John McNaughton

Have you guys seen this shit? This guy produces academic art glorifying Trump as some sort of Jesus. It reminds me about an article I saw that was talking about a "new golden age of art" with Trump being the golden patron of a new Renaissance.

Take notice of the last picture. It's an American Libertarian businessman helping Jesus as Mother Theresa, Marx and Lenin are cheering for his execution.

His website:
It's quite unbelievable. If you had told me that five years ago I would not have believed it.

Attached: viadolorosa.jpg (1200x973 1.29 MB, 1.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:

People who unironically enjoy this art and agree with its message will make fun of DPRK and other socialist countries for their "personality cults" in the same breath

classic americans kek

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LMAO that last picture has some many famous historical figures in it
He literally placed everyone he doesn't like in that picture.

Some more of his stuff

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The thing is, he seems to dislike literally everybody that did some good. I mean Osama and Hitler are there, but it's a whacky obsession that literally everybody, Marx, Mother Theresa, Jean d'Arc, Charles Darwin were all part of the evil masonic conspiracy trying to destroy Christianity. Only a le middle class entrepreneur is what Jesus wanted.

I am baffled.

Do American lolberts hate both Roosevelts for some reason?

Eh I don't think he intended to say that everyone there is bad. I went and looked up the picture on his website and it says

Still incomprehensible though

DPRK has better art, but yeah, it's exactly how a North Korean painter would portray Kim Jong Il.

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I think you are right, but if you look at Marx and Lenin, they are clearly designed to cheer for Jesus to be crucified.

Kek what the fuck thats some of the most well made weirdest pop-art parody art ive seen.
Fucking the last pic has almost every somewhat important political figure in it from the last few centuries.

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Whose boot do you have to lick to get that sort of title?

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based Napoleon

WTF even is the last one
So any political Ideology including Protestantism Catholicism and Liberalism (Washington and Napoleon) that dosent suck trumps dick hates Jesus basically?

Bit off topic but has anyone noticed that Libs like to give Dolan shit for draft dodging during Nam when that was actually one of the most Human and least retarded things dolan ever did?

Why are Hitler, Stalin, bin Laden, G. Washington, Darwin, Columbus, and Henry VIII there? Wtf is this supposed to represent?

Admit it you nicked that line from Chapo.

That is good art.

Oh good. Two most useless things, now put together. I am sure this "academic" "art" will "inspire" trillions to do things and other buzzwords…

"Art" and "academy" is utterly useless. It does nothing. I will take a factory over "academy" any day. I will take a kalashnikov or even sturmghewer over a piece of "art" any day. I will take someone with the skills to build a machine or an engine over someone with a skill to sculpt or paint any day. All this art shit is completely useless.

Call me when they start building howitzers and munition factories, not when they draw trump, lmaooooo


Obviously Lincoln was based, but pretty sure he violated the constitution when he was BTFOing rebel scum.

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Also why does the guy helping Jesus look like Justin Trudeau?

I still cannot get used to this timeline.

"Academic Art" is a technical term describing a very specific style of art.

The state of modern day politics..

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They were completely different intellectually but I bet they would hang out if they met

Has the cycle of lionizing our shit presidents contracted? It took like 5-10 years for the right wing types to lionize Reagan after his failed presidency, right after ignoring the economic hiccup that was his the largest crash since the great depression at the time. Have we now reached the point of the permanent personality cult? Between Trump and Obama I feel like we have.


He's no Ben Garrison, but still incredibly based.

Attached: President Donald Trump.jpg (1200x946, 341.45K)

America is really the planet's biggest cringe compilation

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peak American derp

pretty sure lolberts call them communists, so yeah.

Mao seems more bored than anything else.

he was a borderline dictator (based), he probably voilated the constitution more than any other president (also based)

I thought lolbets loved Teddy "epic bacon" Roosevelt because of his trust busting even though that contradicts their views on government intervention in the economy.

Lincoln is unironically a good example to give to liberals of how repression of reactionaries is sometimes necessary and good in times of internal conflict

It's an extremely basic insight that should be obvious to anyone even slightly left of center

is Sherman basically the liberal's version of a tanky?

True but he wasn't the first, that was ya boi Ollie Cromwell

Teddy Roosevelt was actually skeptical of trust-busting but did it to get the petty-bourg vote. He seemed to think that bigger companies could pay more and therefore the real issue was overcoming corporate resistance to trade union activism; how pro-labor he really was I don’t know, but he didn’t actually believe that trust-busting was effective in the slightest.

The liberal ☭TANKIE☭ row of heads:

He’s looking at Jesus thinking “I can’t believe this nigga’s brother is responsible for way more deaths in my country than me and somehow I’m the bad guy”.

Feel fucking ashamed of yourself, these are two of the most Democrat Cops of America tier posts I've ever seen on this board.

IIRC Rockefeller actually get richer afterwards because his stocks were worth more in the separate companies than they were all in Standard Oil


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Fuckhin' hell, that picture is messy. You can't even bloody tell who or what he's rooting for or against. Yea, he goes trough a pile shit that happened under Obama, but I didn't expect to see the day I'd love to have some Garrison-tier labeling explaining the context and relation of each and every one of these dozens of fucking cluttered details have to the picture itself.

