Can someone explain to me what’s going on in the IWW? There seems to be some kind of epidemic of rape and drama:
What is this shit?
This is why Trot entryism doesn't work anymore I guess.
How do you mean?
Am I the only one who can't take seriously inter-group sex dramas when the supposed victims didn't first and foremost contact the fucking authorities but instead restricted "solving" the issue inside said group?
Got raped? Call the police RIGHT AFTER THE FACT. AT THE SCENE.
Got traumatized? You are ashamed of it? Talk to a comrade. If you are that comrade tell the person TO CALL THE FUCKING POLICE IMMEDIATELY.
Also, this type of feminist activist:
The fuck, you hypocritical shit? You are enabling a fucking raper.
I think their response would be that police are agents of repression against the working class and vulnerable populations.
You are not. I'm not even saying they need to go to the police, but there needs to be something, ANYTHING more substantive than accusations from the accusers.
ok? you're seriously gonna let a rapist go cause cops are our political enemy?
Some people are now proposing making something like this mandatory for all men in our IWW branch:
Imagine someone groped you. How would you provide anything more substantial than an accusation?
Look, there's nothing really wrong with being accomodating to female workers, but sensitivity training doesn't work (it's a PR move, check the science on its efficacy) and is often just neoliberal mental gymnastics to scapegoat individuals for structural problems and power dynamics instead of actually addressing the structural problems and questioning the entrenched hegemony.
I guess they think they can deal with it internally. Maybe they think cops are ineffective when handling claims from “vulnerable folx” and biased toward “the patriarchy.” Although to be honest they would probably call the cops if someone was trying to break into their house or something.
The left is all rapists, ladies! Gotta lean in!
Cops are family now.
They think cops are ineffective at handling rape cases, which they are. Cops are good at protecting private property.
No they aren't.
wait where have I heard this before
Private property, not personal
If your bike gets stolen they'll show up with a clipboard and shrug their shoulders, walk into an office building without talking to security and see what happens
No, they're more repressive than preventative.
The whole idea of the police is deterrent and investigation. They won't stop you from blowing up a factory, but they'll probably catch you afterword. That fact is supposed to prevent you from blowing up the factory to begin with.
For instance, look at how the police choppers stopped Al Quaeda attacks in 1998, 2001, and 2002. They did a bang up job protecting that private property of jet and skyscraper, wouldn't you say?
It's not just that they aren't good at protecting private property, but even that the idea of being able to protect private property is ludicrous.
They're anarchists, what did you expect?
common sense, I guess
In any case why are there so many sexual assault cases in the IWW?
There is absolutely no reason to take this seriously. I mean, even if people are getting raped, it isnt really our business. Are you going to arrest the rapist? Do anything? Sucks to get raped, sucks to sabotage yourself by not going to the police. No amount of justification will avoid these facts, and no amount of accusation will make the rapes fact. To get unsidetracked, there is no reason to care for this. People get raped. It is a shame but enitrely unnotable. "Oh no the liberals are raping eachother. This is so much worse/more notable than normal rape because….."