General webm thread

I just wanted to bring this old thread back.

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Attached: 11.webm (270x182, 6.49M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Chairman Jimmy Dore.mp4 (300x200 3.77 MB, 3.5M)

Dropping all the good shit:

Attached: turnbacktime.webm.mp4 (640x360 1.14 MB, 10.34M)

That last one is actually quite nice if you replace jews with capitalists

Attached: Kapitulieren_werden_wir_nicht.webm (680x400 8.97 MB, 3.93M)

Attached: 1538408021342-0.webm (480x360 3.92 MB, 6.97M)

Attached: burgers.webm (640x360 4.47 MB, 6.77M)

Attached: 3dc28386d682c3ef369c7a0b066b57acd86846f7f4f8dfa889a7437bb7f403d4.mp4 (480x360, 2.17M)

Its pretty amazing how much fascists rip off socialist criticisms to forward their goals.
Do you think there is anyway to take membership from them?(inb4 nazbol posting)

Attached: THINGS ALEX JONES LIKES.mp4 (1280x720, 3.15M)

Being completely honest, probably not. I mean Hitler was easily the most populist fascist leader that has ever existed. He tried to appeal to every class in Germany and managed to do it. I mean, Hitler refers to the jews as "international capitalists" but if we think about it, what kind of jews were targeted and actually suffered during the Holocaust? Poor, lower class jews who had no way to protect themselves. Why didn't Hitler go after the Rotschilds or Soros? Actually target the people you said you would target. And if Hitler had actually done anything to these people, even if it was for the wrong reasons (you know, muh jooz instead of the fact they are the richest capitalists of the world) I would have more respect for Hitler, at least he would've attacked the powerful and not the poor and helpless, which was what he actually did. So yeah, when fascists seem to be spousing pro-worker rhetoric it's literally just pure populism, and we need to dissuade any person who seems captivated by their lies and show them how we want the same but for real.

The fridge vid is Karl Marx's great-great grandson.

Attached: kid in a tank.mp4 (540x360 1.96 MB, 6.75M)

Is he /ourguy/ material?

Attached: uncle ho message.mp4 (626x360, 1.26M)

He's so based, easily one of my favorite MLs.

bumping with dumping

Attached: adrian_johnston_Marxist_strategy_against_capitalist_scientism2.webm (350x196 7.69 MB, 7.17M)

Attached: adrian_johnston_anti-reductivist_dialectics_of_nature1.webm (400x224 6.73 MB, 7.54M)

Attached: adrian_johnston_nature_as_detotalized_not-whole_vs_organic_one-all_.webm (350x196 6.17 MB, 7.42M)

Attached: adrian_johnston_democratic_materialism.webm (350x196 7.83 MB, 7.92M)

Attached: bosteels_communist_idea_vs_particular_process.webm (640x360 7.46 MB, 6.69M)

Attached: bosteels_liberal_propaganda.webm (480x288 6.82 MB, 7.62M)

Attached: #NotAllCops.webm (1280x720 7.33 MB, 6.17M)

Attached: jodi_necessity_of_the_party_form.webm (480x270 6.75 MB, 6.56M)

Attached: jodi_necessity_of_the_party_form3.webm (480x270 4.11 MB, 7.76M)

Attached: jodi_space_gommunism.webm (384x216 5.79 MB, 7.06M)

Attached: jodi_enemy_of_the_people_and_identity_politics.webm (512x288 6.2 MB, 7.47M)

Attached: jodi_representation_and_politics_without_division.webm (384x216 7.77 MB, 6.35M)

Attached: jodi_communicative_capitalism_google.webm (426x240 7.66 MB, 7.98M)

Attached: Global warming.mp4 (640x360 9.99 MB, 3.6M)

Attached: Wage labour.webm (600x336 6.42 MB, 5.54M)

Attached: Communist Auto Worker Explains Capitalism & Racism.webm (640x360 7.98 MB, 7.81M)

Attached: Scarcity.webm (450x360 5.05 MB, 3.46M)

Attached: prole_we_are_not_the_middle_class.webm (640x480 6.14 MB, 6.57M)

Attached: SovietSpace.mp4 (854x480 6.88 MB, 6.76M)