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Dr. Garrison knows that leftists are brainlets, that's why he includes his helpful labels.

Attached: bengarrison.jpg (2040x1491, 1.55M)

I found Waldo!

I like the pentagram that only says

The fuck

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Imagine if the DPRK had a mount Rushmore with all three Kims on it. You’d never hear the end of it


why does art that actually takes technical skill to create cause you jews to universally lose your shit so much? genuinely curious. is your aversion to this kind of imagery innate? or did your Jewish parents raise you to hate it?

why are you kikes so spiritually sick?

plz don't ban me, I am genuinely asking

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Because only the white man has the skill to produce it and it fills us with jealousy. The only solution to this is to bring about the end of the white man's line as was planned by the elders of Zion.

you forgot bаboons

These pictures represent a nice little

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does he think that SJW stands for "socialism justice warrior"

Attached: socialismjusticewarrior.png (202x110, 60.96K)

the jokes write themselves

I thought it stood for Supplicating Jew Worship.

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how does every single face he paints make a perfect reaction image

He at least can do an honest depiction of Trump's physique unlike Garrison. However someone should really tell him that God hates America.

there may be hope for him
this piece entitled "Obama Foreign Policy" is actually pretty woke

Attached: obama-foreign-policy-49973.1425102124.1280.1280.jpg (1000x1253, 1.67M)

This is like Latuff if he painted

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I like how in the first one with Obama and the constiution he wanted to look smart so he painted every single american president but he's too historically illiterate to actually know what each of their individual responses to Obama doing that would be so apart from the first row he just gave them all vacant expressions and then in the second one he just gave up completely lmao

I mean "DSA making shitty jokes" literally describes Chapo Trap House to a T so yeah

No description of Chapo is complete without pointing out they're goons.

I don't think the Chapo guys would disagree with you there

he has a youtube channel where he explains the meanings behind his paintings:

He's a genius and single-handedly created the school of American Realism.

Attached: liberalismisadisease_resized1.jpg (750x600, 143.83K)

weres obama?

Attached: 1f3.jpg (650x632, 83.92K)

While Stalin has the correct reaction he’s going for, I find it funny that he must have forgotten that when he was painting Lenin and Marx he must have forgotten that he was depicting Christ bloodied and carrying his cross. It gives the impression that while the “good Christians” are distressed at what they’re seeing, they’re resigned to the events unfolding, while Marx and Lenin are genuinely pissed off about it and are getting up to do something about it.

Attached: D6228B79-6792-4A0C-B3ED-4F13B3CCC9C6.jpeg (1024x711, 180.2K)

It's so obvious that you are completely deluded when your whole arguments boils down to "look ad dis :DDD is dis u want?"
>How's that global warming thing going?

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"it snowed today" is my favorite argument against global warming

These paintings helped me to realize that America is a complete mockery of creation. It's an abomination of history that will be destroyed.

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McNaughton is very American yeah. I've seen some comments (not here, interestingly enough) that he makes "fascist art" but it's too… wistful (maybe?) to be fascist. McNaughton is a grandpa barely betraying a hint of tears from the corner of his eyes as his grandson learns to fish. It's simply too Christian to be fascist, which is to say that fascism is more Pagan and goes for the will-to-power and body worship stuff and that isn't really reflected in McNaughton's work.

If anything the art is disgustingly right liberal. In his mind Trump is restoring America to what is was prior to Obama. It's just boomer idealism really.

I don't think I've ever seen any books called 'Justice Warrior' or just 'Socialism'. Can't this wanker think of any real books?

Did Trump just tread on a snake? lol, Libertarians btfo.

Is that supposed to be a metaphor for the border wall? Yeah, a fuckin' picket fence'll keep the Mexicans out.
Pic related.

I take it this guy doens't believe the Qanon thing?

Oh, this is grand.

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I hope these become popular in America just for shits and gigs

Yeah. And saccharine.

almost everyone on the American right is fundamentally liberal even (especially?) if they claim otherwise

I was talking to a Brazilian fellow on another forum the other day and he said: you Americans don't get it, your right is different and buys into the free-market ethos and federalism. Our right is not like that. We have the right-wing liberals too but we also have those who are "all-within-the-state" and that's because we underwent an actual right-wing dictatorship.

Where I live (Texas) you'll see these guys in their 40s with Pinochet meme avatars pushing… Ted Cruz for Senate. You know Ted Cruz's big thing is having a *weak* federal government with power devolved to the regions ("states" here), right?

I mean, of course you know that. But in America it's just like meme ideologies running amok but it's fundamentally liberal all the way down.

America has a lot of weird people. Weird Christians. Weird liberals. Weird conservatives.

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Not Glazunov tier but getting there.

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It's not woke at all if he thinks Trump does not do the exact same shit.

How divorced from reality do you have to be to think of Trump as some kind of Andy Griffith style father figure teaching the youth to fish?

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Get a life

Is this what a stroke looks like?

how have yall not seen this negation?

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This is really good art.

He should be drawing art for some vidya.

Nixon looking like a bawss in the back row.