the wind. Not in the sense obviously of literally killing all of the civilians within those countries, but in terms of not leaving a single trace of their cultural or social institutions or propaganda and mainstream ideologies (neoliberalism/neoconservatism/zionism etc) because while capitalism in general is shit their dominance in the most recent capitalist era has probably been the most vulgar, brutal, reprehensible shit that this planet has ever had vomited upon its surface
in the American Cultural Revolution after the Civil War we're gonna have to turn every last copy of every last Ayn Rand book into ash and aggressively censor all signs of Ayn Rand on the internet
Literally more of a brain worm than fascism
How are we ever going to erase the effects of American cultural imperialism? It seems completely impossible to me. Maybe the EU should merge its state media services, get some kind of European international film industry going, but I don't see it happening.
It starts with America as we know it today completely dissolving. We need it to either go through a massive cultural shift or just Balkanize into a series of more manageable nation-states that all exist in the same geographic location but aren't one big country/force. Tbqh there should be an international law if the latter happens institutionalizing the separation and making it literally impossible for the US to ever function as a cohesive unit ever again
as a language autist i really hate when people use semite as a synonym for jew to seem intellectual. semitic is a term used to describe the languages used by arabs and friends in the mena region, like arabic, hebrew and amharic. stop being ignorant
How do I stop being ignorant? This is the first time I've heard of Semite being refered to as that. Is there a easy book or literature on commonly mistaken use of words in English language you suggest?
Well, yeah but I'm sure it doesn't tell me other common lingual mistakes in the English language.
Colmunist for The Intercept now also implies Corbyn is an antisemite
Bibi proceeds to thank him
I hope Corbyn wins and then starts a war against Israel.
I've seen a few people being kind of shocked by the Intercept recently (this, them fucking over that leaker, random other stuff), which is actually pretty confusing since if you look into the site even a little you'll realise it's basically controlled opposition, in fact we've had many a thread on here where it's mentioned
Aren't most American Jews in favor of the democratic party, which mostly has anti Israel policies? I don't understand that one, why would they support the Democrats if they are Jewish?
Israel's pain is more important. Who got almost wiped out of existence in world war 2? The land doesn't even belong to the Palestinians living there, besides they are surrounded by arab Islamic nations who would welcome them. I'm for a one state solution with 1 Israel and no Palestine.
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
Never forget. And who was really behind it all? Iran. Just like with 9/11.
Aren't most American Jews in favor of the democratic party, which mostly has anti Israel policies? I don't understand that one, why would they support the Democrats if they are Jewish?
Israel's pain is more important. Who got almost wiped out of existence in world war 2? The land doesn't even belong to the Palestinians living there, besides they are surrounded by arab Islamic nations who would welcome them. I'm for a one state solution with 1 Israel and no Palestine.
>>>Zig Forums
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free
the democrats a really not anti israel, its just that fox news boomers like to pretend they are that the any sitting democrat administration is anti Israel, when in fact the democrats give billions in aid, to israel just like the republicans
You first. This is an anti-Zionist board.
No, killing Jews in Europe is wrong.
No-one suggested that. Anti-zionism is not antisemitism. Even though religion is very spooky.
Now fuck off.
Since when is the fight against the Zionist occupation of Palestine "killing Jews in Europe"
It sucks, I like Jeremy scahill I hope he ditches the bastards
Yes, killing Jews in Europe is right.
can't they leave a ban reason in that red ban disclaimer? it just looks weird like that
in context is obvious but in a screencap it'd of course get lost, purposefully so
don't give them that
Well since I'm going to get banned anyway for saying jew, I will point out that the board owner is jewish and will ban you for even mentioning jews.
and yet we had discussions on "the jewish question" and israel in general dozen of fucking times
guess he really pays very little attention to the board
He's also bi-polar.
Charity is for the oppressed, anyway.
If they sponsor Israel they deserve it.