Attached: Althusser - Marx e anarchismo.webm (640x360, 11.07M)

Attached: Fred Hampton Not About Race.mp4 (640x360, 11.02M)

Attached: Price_System.webm (450x360, 4.36M)

Attached: A Message to the Patriot Movement.webm (426x238, 9.14M)

Attached: Energy_Certificate.webm (450x360, 4.26M)

Attached: prison_industrial_complex.mp4 (640x360, 9.39M)

Attached: Functional_Calendar.webm (450x360, 3.2M)

Attached: Vivek Chibber on idpol.webm (320x240 4.56 MB, 4.56M)

Attached: Arcology.webm (512x288, 10.71M)

Attached: Based Finkelstein.webm (854x480 2.89 MB, 3.16M)

Attached: harvey_compound_growth.webm (320x240, 7.34M)

Attached: jameson_the_army.webm (500x280 7.89 MB, 7.61M)

Attached: jameson_dictatorship.webm (480x270 6.55 MB, 7.43M)

Attached: jameson_base_vs_superstructure.webm (400x224, 7.83M)

this is awesome

Attached: neoliberalism.webm (854x480, 257.35K)

Attached: 1993 - Russians Defending Soviet Union.webm (320x180, 12.82M)

Attached: (Ain't Done Nothing if You Ain't Been Called a Red).mp4 (640x360, 9.39M)

Great thread.

My idea!
Every thought I have I just know someone else has thought it before me. Seeing proof of it doesn't bother me though. Who is this guy?

Love Soleri

Attached: DIVISIÓN 251 - NAZIS MORENITOS (SPANISH HARD BASS).mp4 (480x360, 8.51M)

I really enjoyed this.

Why the Chinese subtitles?

Also have two memes.

Attached: Michael Parenti - Race Gender and Class Struggle.mp4 (480x360 3.49 MB, 119.6K)

So someone from group 1 can never hang out with someone from group 4?

A long dead functionary of Technocracy Inc.

I would advise that you pay closer attention to the video.
A work shift would only last for four hours, leaving plenty of time in the day for people of different work groups to socialise with each other.
That is not even mentioning the fact that workers could simply request transfers to different work groups or shifts within specific work groups if they desired.

Attached: Technocracy Calendar.gif (611x274, 30.87K)

What's the date of this innovation being suggested and what makes it "technocratic"?

Because I'm getting flashbacks of early 1930s and Soviet five-day weeks (a.k.a. "nepreryvka").

1919/20 by the Technical Alliance.
However as with much of the concepts that would be advocated by the later Technocracy Inc, it can be traced back to Veblen.

In-and-of-itself, nothing.
But it is a small piece of a larger 'Technocratic Design'.
That is, a fundamentally utilitarian blueprint for a new society with the goal of maximising human happiness; Accomplished via the maximisation of material abundance and human leisure time.
Non-Socialist post-scarcity basically.

Attached: DSCN0821.jpg (1024x768, 154.68K)

That's probably it, then. It seemed weird for Soviets to adopt ideas of Technocracts directly.

But this is the same as saying that iPhones are inherently Capitalist.

I mean, the character of the system is defined by the method that is use to arrive at solutions, not solutions themselves. Any system can rely on "a small piece of a larger 'Technocratic Design'"

Are you saying technocracy is impossible without post-scarcity?

Well Veblen was certainly inspired by them after they had taken power.
So much so that he was expelled from the Technical Alliance for proposing a system of governance that was counter to Technocracy; A 'Soviet of Engineers'.
This decidedly non-Technocratic proposal is actually what the newspapers of the period picked up on when Technocracy Inc was gaining momentum and they needed a smear/dis-information campaign to damage it.
This successful propaganda campaign actually why to this very day the popular definition of 'Technocracy' involves some silly suggestion of a dictatorship of engineers and scientists.
It is also why I tend to avoid the term 'Technocracy' when discussing these ideas.

I honestly do not see the connection with what I said.
I apologise if I caused any confusion, but all that I meant was that the calendar was basically just a cog in a wider Technocratic machine; Its in the greater Technocratic whole is what makes it Technocratic, not anyone aspect of it individually.
Sort of like how a small piece of red glass is individually just a small piece of red glass, but when seen with a greater whole of other arranged coloured glasses can be understood as a part of a beautiful stained glass window.

