Which one of you faggots sent the packages to the Democrats?

Which one of you faggots sent the packages to the Democrats?

We already can tell it was a pro-Hillary antifa fool. Which one of you did it?

Attached: rage.png (588x90, 8.47K)


It was me, Soros contacted me and gave me the instructions and the addresses. I obeyed like the good NPC I am

go hom Zig Forums

We're really dissapointed in your bomb making skills buckos. Don't try to pass this off to anyone else, the RAF would have gotten it right.

It's clearly communists. Ever see a communist-made mechanical watch? Nobody claims they ever made a fine watch.

Lazy, definitely a faggot.

Faggot, definitely a DEMOCRAT.


i did it. it was me.

We got 'em, boys!


gg we lost back to Zig Forums lads

"It was the left."

wouldn't that be in their interests?

I am spartacus

Well, it must be so. After all, who benefits? Simple enough, Democrats. So Democrats-antifa did it.

The claim wasn't that communism fails - the claim was that communists suck at making stuff.

That's like saying Bolsanaro stabbed himself for sympathy points.

Fuck off Zig Forums.

Half the threads on that were calling it a right-wing false flag so I fail to see your point.

Hello, Zig Forums

I did. Plenty.

In fact, even you might've seen quite a few of them, as USSR was exporting not only proper watches (i.e. as Soviet brands, like Raketa) but also watch mechanisms that were put in cases with Western brands such as Cornavin, Cardinal, Sekonda, and Exacta.

The cringe reached the level of "commies are too dumb to build rockets".

Why the hell not?

Well, hire it done. He didn't die, did he? The Brazil dude?

< shit tier brands

Commies are definitely too dumb to build rockets. That's why they made "mini America" for making rockets and planes.


If we'd send bombs to those people, there wouldn't be much left of 'em. They'd be dead, buddy. It's not like we want to murder them for the sake of killing, but to paraphrase Pol Pot "keeping them is no benefit, to destroy them would be no loss."
You're not only fucking yourself over with your shitty handicraft, but also weakening yourself by not knowing your enemy. Gut feelings and assumptions alone won't get you far, bub.

Attached: Cr7Sl-aWYAA3QHa.jpg (613x771, 42.59K)

> [denial intensifies]
Kid, even US military used Soviet watches.

Are you high?

Attached: desert shield.jpg (570x380, 35.92K)

Is that why the Soyuz system is the best way to get into orbit still 45 years later?

so dumb that they won the space race

Attached: 76288babe6618e7950d292500ad7b202dced4a4737cbce0b8f282a3b05797f56.jpg (838x740, 203.89K)

You Zig Forumsfags are an absolute failure, not just at getting laid, that even your terrorist attacks are a monumental fuck up, then you use damage control by blaming the left, even though the far right was responsible for most of 2017s terrorist attacks.

At least have the balls to admit you're a bunch of subhuman failures that can only bitch about da joos and muh nigs.

Under actual communism, you motherfuckers would be the first ones to be sent to gulag.

So Zig Forums…we are both Weak AntiFa cuckolds and insanely intelligent Political Astroturfers attempting to destroy the US goverment using a strategy of tension….at the same time?

I think it's a sad effect of the global mess we're in that people identify with ultra-reactionary views, see themselves as carrying out some ancient struggle of the white man, despise whatever they consider degenerate this week etc.
While incoherent, the cultural politics are also eminently predictable - they have no economic theory, no systematic framework of understanding other than selectively reading right-wing historians. Is it surprising that they adopt their idealised image of classical civilization as an icon of pride? It's a standard move of the fascists, whether it's Rome, medieval Christendom, or somehow ethno-nationalist America, the logic remains similar.

Nobody noticed this. The package has the numbers 777, the word "SUNRISE" and the number 10019(take out zeros leaves 119)

These are prophetic occult numbers used by the satanic extreme left and could even be a warning of a sinister plot by the NWO Illuminati/freemason satanists - could be an attack, could be the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
Buckle up!!!

1. 777 is the completion number with three of them being a confirmation.
2. "Sunrise" refers to the Antichrist and Obama's rising sun motto and Subud cult - he may very well be the Antichrist.
3.The 10019(removing the two zeros using gematria) leaves us with 119 or 116 reversed which is 9/11 - the satanic occult left's favorite number of doom and destruction.

Anyway Q has been predicting for something like this to happen for a while
These are serious and dark times we live in and Jesus is returning soon!

By me

Damn it, Ted! Not again!

It’s not every day that I bump a commie thread.

The packages were mailed using six postage stamps arranged in two (2) rows.

Subtracting 2 from the first digit of 9/11 gives you 7/11, which when added to 777 gives you 1488.

Alt-right false flag confirmed

oh, that shit, yeah that was me. You have to underatand, it was late evening and i was veeery bored

It'll be fine if it was uncle ted from the dead.