why does Zig Forums hate on liberalism?
state some of it's flaws, pl0x.
how do i identify a liberal?
why does Zig Forums hate on liberalism?
state some of it's flaws, pl0x.
how do i identify a liberal?
Because liberalism is the ideology of the bourgeois?
I assume you mean modern rainbow liberalism.
We hate it because despite pretending to be progressive, liberals wholly support the status quo and fracture the working class with identity politics.
To know if someone is a liberal, simply ask if they think class struggle is important. If they say "no" or "yes but fighting racism/sexism/whiteness/whatever is more important", they are a liberal.
It promises rights on paper but fails to deliver on them unless they are directly related to property rights (and few people own property under capitalism.)
Liberalism is capitalism. Everything from socdem to neocon to fascism are liberal. Hating capitalism is the entire point of this board.
its the dominant ideology of capitalism and its ruling class the bourgeoisie, things Zig Forums dislikes.
its idealist and reactionary, its proponents being the biggest opponents of socialism.
if they support capitalism but aren't a fascist they may be a liberal
if they call themselves a liberal they may be a liberal
if they regularly read liberal news and regurgitate liberal talking points they may be a liberal
if they support liberal political parties they may be a liberal
if they shill for western foreign interventionism and imperialism they may be a liberal
if they're a zionist they may be a liberal
if they compulsively encourage the proliferation of fascism in the public sphere they may be a liberal
if they denigrate class struggle or advocate for identity politics as a means of political mobilisation they may be a liberal
Well look at hillary.
She was a liberal yet what did she offer the working class other than identity politics.
She was even pro free market.
This makes me think of Jeff Foxworth’s, “ You may be a redneck” jokes
If you think the military defends your freedom…you may be a liberal
If you think the only difference between value and price is whether it’s on sale….you may be a liberal
If you think your self intrests lies with your boss….you may be a liberal
If you think the Anarchists are punk rock enthusiasts…..you may be a liberal
If you think the Democrats are just moderate communists……you may be a liberal.
If you think human rights are good but seizing the means of production is bad…..you may be a liberal
Just spit balling, they ain’t all gonna be gold.
If you think the only difference between Stalin and Hitler is how big their mustaches were……you may be a liberal.
If you think “Surplus Value” is a Walmart store brand……you’ll want to confirm this with a licensed specialist…..but…….you may be a liberal.
That last leftist point sounds liberal tbh
I don't "hate" liberalism. As of this time it is no longer revolutionary, as it was in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Because majority of western liberals are brainwashed by anti leftist propaganda into being afraid that communism always failed and has killed billions. They have also been manipulated into blindly fallowing bad identity politics like ,,more black billionaires, and more transgender imperialistic generals''
basically this, although I personally do despise modern liberalism as it tends to reject any sort of economic solution for the problems of modern capitalism, instead falling for the neoliberal concept that "There is no alternative" proposing instead that all of the ills of the present mode of production are social and as such the only solutions that can be drawn are social solutions. This is also why IdPol groups are typically economic liberals, believing that capitalism is fine as is, we just need to make it look better or make it work for one social group in particular.
Liberalism upholds the rights of private property and is pro-market.
Communism is the abolishment of private property and worker ownership of the means of production.
Read Das Kapital if you want to learn about the faults of capitalism and thus the flaws of liberalism, if I had to do it in my own words I would say that the biggest flaws with liberalism that can be witnessed right now is that it is an inefficient political force at combating the biggest problems we are seeing today, such as climate change, wealth inequality and racism.
Liberals can be identified by the fact that they are pro-markets, pro-authority, support private ownership and often believe in compromises between the proletariat and bourgeoisie to be preferable to revolutionary action, also a strong belief in the (so-called) democratic system which is that we all have a vote and our political involvement measures to voting for things we like and not much else.
Note that liberalism is right-wing and center-left, republicans and democrats are both liberal.
Liberalism can occasionally present itself as something transformative, but it fails to actually live up to its own self-regard.
Qiushi Journal, the organ of the Communist Party of China's Central Committee, Vol.3 No.4, October 2011:
it's spreading delusions about capitalism and tries to bind the people with left phrases while enabling anti worker policies
even murdering proles, they'll find excuses for it because that's what they do
either by exposing his capitalism apologism or when they post gay chinese cats and ask stupid obvious questions ;3
I really enjoy the Harry Potter one.
(Social) Liberalism is Rainbow Capitalism. It distracts people from the hell they're in because "hey gays and minorities, lmao!"
This embodies why people hate western liberals. This idiots has no knowledge, yet he pretends to be a simply because he supports abortion. Worst thing is that nazis will pretend that this guy is and normies will dislike leftism even more
Because it's a dead ideology, similar to social democracy.
A social liberal position, at one point, used to mean having at least some decent public services and believing that unions and collective bargaining play some role in curtailing the excesses of markets.
Now, since we've been living in the "Third Way" hellscape for several decades, politics doesn't actually mean anything since liberals and conservatives uphold the same economic policy.The difference is, if you're a liberal you support imperialism with civil rights, and if you're a conservative you also support them but slightly grudgingly and complain about LGBT rights here and there so there's some kind of debate.
Liberalism loves private property. It's a bunch of hollowed promises, companies world wide treating their employees like dog shit. This strange propaganda PR companies put out and pretend to care about social issues, they are just masking their true intentions, and people eat that shit up. Liberalism is also dangerous in some ways because people get very comfortable with the status quo. Bourgeois love modern liberalism.
I saw this post on the Chapo Trap House subreddit (bite me) and I thought it was pretty insightful, though in the context of the American two-party system:
Because it's the status quo and look how far it's gotten us.
Hypocrisy. May be called "nuance".
If you stripped liberalism of all hypocrisy, it'd be fascism.
Cool it with the misogyny, bernie-bro!
Liberalism is good in theory, but it simply doesn't work, because of materialist nature.
Liberalism at it heart has no grand ambitions as it confident on making token chances to the status quo. Notice with the disillusion of the USSR, liberals adopted the theory that history was over, that there was not grand undertaking to be done. With the growing rust belt, liberals just shrugged as if was preordained by God and there was nothing humans could do about it.
Because there unironically are people in America who do not deserve to live. Kulaks and fascists are running amok free and liberals would have you tolerate their existence.
Trumpist kulak farmers: youtube.com
Heather Heyer dying: youtube.com
Brett "Droit Du Seigneur" Kavanaugh: youtube.com
There are people in American politics that simply deserve to - after having a fair and free trial under socialist law - executed. Liberals will never let that happen. Liberals will never allow the legal execution of wreckers like that.
It's a way-cool business friendly pressure release valve for disgruntled leftists.
I'm fine with liberalism. I mean, the liberal order needs to be completely dismantled and reformism is a dead end, but liberalism is far superior to the ideologies preceding it in the same way that its dialectical successor is a serious progression beyond liberalism itself and as such but at the same time of and from a liberal historical moment.
Keynesian liberalism was okay. Friedmanite neoliberalism is a joke tbat begs for death.
Because Marxism arises from following Enlightenment ideas to their logical limit. Liberalism is half baked. Most Liberals sort of like the idea of Marxism, but think it's too complex.