What I'm saying is that Technocracy aims to organise society so that a post-scarcity, post-labour, luxury state can exist for all of humanity; Using modern technology.
The only way for a nation to achieve the same without Technocratic organisation would be with Star Trek like energy to matter replicators, technology that is centuries in the future if it can exist at all.

Attached: Technocracy_Automation_Trex.jpg (1030x522, 242.05K)

The second webm is the only good one in the entire thread.

Attached: niggerfaggot.webm (800x450, 2.9M)

I guess you should go back to your board then.

Attached: Time To Talk About Jobs.webm (480x360, 3.58M)

that dore guy
sometimes i groan at the stuff he says but usually
he's on fire and i love him
when he starts getting real passionate and yells out his frustrations
i'd be so wet for him if i were a real girl

webm unrelated, just starting to dump some, sry if doubleposts but i dont think i saw any

Attached: soviet women remember socialism.webm (500x375, 11.15M)

Attached: on coldbeer.webm (1920x1080, 8.45M)

oh come on for fucks sake…

Attached: world rate of profit happening.webm (1280x720, 8.97M)

Attached: Thälmannfilm Solidaritätslied.webm (640x360, 8.45M)

what the fuck? "flood" my ass, this is BS

Attached: Verteidigungskräfte DDR.webm (474x360, 8.36M)

i regret that last sentence

Attached: Einheitsfrontlied Soviet.webm (720x544, 9.93M)

Attached: This is what Nazis actually believe.webm (622x474 6.2 MB, 6.77M)

[History Channel furiously takes notes]

Attached: degradation.webm (640x360 5.75 MB, 5.94M)

Attached: Rodina.webm (480x360 3.92 MB, 1.48M)

Attached: Imperialism.webm (960x540, 7.95M)

Attached: air assault unit kabul.webm (854x480 3.83 MB, 3.99M)

Attached: Bolshoe kosmicheskoye puteshestvie.webm (640x262, 12.76M)

Attached: jeremycunt.webm (640x360 2.3 MB, 4.17M)

Attached: MANIFESTO OF THE NEO-POL POTIST PARTY.webm (1280x720 3.93 MB, 2.3M)

Attached: Why did you call Trotsky.mp4 (640x360 6.19 MB, 3.53M)

Attached: 1 Maja 1975 - Szczecin.webm (640x360 2.81 MB, 8.03M)

Never knew h had such a thin voice.

Do you know the music or origin of the second video?

people always are surprised, western propaganda thinks they have to give him a deep voice to make him look more evil
i was asking around for the music or a youtube link too and sadly got and found nothing so far on that second webm

lmao that third one

I was bored and decided to make a quick powerpoint.

Attached: Socialism2.webm (1280x720, 10.25M)

Attached: 2016 7th WPK Congress Opening.webm (640x360, 5.78M)

holy fuck is that kim speaking
no way that's his real voice

Cigarettes and fried chicken will do that

did you really believe he talked like those high-pitched racist caricatures?

It is his real voice.

Attached: Kim Il sung's, Kim Jong il's, Kim Jong Un's Voice.webm (640x360, 3.52M)

Source for the third one?

It may be strange, but it reminds me of Alex Jones's voice…

He sounds like someone who has been drinking and smoking his whole life.

Oswald did NOT kill Kennedy.
Terrible meme.

Christ that was shit. Please read some theory before attempting to educate others.

holy fuck kim il sung is like brezhnev turned to 11
kinda terrifying

dude's a rare gem

I wish I was Marx's great great grandson.

Attached: 465465a1f41b235e0b968aad00a3626fcd07a60b18a0f3a2b53629964524fd72.jpg (330x258, 16.5K)

I mean, I don't want to be him literally, but rather that I wish I was related in a similar way.

It sucks that little joey marx is a class traitor though

The late Simon Federor Bahst is a little known pre marx communist theorist you guys should find interesting

Attached: AncientEthicalCornsnake-mobile.mp4 (640x360, 2.35M)

I mean, this is spooky but how dare be betray his Grandfather and be just a shitlib.

Apparently I am related to pic related.

Attached: serveimage(8).jpg (640x479, 18.69K)